Saturday, December 31, 2022

Russian Calculate Linux has become active.

Russian Calculate Linux has become active.

Probably after my comment Russians have become active and Calculate Linux based on Debian Unstable Branch has many desktops.

I am downloading cinnamon desktop.

Its download speed is super fast.
It does not boot with my NUC but boots live on my PC.
Beautiful distribution.

Updating Your Linux PC with Daily Power Cuts

 Updating Your Linux PC with Daily Power Cuts

It is nearly 5 AM in the morning and I decided to Update 338 packages which I purposely delayed.

I am not a guy who go for daily update.

I use few utilities and if they work OK, why bother.

Most of the updates were for LibreOffice Firefox and X System and System V Init and GRUB boot loader.

It took nearly 45 minutes.




Thankfully there were no power outages and it is almost over.

Be careful when updating in Ceylon. 

Mind you unlike in Windows not rebooting and I could get to the Internet and blog this while update was on.

Mind You I did use Dialog WiFi with a Ethernet Jack fearing pure wireless may be slow.

Data transfer is fast with Ethernet which Linux is good at.

Wireless work with Linux I am cautious.

By the way, it went into dark mode,which I am not going to change to save current usage.

My NUC is using about 15 Watts.

That is lovely.

K3B and December 31

Let me start with the BAD News.
The Iso Image of Free BSD was defective and did not match.
So I did not write it on. DVD.
The Ubuntu 21.10 took a long time to write but was not happy ending the session.
Yet it booted but could not drive into install mode.
Endless OS and Debian 15.1.6 writing went OK.
I will boot Debian now.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Pardus Gnome not Impressive

Pardus Gnome not Impressive

I downloaded Pardus Gnome and was very disappointed.
I has virtually killed the Debian's Gnome feel and good looks. 
Trying to reinvent the wheel is not a good idea.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

American Politics

 The book Alien Saga is coming out soon

This is a Satire Piece not real!

Joe Biden is a similar Guy who has signed off on Ukraine War!

Military Industrial Complex (MIC) which  Rockefeller brothers help to  create has taken over America and its world affairs!

 American Politics

When the Truman term ended in 1953, General Eisenhower, the golfing President entered office. The General knew exactly how to fight battles and win wars.

Just command someone to do it while he went golfing.

Eisenhower's cabinet contained two of the most evil men in the world since WWII - the Dulles brothers. Kissinger, Dick Cheney, David Eddington, Karl Rove and Elliot Abrams come pretty close in matching them in evil. One brother was the Secretary of State and the other one was Director of the CIA.

And then there was Nelson Rockefeller he was no stranger to secrecy and the intelligence agencies and Eisenhower had already assigned him chairmanship of the President's Advisory Committee on Government Reorganization.            In addition Rockefeller was appointed the head of the Operations Coordinating Board responsible for integrating the implementation of national security policies - the OCB included the Under Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the President's Special Assistant for Psychological Warfare. The ET phenomenon had been well analyzed by the military by then. The report that Nelson Rockefeller saw was devastating, it basically predicted the end of world as he knew it. Nelson Rockefeller was reputedly a 'liberal', eastern republican, not like the narrow minded ones from the south. However, Nelson also believed in the 'American Way' and the superiority of 'Western Civilization'. He was proud of his white, Anglo Saxon heritage, American capitalism and his Christian upbringing. He was also an internationalist who believed in spreading these American/European values across the world through evangelizing.

The other earthly races were the white man's burden and he would show them the right way to live.

But these ETs were going to spoil all that.

They appeared to be far more advanced and superior.

They even talked in terms of peace and brotherhood.

If the world at large found out about these superior beings, why would they bother with what he and America had to say?

It would be the end of American and Anglo Saxon domination.

It may even be the end of capitalism.

With cheap, unlimited energy sources like the ETs promised, the third world would advance at a rapid pace.

All poverty and want would be eliminated.

Within a couple of decades, they would catch up with the West.

With free energy and technological progress, the countries with the highest population would be the most powerful.

China and India would be dominant with the US a distant third.

Christian beliefs and dogmas were also at risk.

This would never do.

The ETs had to be outwitted and defeated.

The world was to be united against the ETs under the leadership of America and its allies.

Of course with clean, free energy, there would be no pollution, no climate change, no global warming, no poverty, no starvation but these were not the problems of the 50s and 60s in America nor considerations for the 'free market' republicans who wanted the market to fix all these problems.

Truman and his team had done a good job keeping the ET information from the public but now it was time to take it further underground, not only would the public not know about, it would be hidden from all elected officials as well.

Nobody but those within military/intelligence complex who were already involved with ETs would have that information and any others would get to know only by invitation from those already in it.

This group would be financed completely off the books, by black budgets from the CIA and other agencies or from friends in the know in private industry (banking, defense and energy/oil companies) or even self financed by illegal activities when necessary.

The ultimate cover up had begun.

The private industry partners in this black project were  very likely led by Nelson's brother David Rockefeller. Together with other European banking families, US defense contractors and energy interests, the two Rockefeller brothers (or at least Nelson alone) would help the US intelligence communities (CIA/NSA/NRO etc) manage the operation.

The golfing president signed off on it and essentially signed himself out of the loop without quite understanding what he had done.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Newspapers and YouTube

Newspapers and YouTube

 It looks like, all Sri-Lankan papers have gone into a BIG slump.

Equally, YouTube is almost dead in Ceylon.

Either the public have lost interest due to economic hits or they do not believe in news circulating.

I do not want to name them two of the political papers have  NOT updated their web papers for over six months.

This is a very bad sign for a working democracy.

Globally speaking,

Both BBC / CNN are outlets for the democratic party and Biden.

Fox news is for the Republicans.

What is really happening in Ukraine is not a mystery but a meat grinder for poor and ill trained recruits.

It is estimated over 150,000 ( probably 30 to 50,000 foreign recruits mainly Polish) Ukrainian backers and 30 to 500,00 gone missing in action).

The numbers are colossal but nobody seems to go for negotiations and there is callous disregard for human life.

It is Christmas and Nobody in the Vatican has the backbone to speak out,

Is it fear?

Is it the connivance to one of the parties?

These are the answers the global citizen like me expects from real people from real politicains.

None left in UK and USA.

Saturday, December 24, 2022



The man can climb

The highest mountain

On this planet Earth

Yet, he cannot fly

Like a bird

In desperation

He created

A flying object

Called aero-plane

Which runs on fuel


The entire planet

He has landed

On the Moon

On the first attempt

Without making

A single mistake

Yet the scientific projection

Is and was

That man cannot penetrate

The Van Allen Belt

Without radiation sickness

Which is lethal

In less than five minutes

Only thing

A man is good at

Is lying even

To mother and his or her

Fellow beings

My only hope

During the Christmas Celebrations

Do not lie

If your pocket is empty

And do not buy on credit

Which you cannot afford

With your own earning

Let the politicians lie


That they will

Bring rice and gold

From Moon or heaven

When the price of oil

Filling a tank

Going up

  And skyrocketing

Day by day




If I do not say,

Anything about


If not Womanhood

My mother would

Be unhappy and

God only knows

Where she is now

I am happy to say

My mother never

Encouraged Falsehood

Yet, she lied to me

When my dog died

On the road by accident

I never saw the dead dog

  And the event was pushed

Under the carpet


That was my gut feeling

What I know is

Mothers lie

For their children

Instantly and perennially

In this

Country of Ceylon

I would relate

One story for posterity

An aristocratic mother

And her son

Who lived

In a rented house

To end this piece

There was a sweet

Old gentleman

On the street of Kandy

He had a lovely

Collection of books

Collected patiently

In years of his life

He gave those books

To the son

Of the aristocratic woman

And one by one

He sold them

For petty cash

When this old gentlemen

Wanted the books back

To be donated to

The Temple of the Tooth

He absconded

I confronted the mother

In their own house

In Kandy

And told her

I  have

The record of the books

And planning to take

Legal action

They disappeared

To their base

Probably in Matale

I could not and did not

Want to trace them

Back to their hometown

Problem in Ceylon is

Everybody in this blessed land

When requested

Gives a wrong address

And a wrong telephone number

I have one of my friends

Who lost a large sum of money

To a guy who pretended to buy

A plot of land belonging to him

And got a large loan

With a bogus claim 

Without any security or surety

He is still trying to trace the Guy

The recent Shaft

And Shafter incident

Is nothing more

But an aberration

Of trying to frame a guy

And the act going awry


Friday, December 23, 2022

NuTyX Linux from France

NuTyX Linux from France

I downloaded the 2 GB Enlightenment Desktop.

It boots up and did not mess up with my NUC BIOS.

I was annoyed it did not have Ceylon or Sri-Lanka in it's list.

It is a French Development say multi-linugual and Ceylon or Sri-Lanka was not included.

French are supposed to be diplomatic!

If you are a Ceylonese do not USE it.

These Guys thinks Ceylon is part of India.

Font selection of the Desktop was huge which was good for a old guy like me but not for a newbie.

Desktop has no aesthetic value if you compare it to DeepIn or Star Linux from Russia.

It has a long way to go.

This only a brief test report and I won't use at all in my life. 

They are trying to come out with large selection of desktops and none can beat Plasma 5 of Debian. 

It is far better for them to select only one desktop preferably Plasma and add tits and bits from France.

But Good Luck for future development.


One Night of TROUBLE with Linux


This was posted in 2015, seven years on we are not better.

This is partly due to Corona Virus  Pandemic Effect and bashing Russians for EU's and America's own fault lines.

Ukraine WAR is an antithesis now and people are in the dark in most of Europe.

Linux may not recover at all, Linus Torvalds is in America.

In the Rush to post before Christmas and New year Holidays Developers make lot of mistakes.

It is similar to how Steam OS was STAGE managed.

Nobody has a Steam OS to test drive.

I am talking about the DECK.

Where as lot of other play stations with equal merit have surfaced.

My advice enjoy the holidays and try these new ones in 3 months time when most of the bugs are fixed.

One Night of TROUBLE with Linux

I was trying to upgrade my computer with Linux derivatives and take an early Christmas Break.

I list the Linux Nuances not on any order of merit here.

All these are Human Errors and can be rectified.

I believe all the Linux developers are DOING a great JOB but by rushing to put out the distribution before Christmas leave behind some ugly nuances.

They should be excused for minor lapses.

1. Peppermint FRONT end is DARK and UGLY.

I get a headache after few minutes of work.

2. LibreOffice has no Thesaurus in Linux.

3. Ubuntu 14.04 takes four hours,mind you it is not their fault;

(my Internet speed is down to 5 KB / per second by default action by the service provider; I Pay over Rs.8000 per month and get only 20 GB of downloads which I finish in one day of downloads and the rest of the month GO snail space even to read my email.

This they CALL a Five Star Service.

I hope during the Christmas holiday at least, they allow a leeway.

But at the end of the installation delete them which also takes a bit of time.

Why can't they Install first in English and give the USER to download his or her language afterwards?

4. Knoppix 7.6 is beautiful on a Live Session But has a major glitch.

I downloaded the English version and Installed it to reiserfs partition.

It is not in English but probably in Danish.

I tried to convert it to English at boot time but it boots so fast that touching the Del Key or F2 has no effect.

5. Boot loaders are finicky, especially Knoppix but it gives the option of not installing it and configure manually.

6. None of them detect the UEFI based Window's 8 in my second hard drive.

I deliberately shifted its UEFI partition.

7. DVD booting of Pinguy, and Knoppix were halted abruptly due to sectors not written properly on the boot disk.

They were burned by K3B on Peppermint.

One disk did not finish writing on it.

I am not a novice to Linux and I have gone through these nuances many a times, I can tolerate all this in one night of Linux Dance BUT what I cannot tolerate is our Telecom restricting my access to Internet at 5 KB per second.

It is killing me softly.

I take my hat off for all the developers.

I am making these comments before Microsoft guys trying to bash (not the bash script) your back with critical comments.

If YOU hear these comments from a Microsoft Guy / Girl please ignore them and have a PATCH ready by January.

Mind you Microsoft takes one year to patch their faults by that time they release a new edition for which you have to PAY.

Only foolish guys PAY for their own faults and make Microsoft Rich by many a Miles.

You Guys/Girls need a holiday and you richly deserve a holiday.

In any case I am going into recess any time from now and if you do not hear from me please do not assume I am dead and gone with the wind.

I will be back with all cylinders firing at top level.

Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year  2023.

Warning for Linux Guys and Girls

Warning for Linux Guys and Girls

 1. AV Linux is pretty Good.

2. I have tested after long lapse Arch (ARCH becoming user friendly) based Blue-Star Linux and it is very pleasing.

3. Manjaro I have not tested but if arch based Blue-Star is good, I have no reservations on Manjaro.

4. MX Linux on the top is not my favorite.

5. Kali I never use.

The bottom  line is unlike Windows and Mac Os there are plenty of Linux distributions to choose.

Be choosy about commercial distributions like Redhat, Suse and even Zorin!

You become their prey.

Test a few and only master one for your long term use.


I have few reservation for Live Linux distributions.

The new developer guys leave a nasty script in your USB stick that cannot be erased for re-use of the USB for another purpose.

Not only that it interferes with my NUC BIOS which accept any USB stick to boot and ignore the master boot record in my S.S.D (there is no problem with my old PC, which has a master boot record).

 I am guy who test these distributions and provide a healthy feed back.

I recommend one to use only Ubuntu Linux and a few of Ubuntu derivatives and Mint,

Sparky Linux both Media and Game Over are good but one must have a good understanding of how Linux works to use Sparky Linux.

Emmabantus and Debian are my work horses.

If you are happy with your standard Linux distribution do not change during Christmas.

There are hackers all round this time of the year.

Enjoy the Christmas spirit with chocolates, wine and spirits and not Linux.

The rest like PoP OS, Zorin, MX Linux, PCLinux, Endless OS and few others do the bad things to your hard disk, SSD and USB disks.

After the Coronavirus pandemic Linux has not taken great strides in the computer world except a few additions of hardware to the kernel. 

The Debian's advice is not to throw away the Old BULL (the old distribution).

My advice is to look after your OLD DOG but do not bring a new Puppy!

Read my piece here on "No Dog / Puppy at Christmas".


Be prudent.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

No Dog for Christmas

This is a post I cut and paste once in every three years.

No Dog for Christmas

I should rephrase it noPuppy as a giftfor Christmas.

If you really love puppies please download Puppy Linux. The creator of this Linux distribution is a real dog lover. Not only that Puppy Linux is Puppy size but is loaded with utilities.

I can have at least a list of more than 20 or more reasons of but on top are two real life stories. This happened more than 40 years ago and 10 years ago, in the United Kingdom and Ceylon respectively. 


I was heavily involved with Neonatal Paediatric care then. I was on weekend off and listening to some music. Terry Vogan was my favourite Irish announcer on radio. Terry announced the tragic death of a baby few days old mauled to death by the owners pet dog. The day the happy family brought the baby home. Dogs are dogs and they can become extremely jealous. The police came an shot the dog but the baby did not survive. The bottom line is the dogs can be extremely jealous of a new comer.

This happened about10days before Christmas and that was the only Christmas that I could not blend with the Christmas spirit in UK.

All throughout the festive season the message was relayed "No Puppy as a pet, if one cannot care for".

Underline theme was that baby care is full time job and dog care is no different. The bone of contention here is, the doctor/s could have visited the house and made some investigations of the suitability of the house for a newborn baby with an adult dog.

The second incident was, one of my 80 old professor’s forearm was torn to pieces and needed over 40 stitches. He was terrified and the dog, his own, was not killed but transferred to a suitable foster home. He was living alone and he could not care for the dog at old age.  

We never investigated the reason for the attack but looked after the professor.

So my recommendations are;

One has to be 40 to 45years old, to properly care for a dog who lives till the owner is 60 plus and showing all the signs of old age disabilities. This the crisis period in life, the children are teens and won't listen to you. The dog is an outlet to divert ones attention from growing but rebellious kids.

The paradox is the children also use the dog as aPunching Bagto let their frustration out.     

For a single man or women, the success or failure in career is immaterial, it is a good companion.

If not successful in career, to brag about the dog, not the career in office is a good option.  

A dog lives 15 to 20 years and for a single man/woman walking the dog for the last 15years of one's life is a good antidote for intermittent exogenous depression certainly not for the endogenous depression, for which one needs proper treatment under supervision.

Besides, the dog ages fast and it is a preview of ones old age chronic illnesses, including 





gout and 

many more. 

Mind you dog care is more expensive than medical care in USA/UK and France.

Best advice is not have a dog at all if you do not have Money and Time!

Please do not be enticed by the Christmas films involving dogs but enjoy the film instead.

Monday, December 19, 2022

No Entry For Football

Thanks to Organizers who did a excellent job by staging it in the Middle east.

I did not watch football at all except the match of Portugal and Morocco where a young football star Ramos displayed his skill well ahead of Renaldo.

Lionel Messy is my favorite and my gut feeling was Argentina will win not by penalty kicks but by a single goal.

It is painful to  watch football match for over 90 minutes and not see a goal.

I wanted the French to lose just like UK for secretly helping that mad guy in Ukraine who is a drug addict and an embezzler par excellence. 

British, French and more importantly Germans are "currently" slimy guys.

One cannot believe what the say and what they do like blasting the pipeline and blaming Russia.

Poland also has fallen into the ditch American have dug for them.

Angela Merkel's "spit" or 'vomit"epitomizes the Western duplicity, in politics and sports.

This War will drag on till 2024 Elections in USA and the West will have this winter better than the next.

It is a slow but steady meat grinder for the West.

Banning Russia in sports is not real cricket.

All these scenarios made me to quit all sports for good. 

But nobody should take the credit out the Argentinians who deserver te victory.

My only wish was if only  Deo Maradona lived for few more months to see the match.

He probably would have watched the match from heaven! 

Hope you enjoy the dream of a dog below.

He is not in heaven but has attained Nibbhana by "NO Entry" plea!

No Entry For Football

Posted on January 9, 2011

World Cup Football (fever) is over and the Maha Brahma (really his assistant) tells me that few of the earthly beings ended up in his salvo with request to change the honor’s list which he declined until such time the inquiry into the head butting is over. 

He was annoyed that he gave a big brain to the humans expecting them to use it wisely but not in combat as in head butt. He has set up a commission to investigate how to reduce the brain to a size (manageable in sport) needed for the current century that man including politicians can use  prudently.

Maha is also worried about the free entry of politicians including French Presidents to sport events which they do not have a clue in administering let alone enjoying.

Until such time I have to pen down a current story circulating in the heaven.

It is about a stray (Paraya) Dog of Ceylon.

This Paraya Dog of course is a resident of Kandy.

He had been frequenting a large temple, a doctor’s clinic and a lawyer’s residence in his active life. In actual fact he was visiting the rubbish heaps of those concerned.

Unfortunately he is terminally ill from a disease he contracted from the doctor’s rubbish dump.

I am not sure whether it was a dog’s dream or in fact a divine story but it goes on like this.

In his deja-vu state he happened to address the Brahma and the Brahma politely asked him what he wants to be in his next life. 

The Sandy (the adopted name for this canine specimen because of his muddy color) of course asked can I be a High Priest in my next round.

The Brahma asked why you want to attain high goals?

Sandy promptly said no Sir, judging by the type of food he eats, his liking is no different from mine he said. Then Brahma said that is not what was intended by the Buddha if you want to be a high priest the minimum code is Dasa Sil and higher and listed all the prerequisites.

Then Sandy declined saying that I was so faithful in my life I cannot do that.

What about a doctor he asked. That is OK but there is a problem. The doctors have a Code of Conduct and they also tell you don’t eat this and that (cholesterol), don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke and don’t have sex without a condom.

“But my experience is different” by the doctor I was frequenting and Maha promptly said that is typical of Ceylonese doctors and they do not practice what they preach just like others.

Then Sandy asked why not a lawyer?

It is OK but there is a hitch. He went on elaborating that lawyers have to frame and pass laws to combat all the vices the doctors and high priests claim and he is inundated with such claims and there are pressure groups claiming that some are violating human as well as animal (if a man want to be an animal like Zidene  Zidane be that so) rights.

Life is not easy on this sunny island he said.

Then Sandy asked can I be your assistant?

Well that is no problem but there is a bit of a problem. As soon as you come here I have to take leave and you are in charge and you have to wait till the Maha comes from his leave of absence.

I thought you are the Maha.

No I am his assistant and I was a Pedigree Dog not worldly wise like you and I promptly accepted his offer as an assistant. Moment I came here he went on vacation but you must know that the vacations here are counted in eons and not in days.

So you are stuck with your faith of the master!

In that case can you cancel my life entry and no entry at all for next round like the next world cup?

It is possible but there is a long waiting queue and you have to wait for at least the next Poya.

Is that OK?

Then Sandy asked why such a delay?

I am in a hurry.

You know I have to check each entry carefully and especially the CVs of all Ceylonese applications. There are lot of errors and false declarations, it is some what of a dull job. 

To tell you the truth even my entry had a long list of Pedigree dogs and Maha Brahma had to scrutinize each generation and told me “you not that pure as it claims”.

I told him it is not my fault it is the fault of the master.

He promptly accepted my innocence.

How long is your CV?

Only 4 entries in all Sandy told the Maha’s assistant.

How come?

Paraya, Paraya, Paraya and Faithful are the only entries.

I am sure of my mother but not sure of the father.

Why the hurry?

In a short while the Kandy Perehara is due we would be rounded up and sent to hell by the Kandy Municipality.

Brahma’s assistant asked no more questions and the Sandy’s request was granted promptly and he successfully attained Nibbana.

Who says an intelligent, faithful and trustworthy dog cannot attain Nirvana.

This is not the first in record, the Brahma’s assistant tells me.

PS. Zidane name was incorporated to celebrate the French Independence and no offense to him or France was intended.

14th July 2006