Sunday, May 19, 2019

Assertiveness to Combativeness to Politics to Anarchy

Assertiveness to Combativeness to Politics to Anarchy

Longtime ago, I had a conversation with a doctor who was conducting Open TV program with an eminent Sinhala media man.

There was nothing elementary in this program except promoting self image of both, if not one.

I have gone to collect a medical certificate.

I felt there was something amiss in this program (should have been conducted by alternative sources) and asked him his objective.

Without batting an eyelid he said: “We Buddhists got to be assertive”.

For what purpose he never told me and I never asked.

This was long time before I delved academically into raw Buddhist concepts.

My first entry into print form and later to digital form was to do a meritorious act on my mother’s behalf who passed away.

The rest is history and I have over thousand (mainly promoting Linux) blog posts (currently winding down due to typing errors, dogmatic mistakes and the shear vulgarity of the contents).

Linux is free software and has similar vision to Buddhist outlook.

The greatest gift is the gift of Dhamma!
Coming back to combativeness, Buddha was requested for a successor in his death bed and he cleverly declined and said that let; “Dhamma be the guiding principle” or the Successor.
He had foreseen the future combative and political nature of religious activities globally and that is what we are today.
He did not want his teaching to be assertive, combative, divisive but humanistic and globally acceptable not by force but by wisdom.
Now let’s see how its influence in this small country.
First J.V.P.
Second L.T.T.E.
Third Religious Mafiosi!
Of course anarchy has really set in and there is no escape route.

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