Thursday, December 23, 2021

Why Leaders (International) Lie

1. State to State Lies
2. Inner State lies or Fear Mongering
3. Strategic Cover up Lies
4. Mythical Lies or National Lies
5. Liberal lies

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Liés and Scientific Research Lies

I have summarized five precept of  Scientific lies.
It is very simple.
1. Lies
2. More Lies
3. Damn Lies
4. Statistical Lies
5. Fifth has synonyms
Head CDC =Fausi Lies

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Catching an Eagle in Flight

It is very difficult to catch an eagle in a film.

It is very difficult, especially when there are clouds.

Moment it spots a human being or a crow it floats above the clouds.

I believe it can see through the clouds.

It is very clever and makes a queer sound and turn around  abruptly at 90% degrees to confuse the target.

Not only vision it uses sound to lure the prey.

Today I tried half an hour to spot it in the sky (not to film it) but it evaded  me in style.

There is a nasty teen in my neighbourhood.

He had a whistle and imitated it's sound.

I gave up and it vanished.

Reason of its surveillance is to see any prey in a nearby coconut tree.

This coconut tree was felled and the guy who did it pruned the coconut leaves first.

I am pretty sure a grey with young squirrels was in it's sight.

May be a few giant multipedes were there,too.

While I was trying to spot it a giant butterfly  landed on a violet flower of one of my water plants.

It was huge and very beautiful.

Pitch black, with white spots and  a tinge of blue at the edges.

A very beautiful specimen and it vanished in a flash.

I know it will come back but I won't try catching it on my camera.

It's beauty is firmly registered in my brain

Friday, September 17, 2021

New Kid in Town

New Kid (Bird) in Town
I never so this bird again.
It is not actually biped kid in town but a pair of birds, I had never seen in my life.

The pair in my assessment getting ready to breed somewhere in our neighbourhood but by felling few trees for a guy to park his Old Hiace has made a mockery of tree  planting campaign of Ra Ja Raja, in this country.

Ra Ja Regime felled eight jack trees in one year  before 2005, and he has gone to Italy to get jack fruit "madulu" in cans on a loan from Italy.

This bird the female is smaller than the Mynah with a short tail and short break and snout.

Its appetite was voracious and swallowed at least five seeds in no time like our squirrels (the difference the squirrel take the outer shell and drops the seeds and vandalize the place).

Then it decided to groom it's feathers and have a sun bath.

Mind you it came last after other birds.

Big surprise was a pair of cranes (who come for water crabs) landed with a thud and gobbled lot of seeds.

Even the Kingfisher did come for a sun bath but never venture into fruits or seeds.

The Kerala the one which has the colour of a parrot but ugly beak like of s kingfisher was absent for long time.

A pair visited after a long time.
It is secretive and avoid all human contact.

Even two pairs of Ceylon oriole did visit today.

It is most likely heavy rain elsewhere and scarcity of food that made them to visit the palm seeds.

I am pretty sure this palm not a local one has tasty seed coating.

Attracting cranes was a mystery.

King fisher never comes to the tree but his nest dug in a mud wall nearby (cleared up  for the water pumping plant of the teacher training college).

The land is gone into wilderness and there are few but tall mulberry trees, there.

It gobbles the left over chicken bones and marrow of our Christian neighbours.

There are no crabs and the well where crabs were hiding was filled up for a Hiace parking.

My estimate is the palm bunch has about 400 seeds and it will last only a week with this food scarcity for birds with the inclement weather.

The Mulberry tree has no fruits at all.

I am praying for sunshine so that my aches and pains in the back would disappear with blood flowing to my aching spine.

Coming to the new kid the male bird who was huge waited for at least half an hour till the female had its share.

This male dominant Muslim religion and Thaliban should learn, a great lesson, if they watch this pair of birds (five times a day) before their prayers.

This applies to Japanese patriarchs, too.

Male was huge bigger than a Mynah and Babbler.

He had only a few seeds, less than five and that is why I maintain that the lady bird is getting ready for laying eggs.

Where they make their nest, I won't check.

By default they cannot breed on our garden and the young brood will be finished by one cobra or a rat snake.

We do not have rattle snakes in our neighbourhood.

The male Chameleon was spotted today and they come annually for breeding.

They dig holes in the soil and I think they dig holes in my pots made soft by watering.

I rarely see a young one.

I think the ghekos kill them.

skunk also come for breeding  on the roof of our annex not occupied for 5 years.

With Coronavirus no visitors allowed.

They have released large number  of criminals and I decided to pit a padlock for the gate.

Pretty crimes are mounting at a very alarming rate.

Tribute to Sir Clive Sinclair

Sir Clive is only a decade ahead of me.
He was the one who made me to dive and drive into computer science and electronics.

AMSTRAD computer also came around at that time but I did not fancy both of them but hooked to American Atari ( or did it come from British Hong Kong) in no time.
Many moons later in New Zealand I bought a Atari Console for my kids and I still have it in its original box ( of course it is in the attic).

I do not know how I migrated to Linux with 4MB RAM.

Sinclair has only few KB of memory and how they cramped up that memory was to record games in audio cassettes.

I tried to make a address book and it took so many hours and I gave that to one of my friends who was a mathematician (who is no more) so that his only son learns computing.

After the father's death he went into a core but never successful in academics.
I now know Linux is the only operating system that can add power to low memory from fridge to freezer to baby dolls.
That is why it is successful.

It has 28 million lines in its Kernel 15 and STEAM Dock and Drive will be soon on the market.

My ultimate aim was to make few Linux games.

Linux was devoid of games of top class then until Steam application came into existence to emulate Windows games and it is now called I think Proton.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

R.I.P. to R.I.I.

Yes Recovery Is Impossible for Our Economy.

Rest In Piece for those who advocate Printing Money to overcome our Cash Flow Deficit.

I am digitally and virtually dead till I get my foreign assets frozen by CB Governor and Acting Finance Minister.

My worry is FM is trying to artificially bring down Rupee Depreciation but on the long run I will gain since Rupee will go down rapidly and uncontrollably when artificial framework start cracking.

Food prices in the coming weeks before and after the budget will indicate where we are heading.


We take a loan to settle a loan.

The second loan is at a higher rate.

We are economically *Down the Pallan*.

In Linux of Course R.I.P is a distribution to recover lost Data.

In Linux one never lose Data anyway.

In economy we deliberately erase data to avoid persecution.

New Governors job is to erase the data and muddy the water and take all the irregular emoluments (the post is vested with) for which he does not deserve a red cent and he will elope blaming the Coronavirus.

The Coronavirus is there to take these fraudulent guys to the grave.

The vaccination may mitigate it temporarily.

The recovery is impossible with makeshift cash flow adjustments but the economic downturn Coronavirus has brought in will last more than 20 years and then only will some signs of recovery will surface.

The Coronavirus in my estimate peter out in about 20 years.

These pseudo-experts will escape like rats when the "economy ship" starts sinking.

Make hay when the sun shines is their Moto!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Joplin Open Source Note

My First Joplin Note

This is open source application I found in Endless OS.
Pretty Good.

First successful attempt of using open source note uploaded to my blog post.
Other Note applications Freezes when uploaded.
No asking of money or subscription.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Ted Dexter my Favourite English Captain

Indian murdering English in Cricket Commentary.

INDIA,  fourtir fours fors fours Wickets!

Thandurkar doing gardening!

Many more I forget.

I hope somebody, play back those commentaries in a Social Media for public consumption.

Aravindha Style Strokes Maker but 10 times stronger (the forward drive was his master class) and  twice as big as our little Aravindha,, is gone at 86.


He lived his life full and the present day, Bumpy Indian cricketers and cricketers turned journalists will wet their pants, the sight of this colossal cricketer of yesteryear, in the dressing room.

Cricket's greats do not talk but play the game according to the rules and walk out when he knows he is out.

Can any present day cricketer do that like Mahela?

Ted Dexter did it then.

Walks out like a gentleman.

Why wait for Third Umpire and Reviews?

Cricket is a spoilt game NOW and lot of greedy money

That is why I do not watch cricket.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

I have created a Hall ((hole) of Shame of Indians

This in no way should  make one eyed Nawaurd of Pataudi, the great Indian (they are the ones included in the Hall of Fame) opener from British Era, rise from grave in pain but these greats, followed the footsteps of British Cricket in pristine form, nimble footed and classic in style.

I hope Goeff Boycott makes the final phrase in current "Saga of Foul Mouths Indians".

No reprieve for them.

Bash them with what we call "BuWalla" or the Octopus skin to squash the Evil Spirits in Cricket.

Their names are put by me in Google's Alphabetical Order to be shamed until the current series is over.

I will neither watch the matches nor look at the statistics.

The Indian antics are nauseating, to say the least.

Australian and English consider Cricket Boards  should downgrade the current bizarre ranking elements (at least Withhold the Ranking until the current pandemic is over to respect the young and the old who left us in agony).

This in not time for celebration but laying Reeath for Cricket.

Survival is not Inbuilt but a careful strategy

I had many survival strategies in my childhood.

Thankfully I had timid mother and totally out of sort father.

I was born the youngest but was not a family pet.

I was not a pushover and never became a family slave.

I gradually raised to the top in the family by sometimes brute force.

I never gave any credence to the seniority and challenged guys twice my size with brute force.

When a leadership role was thrown at me I grabbed it and threw away that role onve bored.

I did not fear Priests, Principles and Caining Masters.

I was never proactive and always counteractive when freedom and fairness was challenged.
We had a great burgher sports master.

I treated our Tamil brothers equal and my best friend was Jaffna Tamil coming from an educated family.
I can remember crying when he left us.
He wanted to become a medical student but failed in three attempts and migrated ton Australia and he probably failed there too in academic activities and abruptly stop corresponding  with me.
His name is Donald Williams and if he reads this piece please make a comment below and make a direct contact.

Fortunately I never had a Muslim friend.

There were no muslims in my class.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Late Development is a boom and prevents individuals becoming surrogattes

I support late development to pishing them over.
There are many reasons.
Mostly psychological and not intellectual.
I saw a program in Youtube with a kid under flash point.

It was obvious the smart kid was reticent.

But the channel has made many inroads to ruin this kids life..

I will list a few of the global figures who demised before fifty.

1. Elvis Presley at 42.
2. Debian Developer Ian at 40
3. Bob Marley under 40
4. Jim Reeves 45
5. Carpenters below 40
6. Micheal Jackson 42
7. Pink Floid

I want all of them rest in piece and wish not to open can of worms.

They could have lived well past 55 but the people who saw the money potential including psychiatrists betrayed them.

I was one who had unusual potential in physics and mathematics and I deliberately went for biology to hide my potential.

If I went into physics I would have been dead at 35 with no friends in isolation.

I mean what I say and if unusually talented are pushed too early their steam blows away in no time.

Reflection, I did it My Way

I proudly say, I wish not be reborn in Ceylon or in the Asian Subcontinent is all related to my survival of all odds, in life, work and adverse situations.

One got to be ready, to kick the bucket when the time is right and hanging on by artificial parts is not my design.

These need be recorded now and I do not want a third party to confabulate.

I wish to be remembered as a notorious guy.

Let me discect this word first.

It comes with the base of notary or noteworthy.

A notaris (vernacular Sinhala) or notary is the guy who verify or makes deeds or contracts to be certified by the courts of law of this country.

Over the years this post is vested on notorious guys and girls, namely bad people who takes underhand bribes to submit illegal documents for certification.

That is how our legal system has come down such low level that innocent people are in prison and criminals are in the parliament.

The word of high esteem by origin has gone down the drain and is currently used in sour sense.

It is used to describe the celebrates like Royal Princes and associates of Jeffry Epstein.

In that sense this word is appropriate that Jim Will Fix It (paedophile in UK), is also a royal consorting conglomerate (front end of nice business for backend shoddy deals including now legal (UK) homosexuality of priests and royals).

I have all in me, the good, the bad and the ugly in me for completely different conundrum but I am remembered for a very few bad outbursts when in all my life I aspired to be a decent guy.

This country of Ceylon is known for destroying images of very decent guys while politicians with so many bad traits are white washed daily for political consumption.

In my death or demise the record is not put straight and hence I wish not to be born in India, Ceylon or Pakistan and particularly not in Afghanistan.

This apply to India and Indian Cricket and that is what makes, the mentality of Asians, and Indians in particular.

They are basically jealous.

They try to destroy you by all means and if failing in that attempt they go to their man made gods.

If the gods do not curse you by their request, they end up poisoning YOU including your cats, dogs, parrots and pets.

Mangala Samarawera's puppies were poisoned.

They are vicious and our policies and politics are based on these underhand methodologies.

They expend to sports and sport is basically an everyman's domain of gamble.

Cricket is especially bedded with this malady and fair play is not an ingredient.

Winning by any means is their goal and rules do not count and they are ruining the game and the administration, in which, Sunil Gavaskar or Thandukar cannot stand up to the political and to the people's pressure.

The rules are bent and they take a nosedive.

The British and Wisdom System should not include any current player in when awards are made.

Only Joe Root and James Anderson are worthy of their manly contributions.

England's resolve should be to meet them in bat, ball and discipline.

Enough is enough and traditional cricket should win and Australia should give a helping hand to the British.

Few guys should be banned for few games and cricketers like Chandimal and Kussal Pereara were tasked badly in the past.


The Indians  are divided with deep seated Cruelty and Caste System.

They created the Untouchables on this planet and they can never play level cricket in India.

Politically and economically the untouchables are down trodden people for centuries.

These same trends are rooted in Ceylon in Tamils and Sinhala subsets (artificial division and genetically 99% identical) which the British used to divide and rule (British never created it) principle for ultimate subjugation.

Now Muslims are using these divisive tactics for the Thaliban to take over control in India and Ceylon effortlessly.

It is a vicious system in evolution.

It need to be nipped in the bud.

Watch for the Next Phase.

They created the Super Gods and do created untold hardships in the past and in the present for inhabitants, through that God Created Inheritance and Inequality.

These Indian Gods are Monsters and were never democratic in their power of exertion.

Our politicians go and worship them on yearly basis but Buddha never placed god's in high places.

It is like one is using banks credit balance until it is finished and the good merits are exhausted in heaven "in one go", one goes to and they descent to lower realms eventually.

No similarity to Christian Gods of fair play.

It is not seen in Indian Gods.

No escape in this life or next life from these gods or demigods.

The belief that Coronavirus would level off inequality is a misconception and in reality it is worsening the divide.

Coming to my life I was poisoned twice before I was 35 years of age.

I was never (attempted) poisoned abroad except in one incident an African Nursing Sister put a full dose of salt in my morning coffee which I pass as that she was Drunk on Duty.

By the way. British drinks the worse coffee in this world.

Just taste a cup of coffee at a railway station for proof..

My first poisoning was counteracted by simple saline drip and IV dose of frusemide and leaving the country within an year was my escape route.

The second poisoning was by the Private Hospital Matron (I was not instrumental in appointing her but was actively involved in summarily dismissing her after a proper investigation).

Third poisoning left a family member down with rollicking Pancreatitis.

I directly confronted the woman in thirds incident and said I will destroy her and never see  eye to eye in this life.

I have not seen her again.

This woman is related to my brother's consort and that upcountry family is known for embeselling as many as five generations.

The second poisoning was muscle poison that effected me over the next five years and the first two years I recouped  in New Zealand.

Now my current myocarditis related Moderna Vaccine may aggravate and negate the almost full recovery, I made after the second poisoning.

There was a nurse who killed babies in UK and she is in prison for life.

Nurses who did me are still living and working in Ceylon.

So not thinking of reborn again in Ceylon is ingrained in my genes..

I am glad to get out of this country of mess, only the current family committments keep me here but not for long.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Air India, British Airways, Cricket India, British Cricket and the Melting Pot

This is written with young sportsmen and women in mind.
The pandemic is causing havoc worldwide and there is no sign of it abating in the near future.

I had a different view for Olympics due to variety of reasons.
They do not apply now and I do not want to see a youthful sportsman or woman dying prematurely.

The only way is to stop the spread of infection is to ban all competitive and international for TWO SOLID years.

India has not shown any progress spread and containment in any provincial capital.

In fact it is spreading very fast and they stopped reporting accurately for political reasons and cricket in particular.

In UK case load has not diminished in spite of vigorous vaccination attempt.

It is failing in UK especially Scotland.
They are more interested in reviving British Airway's stake in the industry while new variants are coming in faster than predicted.
The ministers are no wiser but are interested in shadow economic dealings.
If Labour was in power the strategy would have been different.
UK is a small country and it is becoming the melting pot is real.

The Coronavirus will spread relentlessly with or without vaccine.

Belief in vaccination is a big red herring.

Time will tell us the true story.

With Internet in full gear the global economy can survive but if there are no workers to hire that money has no potential value and would go into AI and technology by default.

Unfortunately we do not have philosophers to guide us the next 5 years.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

India is killing cricket and Kholi is the latest manifestation.

I do not watch cricket now.

India with IPL started killing it but now Kholi is doing it for Indians.

His name should NEVER come to wisdom book of cricket.

He has to pay dearly and that is the correct outcome.

Statistics does not matter when Foul Mouth creates unpleasantness.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Debian 11.0.0 is Out

I am currently installing Debian 11 and it is smooth and sleek.
The colour has got a little soothing greenish and installation set up is the same as 10 but very smooth.

It is about 20 MB less but it looks like it has added about 100 more utilities.

It is 64 bit and it recognized my PC hardware quickly.

Installation takes about 45 minutes since I use all desktops.

I think Plama Desktop will have big spring in its steos.

Yes, August 15th Sunday and Debian 11.0.0 torrent file is out.

I am downloading it using Transmission and never direct download to avoid file corruption.

One can test file integrity but nowadays my trust is so much I never do that.
Hopefully in about  3 hours it will finish provided my WiFi Wincle has enough data.
I downloaded Manjaro and installed it but it lacks in basic applications.
I could not configure Packman and it was a pain.
I have never used Arch but I thought Manjaro would make it easy but it was pain and I eased it.
This Endless OS takes over the hard disk and claims to have over 100 application (I used its 3GiB Image not the 1.8 Image I have.
It is in my Laptop with 130 GiB hard disk it has used only about 90 GiB and about about 40 application that amounts to less than 4 MB for an application.

Only browsers with cookies consume over 250 MB and others are tiny but it took hell of a trouble to install them bit got AbiWord my favourite installed.

Having erased Endless OS and Manjaro, I installed Ubuntu 21.4, Peppermint 10 and Emmabanrus in less than 80 GiB space in my 1 terrabyte turntable diskin less than an hour with 4 GiB RAM.

I still have over 700 GiB of free space even after installing Deabian 10/and 11 images.

This is all because I do not use Microsoft's UEFI by default and use GRUB boot loader.

It is a matter of few seconds of fiddling with the BIOS and setting for legacy setup.

Microsoft is a bloated image and even with 60,000 odd applications of Linux won't take that amount of space in your hard drive.

Only one Desktop in Windows and I have at least six beautiful but different desktops.

You are missing a lot if you get hitched to a bloated commercial OS and have to pay and install applications several times.

Linux has all the applications in the first time round and no additions necessary with different desktops using different assortment of applications.

I love Plasma Desktop and Debian 11 has one of the best and new Plasma Desktop.

Go download and enjoy Linux Freedom.

I generally update my desktop by September but all done before September and I have 4 months of free time up to Christmas and Linux guys did not incarcerate with Coronavirus but were elegantly productive.

For some reason I do not like Zorin OS and Elementary  OS and even 4M Linux is going down the money pathway those two derivatives.

If the OS does not have a torrent file do not use them since you cannot check file integrity before installing.

All good Linux distributions tests file integrity before.

O have only one DVD which is corrupt files.

The image writer was at fault in this instant and I use only Brasserio.

That is the bottom line in Ceylon each MB costs one Ruppee.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Messing Up with the Laptop and Hard Disks

Yes I have made a hash of everything possible with my Laptop and spare hard disks..
One hard disk with 160 GiB mounted on a  USB 2 did not boot or my PC did not read the contents.
They were 32 bits files, I believe.
Most likely it was removed from old Media Hard disk.
The second one 320 Media hard disk.
The hard disk on the Laptop was 1 terra bite  and Endless OS used the entire hard disk for mere 88 GiB with  work space.
A collosal waste and I wanted to erase it having taken out of the Laptop.
I wanted to install BSD on the 160 GiB hard disk.

I mounted it and booted and installed BSD.
Installation on ZFS file system was fine but it did not have a desktop but booted on terminal like a server.

Not knowing much of BSD I could not even exit from the setting.

It boots without waiting for USB or DVd ROM.
I could not erase it.

However BSD did a nice thing It erased the Microsoft's annoying NO boot Media script.

Then I removed the hard disk and put the 320 GiB and and tried  to install True OS but it did not finish the installation saying fatal error but left a bootable ESP partition.

I am currently installing Debian 10.9.1 and hopefully Emmabantus Debian 11 edition.
I did not want to try Ubuntu since it does not make a fresh ESP bootable partition of about 100 MB.

Worse scenario was to put the hard disk with Endless OS.

I feel defeated and tomorrow I go put and purchase two external mounts for the two hard disk if available in the market.

I was getting bored and more problems to.solve it is better for my brain.

I have Endless OS in my PC with few more applications to download and one Rupee for every one MB downloaded.

Snails, allolergens and Water Moss or Grand Algae

I categorically state that snails do not damage the young or healthy leaves and that include water snails.

They are scavengers and keep the aquarium environment healthy and clean.
I had three variety of snails one a very tiny one I could not find them. They remaining two with a twisted shell I could not find two to be found in spite of enough of rotten Algae.

The second one was hanging to the edge of the fresh and rotten margin..

They eat leaves without fresh allergens.
The toxic algae is not due to clams and shells but due to allolergens produce by the Algae to survive.

Algae does a great job of mopping up carbon dioxide and I do not consider them toxic or weedy water plants.

They are the first in the food chain and the water Moss is the outdoor variety above the  water surface.

Better term for them is water ferns.

By the way, without any encouragement we have assortment of ferns.

I carefully uprooted the rarest variety and transferred it to HiFi or  5 star location where difficult to grow plants are nursed.

One is Japanese tomato which has no fleshy fruits but very tasty leaves.

Already has one in a pot and studying it and it needs lot of water.

By chance I get a thirds one.

There is a theory that mother plant looks after the daughter plants and I am trying to see that theory is right on two seedy edible plants.

All my outdoor fish tanks have overflowed yesterday and it was raining cats and dogs and a lot of snails and some unfortunate guppy fish must have got overflowen.

So I decided to make water moss  barrier so that fish might not get washed overboard.

I have done this barrier method in small containers and it covers the ugly plastic ring at the edge and it makes a lovely hanging fringe.

Carefully mobilised the extra fringe at the edge and made moss barrier today.

The other fish tank does not get enough sunlight and growing water garden and encouraging lilies to bloom was a total failure (lack of sunshine) but water was clear and fish who were left are healthy and no tadpoles at all.

The frogs and toads come every year clockwise manner but no problem with tadpoles


One of the water plants not algae produce enough alloergens to inhibit tadpoles.

Tadpoles need absolutely clear and fresh water.

If tadpoles are there you can be sure that your outdoor pond is healthy.
If discourage frogs since snakes sneak in and I had three or four alarming encounters and mongoose family I have not seen for while.

There are lot of dogs both domestic and stray.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Cost of Download is One Rupee per One MB

Yes Cost. of  download is one Rupee per one MB.
I download in GiBs and an average Linux Image is 2 to 3 GiB.

I spent Rs.5000/= and downloaded BSD and Emmabantus, Gparted, Ubuntu 21-04 in 8 hours in the night using Transmission and went to sleep.

Absolutely fast download.
Now it is different.

Endless OS took 10 days to download and Rs.3000/=.

Of course I installed Endless OS on my old PC and downloaded another 80 applications and it stopped with another 10 or so applications missing.

I do not use Chrome browser and use only Firefox and got Firefox 91 downloaded and it is beautiful.

My usual browser is Ducky Duck or Tor browser.

I wanted to download Elementary OS and it stopped at 500 MB of 2500 MB  image.

I have no data and here after I would calculate the exact MB and upload money.

I need only PCLinux just for testing and I won't bother to download Ubuntu 21-10.

I do not think I would be able to download Steam OS 3 but prefer buying Steam Deck but it will be well beyond 2024.
All the Units are prebooked.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Endless OS Update

I have no regrets of installing Endless OS in my Laptop and PC for many reasons.

Once the base system is installed one does not have to pay for each application one request for downloading, unlike in the case of Elementary OS (ask for donation for downloading free software having installed bare minimum).

I would have preferred USB install to show other guys and girls.

I have a spare SATA disk which I will use once I get a external case.

I use Debian 10 for stability but it does not have AbiWord which is my favourite.

Other favourite is Firefox and O downloaded 91 believe version.

All this ultimately boils down to if a distribution does not have AbiWord I would not use.

Only exception is Debian and Knoppix.

All the Puppy derivatives except FatPup had AbiWord.

Me discarding FatPup (good distribution by all counts) FatPup was due supporting only LibreOffice.

AbiWord is excellent application and light weight with good formatting of pages.

Androids does not support AbiWord and has no words application.

I hope Android version 12 incorporate it but I have my doubts since Google is promoting its own documents.

That is why I have suggested NoKia cellphone, installs it as a default application.

Yes it is a Linux distribution based on Debian and its file system is Ext4 but similarity just ends there.

If it takes over the hard disk remove the hard disk and stick it to a external case and format it and use it again.

I won't do that in my case and the only spare SATA I have is 160 GiB.

It erased the BIOS interference Microsoft was doing long after I erased Windows for good.

Currently I copying all the films I have downloaded from an external hard disk of 360  GiB.

It is enough for me and the craze of new NVMe expansion SSD to copy every game one plays is industrial ploy and our brain can distinguish at best 36 frames per second and done long time ago by film industry with films rolling at the cinema.

1. It has no Desktop.
2. No home partition
3. No file system hierarchy
4. It has administrative control
5. But kids also can log in.
6. Multiuser platform
7. It has no distribution bias
8. Any native Linux application can run in it.
9. It has a tree like structure but no branches.

10. It is like a tall stack of boxes one on top of the other but the stacks (slots) the boxes are placed  can be changed at will.

11. It has no Windows applications.
12. It has enormous collection of applications.
13. It does not need any previous knowledge of computer know how once it is installed.
14. It is kids friendly.
15. It can be used in a class room.

16. It is a mix of PC desktop and a cellphone.

17. Yes it is an Android on a PC.

What a marvelous idea?

I checked and it takes about 48 GiB of space after installing about 60 more applications in a 1 GiGa Bytes hard disk .

Total waste and that is why I consider removing it eventually after sticking in 160 GiB spare hard disk.

That is the only way to overcome the deficit  of not allowing dual booting.

Having tested Endless OS on my Laptop over two months I decided to install on my PC'%s second hard disk.

The original idea was to install it into external 32 GiB USB but I does not allow that scenario and bootable OS.

Problem was I had to wait about 10 days to download 3 GiB image.

Finally close to 7 A.M. today, the torrent download at less than 50 KBs rate finish it painstakingly.

So I finished my morning daily chores and sat with the DVD 3 GiB and installed it.
It takes over the hard disk and no partitioning and dual booting.

Installation was brief.

It days it has overv100 applications but I counted less than fifty on the first installation.

It did not have my favourite Firefox.

So I started downloading one by one and my data in the Dialog Wincle finished.

I had lot of data in my mobile WiFi but my Linux did not configure it when I had Debian 9 in my PC.

But today I stuck both WiFi and the Windows dedicated Dongle (no Linux Dongle in this country) in two separate USB ports but it did not detect the WiFi single.

Then I pulled out the USB speaker and stuck the two in adjacent USB ports and presto the signal was on.

But at less than 50 KBs per second.

What a productivity speed that it is?

I blame myself for pulling out the faulty Ethernet Wire.

But there is no hurry for me and I am getting used to slowing down.

The Endless OS front is like a cellphone.

Its icons are in the order of installing.

However they can be moved with the mouse to an alternate order.

It is like Elementary OS but no docking panel.

Elementary OS front is like an Apple deck at face value. It's order of applications are in alphabetical order.

How to find a Leech?

It is not easy to find a leech once it has taken it meal.
It hides for a year for the next meal.
This one of course has a habit of coming in three months intervals.
I collected the rubbish for burning.
Due to rain I did not go out and bag full of rubbish.
Then I noticed a huge Habarala flower and took a little time to admire it.
Then reached for my three month paddy harvest and made it to a bunch and decided to photograph the bunch with all my assortment of cellphones and cameras and completely forgot about the leech who was having a good meal.

Then suddenly noticed a patch of blood and the web between the toe and second toe was shocked with blood.

Unlike mosquitoes leech knows how to anaesthetise the victim until it finishes it meal and one get a soothing feeling unlike a Coronavirus needle site.

It is still hurting even on the fourth day after the jab.

But leech was no where near my foot when I noticed the flowing blood.

Because of my photo event I had forgotten my routine and went into a panic mode fearing it is in my bed with dark blue sheet covering it where I kept the assortment of cellphones.

The blood marks were only in one place and there were no trace path of blood for forensic examination.

Surveyed the footsteps and no luck.
Then next option was to the steps to the rooftop garden.

No luck and after few minutes of casual survey I found it on wall leading to the bedroom.

I did not know where to catch it

Finally decided from the base but it slipped from my fingers and caught I it in the middle and made bloody mess and finally caught him from the front end, so it has at least little blood for its survival.

Not a full meal unfortunately.

It probably got caught between the top of my foot and the sleeper strap and had to let go the sucking grip.

Finally it ended up in the place where it is safe from vehicle tyres.

So our outdoor garden is healthy for even the leeches due to the South West monsoon spell which is coming to an end.

My Paddy Harvest

Can you count the number of pods?
No help.

True OS and Open BSD

I am currently installing True OS on a 32 GiB  using ZFS  file system.
It cannot be booted on a 16 GiB USB.
Free BSD can be booted with only I GiB.
For full BSD live session one need the 4.5 GiB image on. DVD and a 4 GiB stick.
Do not use USB of less than 4 GiB for a Linux or BSD image.

It is not only Microsoft but there are other alternative operating systems in the computer world.

It all started with BSD and Unix.

Microsoft came in long after Apple which is basically Unix derivative.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Samsung Cute Cellphone

After three days of trial and error I figured out how to configure the cute little Samsung cellphone.

That is after sticking in micro SD card  with my data and songs.

Every key has a function.
Menu in one key, forward and backward in two other keys and stop action in another key.

With "My Files" I opened up my photos and put a photo of mine as a wallpaper.

I made two memos and I cannot use my email and only SMS messages.

The most important feature is if I am not doing anything it locks the keys.

This is very useful and if you put it in your trouser pocket the keys want jam.

It makes me to respond quickly and improve my finger typing and one finger response to the keys.

Figured out capital, simple and others characters in three different key presses.

Idea was to listen to radio and music and carry it in my trouser pocket.
It is tiny and there is no bulging of your pockets

SIM are in big version and slotting in was easy.

Bit of a trouble to remove the SD card put by the vendor.

Then I realized that sticky label on the SD card and excess gum was causing the problem and removed it with a safety pin and put a new SD.

Cleaned the sticky one with my nails and it is ready for use.

SD cards should be formatted by a cellphone utility and never using the PC.
I have corrupted two by using Gparted and they are unusable for good.

Thank you Samsung and I will carry it with me when out and about.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Basic Cellphone and Utility Value

I bought basic phone for utility value.

Number one me is for listening to the Radio and to get local news and number two for an emergency call when out and about.

Having experienced a stolen SIM from me, I do not want to take my expensive phone out.

If I lose it the headache is bigger than losing a SIM, even though I have configured it to be traced by Google in such an event.

Also typing password for Gmail entry is a pain and it needs to be remembered by Google on 24/7 basis.

This basic phone is from Samsung and is cute and not bulky.

First it's Radio was OK.
Sound quality was good and it detected all my downloaded music files.

There it ends my satisfaction.

It took two days to figure out how it works
and set the time and date having read the instruction note twice in very small letters.

It was only interested in configuring the SIM

I get carrier details and that's all.

I removed the battery at least five times to get to start mode and each time figured out what next to come.

I got the vendor to configure it and  I was not happy to give a call unless it works the way I wanted.

Altogether I had about 20 messages from the two carriers but I could not type a single SMS message.

I have to press this or that button to get simple, capital letters and numbers.

Finally I got the wall paper I wanted and switched it off for a break.

If I have to type a message in an emergency, it perhaps need one minute for each word.

I have not tried any contact numbers yet except my own cellphone which I am typing this post.

This is why I always say Radio is the best way to get the local news fast and not a new cellphone with carriers who cannot reach the far corners of this country or the location and the person in distress.

The government has not figured this out.

A scenario like tsunami and how to respond quickly is not figured out.

Leaving it to the individual carriers is not full proof remedy.

They are interested in money making.

During the Coronavirus epidemic getting the base stations working at full throttle was not achieved.

Leaving it to doctors, who are already hard pressed (to get the infrastructure activated) is no good.

Police may do a better job but army is shadowing them.

Having a cellphone as a safety net is not good enough
, if the poor farmer does not know how to operate it (SIM response, emergency calls and reaching the nearest police station or hospital).

The guy I gave my android phone version 8 has not figured out how to use it after almost two years

Majority including my classmates who were in public service do not understand the cellphone as a mini computer.

They feel shy to ask for help.

It is often the son or daughter who is using or operating the cellphone.

Mind you, I leaned a few tricks from my daughter but I have gone beyond that point of entry.

I think Android phone should be the basic but my GreenTel cellphone had more options and also had a version which received analogue TV stations.

I am told GreenTel has gone bust.

I had a GreenTel notebook, too.

The GreenTel has the best phone and its Android version is 6 and Google has fiddled with the photo application and I cannot access the photos stored in the cellphone.

I have activated the Google App store for updates and Google is not responding.

I am not sure whether it is due to  GreenTel had gone bust or Google is interfering or both.

But I am pretty sure Google is interfering and does not let me see the stored up       (not in Google Drive, I rarely use) photos in the cellphone.

Now this was my second cellphone.

The first Java phone I gave free to a guy who depends on cellphone for work and he has gained my trust for a long time and when things were getting bad in schools were demanding cellphones with video conferencing I bought a new one for his daughter.

After 3 months of no work he has found some work.

The GreenTel was taken twice to Singapore  birds park.

The last visit to Singapore was to visit Bird's Park and those photos of birds Google is preventing the access.

I bought a cellphone in Singapore and it is called SeeKen and it had Android version 6 and it's touch screen has gone unresponsive  and is not responding.

Problem with liquid crystals underneath.

The  third GreenTel I gave it to a guy who has not used it for two years. 

This was the phone in which one of my SIMs of Hutch was stolen my a Muslim guy, a crafty manipulator.

Fourth was a Zigo (a Dubai sheikh's company) cellphone with touch screen and it had a pixel burn and white line vertically which was disposed, since I could not find a spare battery.

That is the second telephone company gone bust.

After long lay off I bought a couple of Nokia cellphones for my Internet work and they are the best for me.

I have three of them and my workhorse is one of them.

If you want a robust cellphone buy a Nokia cellphone.

They are out of stock in Ceylon.

They have a rugged one coming soon and I have no commercial interest with Nokia.

Mind you, Nokia coming from Finland introduced the brick like phone in 1980s which did not fit in my overcoat and I preferred the hospital bleeper and telephone exchange for patient care.

I used to put the bleeper into the waste paper busker when  not on call and cleaners always put it back on the side desk religiously.

The bleeper sound mean a sick child has arrived.

I hate to see sick children often neglected by parents and compounded by GP negligence not responding quickly.

That was one reason me leaving UK.

GPs are powerful there and I did not go there to aid and abet GP's mistakes.

So you can understand why I hate cellphones.

Phones always bring bad news and I want pleasant or Somanassa Chitta at least in my retirement.

The land phone is out even after paying Rs.15,000/= well above the arrears and I hate MobiTel for life.

My first SIM was from MobiTel and I stuck it inside the Samsung phone.

I bought a Samsung basic cellphone sometime ago for good some and it was pretty bad with basic applications (I use) and was almost never used.

Only good think was the SD card with all the  Western songs I downloaded is recognized quickly by this cute little cellphone, I bought.

I said I bought it for listening to radio and music and it does a good job at pleasing volume control and not loud.

I had a GreenTel notebook and it's RAM was limited. It was very slow to my liking and gave away to a guy who did not know how to use it and his grandchild broke it.

This comment is coming from a guy who used all the available models from Kit Kat 4.3 to version 11.

I had a cheap tablet with version 4.3 (its battery is gone dead and I won't buy a new one) and a game console which could never download a game due to faulty keyboard that did not let me type my 18 long alphanumeric password.

It is a down to earth comment and I did not use exorbitant gadgets but what was available at the time when I needed the most (upgrading wise).

So going for Android 12 is a waste and I won't go to Singapore again except bypassing it on a long trip to Australia and have a quick visit to Greymouth and remote  ? Rastone (forget the name) looking for ladybirds with kids.

It will be well beyond 2023 and I hope airfare would have come down to manageable level by then.

I feel that cellphone should NOT be a gift to a child under 18 for very good reasons.

The cellphones used in video conferencing are expensive and one can buy two alternative cellphones with android 11 version with that money.

Be wise and mindful when you buy a cellphone.

I have to wait for another two years to see a Steam Deck with Linux Operating System.

What a wait?

Arigato and Thank You to Japanese Olympic Committee

Yes Arigato to the Japanese Olympic Committee.

Sports the winner and the leveller.

Thank you to all who participated athletes, support staff and administrators.

Thank you to Japanese citizens for biting the teeth an tolerating the imposed oppression to mitigate the virus spread.

There are over 40 places one could get Covid including sporting stadiums but only 28 Tokyo Olympic related Covid vases reported.

That is an excellent record.

Yes we can stop the spread of the virus.

But needs dacronian protocol.

In Ceylon, 70% blame goes to citizens and 30% to the government (not imposing the protocol drafted and changing it for many reason).

I have revised the 50/50 blame, I originally  coined.

Granny Award, Nuts and Soya TOFU

Granny Award
 I intend to award a “Granny Award” in my mother’s name in her early nineties to any person who come with an English Drama based on the stages mentioned below. 
The contents are Open Source and are generally under the Linux GPL Convention. 
1. Originator Unknown Sri-Lankan Author in his late Nineties (I claim he is not my late father).
 2. Recent Rendering by a Bookshop Assistant in Kandy who wishes to be anonymous.
 3. This Edition is by Me (MINIME VERSION) and BABA (one of my dear friends who is no more with us), SAMBA, BIMBA, ZIMBA, SINHA BAR (Lion BAR), ALI (KANDY ELEPHANTS, THE TWOLEGGED VARIETY) and any HORA-BABA (fatherless baby) or any unborn Sri-Lankan Baba (baby) can participate in future developments of this humane animal story (copyleft). 
Currently the Pothe-Guru (story Teller) is me, the current author.
The Big DADDY VERSION (the language of communication could be from simple to vulgar depending on the alcohol content) is only for private consumption of my friends especially after a suitable
beverage except the Ceylon Dust TEA (not Tiger Wood’s recent TEE) which I use as manure for ornamental plants.
Evam Mesuthan Ekam Samayam (So, said and so heard).
1. I was a privy to Relay Carnival (passing the bucks relay, really fast, like the Hedging Deal and now the Bond Scams) in the Animal (they are more humane and eat only when hungry) Kingdom.I was the only Sri-Lankan selected by an island wide Lottery conducted by the Hela Urumaya (or Hela Karumaya) Surakumu Foundation (HUKU-SUMU for short).
2. I was on holiday in a Forest Reservation (JUNGLE HABITAT).
3. I observe an elderly (prostate enlarged) Peter Rabbit grazing.
4. Jack the Jackal (with financial interests in Sri-Lanka) greedily waiting for an innocent prey.
5. Scene of the Jackal (both hip joints and knee joints are replaced by bionic prosthesis delivered by a Sri-Lankan TELESHOP GIANT on a Plate made of unclaimed Credit Cards-because of his Royal Ancestry) chasing the Rabbit.
6. BLIND forest (Hermen) hermit descend from heaven and lands on a busy Junction (Thun-Man Chinthana Handiya) for free dhana.
7. Rabbit approaching the hermit with break neck speed without a Crash Helmet.
8. Rabbit jumps over hermit visibly shaken up and annoyed.
9. Lands a squirt of Holy (Medical) Water (Urine for short) right on the nose and mouth.
10. Hermit really thinks the water is holy and ascends to a higher Jhana.
11. Jackal approaches the hermit with a bionic speed and put on breaks instantaneously.
12. Jackal licks the nose and face of the hermit.
13. Hermit rudely awakened from his Transient Trance (Transient Ischaemic Attack-TIA).
14. Jackal reprimands the hermit with a nasty comment;
Why don’t you stay a few feet above the ground?
15. Well, I was thinking about my Bank Balance of Merit (PIN-Numbers) in Seylan Bank and settled where I ought to be, was his reply.
16. Well then, did you see a rabbit running this way?
17. Yes, Yes I heard some animal running but I cannot say what species he was but I can very well tell you that he was a male.
18. You say you are a hermit and blind.
How can one see the SEX of an animal running fast in a Meditative Mode?
19. Didn’t the Master tells you, it is an illegal task to think about sex in Meditative Trance?
20. We animals think about sex, only when we are in full sexual flow and not otherwise, he proclaimed.
21. Can you tell me how the BLIND HERMIT instantaneously guessed the SEX of the fast moving passerby?
Nothing to do with his urine or prostate and it is due to some other reason. Only a Sri-Lankan would be able to guess the ANSWER and it is a common saying when a policeman is chasing a politician who has
committed a traffic offense.
Purva-Bhava Connections
1. The hermit was a Traffic Warden (an active member of Hela Urumaya) who went to heaven instantaneously when hit by a Guy from the Presidential Escort.
2. The rabbit was a monk who went in search of emancipation in Sri-Lankan Parliament and deposited his hard earned money in a private bank.
The Jackal was a Sri-Lanakan Private Banker, better than an American swindler.
I was of course the CNN Reporter Assistant (only doing the editing) of iReportes, using a stolen mobile telephone.
Only a male Jackal with large prostate can squirt a healthy vigorous stream while running, and a man cannot. The rabbit in this story did it due to fear and the anger (monk standing on his getaway flight).
A female (liberal woman) will never be able to perform this act even when standing, the future Female US President or probable female candidates included.
Asoka with special Urine Test for the prostate and prostrated Sri-Lankans without a fee.I have excluded the most important Coconuts and Cocoa Nuts in this discussion.

Going Nuts
If one walks along the streets of Kandy or Colombo it is quite obvious how thoughtful all our road users are?
Both drivers and pedestrian are all in a mighty hurry?
It looks as every body is on a hitchhike and the situation is free for all.
Nobody seems to spare a thought for another.
It looks as if all of them have gone nuts.
Whether they have gone nuts or not what I would like to talk about is not the nuts and bolts inside one’s skull but the nuts that we eat with our bites.
The amount of money we spent to keep our spirits high on holidays may be a bonanza for the exchequer but a bit of nuts with the spirits that one consumes might keep one’s health in trim condition without
any help from the doctor. All nuts come from plants and are cholesterol-free.
They are rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats and help lower cholesterol. They are high in folate (prevent hardening of blood vessels) and help lower blood homocysteine levels and more importantly blood pressure and thereby reduce the risk of heart
attacks. Soybeans are extremely low in saturated fat and free of cholesterol.
Consuming 25 grams of soy protein daily has shown to lower blood cholesterol. Beyond cholesterol reduction, soy foods may favorably affect other risk factors for heart disease (i.e., makes arteries more flexible). Therefore, soy may be helpful for everyone, not just those with high cholesterol. The B vitamin they contain helps the metabolism of alcohol and that is an added advantage for the regular users (I mean alcohol).
Eating lot of meats with alcohol is a bit of a myth that we carry on from our early days. Valuable potassium, magnesium and copper are all linked to heart health and probably nuts replace most of the salt losses that result from alcohol-induced diuresis. One can go on and on, with the benefits of these plant products which include various phytoproteins and phytochemicals (plant proteins and plant chemicals) and the antioxidant Vitamin E (also heart protective). If with the holiday consumption of alcohol cannot be cut down a bit of nuts might save one’s nut in posterity. Additionally extra sweets that one indulges in holiday time soy may be a blessing in disguise. Soy foods may slow absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. May also protect against damaging effects of glucose-induced oxidation, common in people with diabetes.
The only controversial area probably is its content of
phytooestrogens and I had the belief that it may in one-day help very elderly with prostate cancer. Limited data available indicate that it may be so. For the very old who enjoy a bit of spirits having few soy nuts may be desirable after all.
Soy contains high levels of the phytoestrogens (also known as isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone oestrogen.
I had my reservation of soya milk for children and this reservation may have to be extended for girls going through their puberty because of its high content of phytooestrogens.
But that reservation cannot be extended to the elderly females. Apart from some beneficial effects of post-menopausal symptoms the soy protein helps conserve body calcium better than that of animal protein. Compounds in soy called isoflavones may simultaneously increase bone formation while decreasing bone breakdown.
The next question is what the best nut for the purpose?
We have a narrow selection. Peanuts, cashew nuts and soy nuts are the ones available and unfortunately the cashew nuts are not within the reach of our purse
nowadays. Since all the foreign nuts are expensive I go for the soy nuts. It is pertinent to talk little about the soy nuts since it is comparatively cheap and readily available because of its high nutritive value (proteins). I had my reservation about soy because of high aluminum content but 20 years ago when I was searching for the reason there was no literature available. Now it appears the aluminum came from the tanks (aluminum) used in soy preparation. It was common sense that aluminum kitchenware is not safe but why the researchers kept this as a secret for so long if not to kill the soy industry (just like the way coconut industry was sabotaged) is obvious.
Now that the bio-diesel is emerging, if the food industry is not destroyed by it (now, before it is firmly established in the West) the price of soy nut is going to go up since production cannot keep pace with the demand. Surely peanut price is going to go up.
I am relaxing my reservation little by little. For children the best milk is the breast milk and I have no reason to change that and I do not recommend soya milk for children. There is concern for mercury in soymilk and this is probably as a result of some contamination down the production chain. There should not be any concern about soy yogurt. The choice of nuts depends on the price and the availability.
Cocktail of nuts is probably the best choice.
For price soy beats all the other nuts in price.
It is probably the best nut commercially exploited in our set up.
All nuts have common features than not.
A few differences set some apart from others. Walnuts are highest in omega-3 fatty acids (also found in fatty fish), popular for helping lower cholesterol. Almonds are good source of calcium. Brazil nuts are high in the antioxidant selenium, linked to helping prevent some
cancers. Chestnuts have the least calories and fat, while macadamia nuts have the most. Dry-roasted nuts have the same fat and calories as oil roasted. Nut butters have the same nutritional advantages as nuts. Peanuts are similar to other nuts nutritionally, but are part of the legume family, which includes dried beans and peas. Fortunately the high fat content of nuts makes them very filling, helping curb hunger for long periods of time. An ounce or two a day of nuts or nut butters is all you need for valuable health benefits.
Health Canada recommends we enjoy at least two plant based, vegetarian meals per week; hopefully nuts will find a place in your home.
2nd of January 2006

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Messing Up with USB Sticks

Little problems get magnified when due care is not given.

I sorted it out eventually and using it to copy my next book.

Below is a series event that followed due to OEM guys of the USB having a script to protect manufacturing problems and put the blame on the customer who purchased it.

I have figured it out and somehow erase the script.

I have written a script myself on a 16 GiB USB which Even I cannot erase and it is Read Only now.

If one wants to save warranty period do not fiddle.

I do it for fun and to kill Coronavirus botedom.

Yes I messed up with 32 GiB USB 3 for two days.
I wanted to make a bootable Linux USB.
I tried with BSD but it won't without bootable DVD. It cannot make a ZFS file.

I tried Debian but it could not make a swop partition.

Then I could not erase its contents.
I could not read or write files on it.

All Linux distributions I tried, stated it had input output error.

Of this happens to a SD card mounted on a USB mount, that is the end of the SD card.

I have lost at least two SD cards trying to mount a Linux distribution.

This is probably due to manufactures having installed some identification data for future use (covet the warranty period).

Fed up, I decided to install Debian 10 on the spare disk of the PC.

It went all right but I messed up with the GRUB boot record.

I installed Emmaantus (Debian 11) first but it could not dual boot with Debian.

On the second attempt I got Debian install the boot record on the second hard drive.

The first hard disk is SSD and they do not support MBR booting. The SSD support only one operating system.

So if have rotating old disks protect them with due care.

Finally I stuck the USB stick in with Emmabantus running Gparted and erased the content of the USB and formatted with FAT 32 (I tried NTFS and failed).

The USB stick even though it is 3, still stuck with   FAT 32 and cannot think of booting with ZFS, UFS and Linux Swop.

I bought three 32 GiB USBs and I do not know what to do with the other two.

My Laptop after installing Endless OS won't let me boot a USB mounted Linux.

It takes USB for data only.

Endless OS is good but bit on the slow side.

All these hassel is me wanting AbiWord.

Now I have AbiWord in both PC and Laptop.

After all, I have Libre Office 7 Emmabantus and Libre Office 6 on Debian.

I am waiting for Debian 11 and Ubuntu 21-10.

Both may not be ready by December due to Coronavirus slowdown and I may have to wait till July next year for Steam Deck and Dock (Drop and Dump) Console.

I decided to erase my PCs.