Friday, August 13, 2021

Snails, allolergens and Water Moss or Grand Algae

I categorically state that snails do not damage the young or healthy leaves and that include water snails.

They are scavengers and keep the aquarium environment healthy and clean.
I had three variety of snails one a very tiny one I could not find them. They remaining two with a twisted shell I could not find two to be found in spite of enough of rotten Algae.

The second one was hanging to the edge of the fresh and rotten margin..

They eat leaves without fresh allergens.
The toxic algae is not due to clams and shells but due to allolergens produce by the Algae to survive.

Algae does a great job of mopping up carbon dioxide and I do not consider them toxic or weedy water plants.

They are the first in the food chain and the water Moss is the outdoor variety above the  water surface.

Better term for them is water ferns.

By the way, without any encouragement we have assortment of ferns.

I carefully uprooted the rarest variety and transferred it to HiFi or  5 star location where difficult to grow plants are nursed.

One is Japanese tomato which has no fleshy fruits but very tasty leaves.

Already has one in a pot and studying it and it needs lot of water.

By chance I get a thirds one.

There is a theory that mother plant looks after the daughter plants and I am trying to see that theory is right on two seedy edible plants.

All my outdoor fish tanks have overflowed yesterday and it was raining cats and dogs and a lot of snails and some unfortunate guppy fish must have got overflowen.

So I decided to make water moss  barrier so that fish might not get washed overboard.

I have done this barrier method in small containers and it covers the ugly plastic ring at the edge and it makes a lovely hanging fringe.

Carefully mobilised the extra fringe at the edge and made moss barrier today.

The other fish tank does not get enough sunlight and growing water garden and encouraging lilies to bloom was a total failure (lack of sunshine) but water was clear and fish who were left are healthy and no tadpoles at all.

The frogs and toads come every year clockwise manner but no problem with tadpoles


One of the water plants not algae produce enough alloergens to inhibit tadpoles.

Tadpoles need absolutely clear and fresh water.

If tadpoles are there you can be sure that your outdoor pond is healthy.
If discourage frogs since snakes sneak in and I had three or four alarming encounters and mongoose family I have not seen for while.

There are lot of dogs both domestic and stray.

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