Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tribal System and Nature

Tribal System and Nature
A better modern term is cult often visible in expression.

What it brings out is division.

In our set up, it is the division seen in the attitude and behavior of the village against the city folks.
It is seen in the dress and vocabulary of the village and the city.
The politics of Ceylon is very divisive and helps to bring out the above division of the city and the village (labour force from village and the financial power of the city).
My present discussion (Mind Power) is not political in nature even though, I wish people to divorce themselves from divisive politics and form a political third force and identify problems and current available solutions (not what is dished out by politicians).

My observation is none of them have a clue (politicians in particular and an average citizen in trouble waters, in general) except grabbing power by what ever the means (Cast, Creed, Religion, Race, Sovereignty or any real or imagined divisions) available.

Unfortunately this division has filtered into higher dimension of our mind culture.

Let me be clear from the outset, I am one who believes that one does not need a religion to be a mindful citizen.
Everybody has the potential but deprived of this inner potential by careful brain washing or indifference (from childhood).

Children are deceived into a belief system with no escape.

I do not wish to use the word spiritualism, since it corners one into the rigid belief system from folklore to messiah to self claimed gurus or teachers.

There were mind control techniques developed by secret services of both America an Russia and they were disbanded quickly since they discovered more potential than what they needed for political purposes (such as remote viewing for spying and political assassinations).
Of course the guys / girls who came out of these institutions / associations after the disbanding branched out to commercially viable methods / instruments for clandestine operations.

In the process of commercialization ancient wisdom was uprooted from its original tenets and was labeled as obscure cults (division again) not within the reach of the average guys and girls.

Unfortunately, I believe even current Dalai Lama has fallen to this trap of commercialization of goodwill.

Mind power is enormous if correctly used.

It can be devastating to.
The polarity of mind power is from compassion to hate in a few seconds.
Our base instinct is ill will, anger and hate.

It does not need any fuel for an instant outburst.

Look at our current politicians from East to West.
Their driving force is hate, the base rate or currency.

What is the antidote?

Metta (Meditation in particular)!.

Easy to say but difficult to practice.

Five minutes of time, arising from sleep and five minutes before going to bed.

Small investment with great benefit.

Better do it when watering your indoor or outdoor plant.

To your own surprise, they will bloom even out of season.

Get your loved one to practice this with or without your presence.

Unfortunately most religions are exclusive (never inclusive) and divisive in nature.

There is no way of integration but dissociation in mind training by bringing various dogmas.

Instead of subtle mind control what we need is to initiate a global program of completely removing dogmatic insinuation be that it is political or religious or social.
The mankind has never seen this need even though we have a institution called United Nation.

In the face not having a proper word with integration implied, I call this the emancipation of mankind, instead of freedom (rightly or wrongly overused and abused).

We need to start at some point, instead of calling this as the “New Age” without compromises.

There is nothing new but old dogmas in different shape and dress.

I call it the “shape shifting”.

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