Thursday, April 11, 2019

Torrid Weather and Birds

Torrid Weather and Birds

This is to correct some misconceptions about birds.
We think that by feeding them with left over rice we can support them during the dry weather.
The rice sucks water and fills the belly and make them prone to dehydration.

What we should feed them with is with fruits with seeds.

They scatter seeds helping the reforestation.

At least grow a paw paw tree in your garden and let them eat the ripe ones.

We think they can survive on insects.


They dry weather inhibit abundance of insects.

So only way they can survive is with limited number of fruits.

The best is to grow a mulberry tree in your garden.

They have fruits even during the dry weather.

Birds need honey, too.

Flowering plants are essential for many tiny birds including humming birds.

Water is essential to keep the wings in trim condition.

There is an open water plant near our house.
Local Mynahs have a bath there and come for the mulberry fruits.

They love them.

They are the most jovial type even after a thunder storm.

Mynahs do eat fruits.

The insects are an additional source that helps to control pests of our food crops.
So keeping our bird population is vital for the foods crops.
Eating a few beans by parrots  should not be considered a menace.

They are the worse of birds hit by the torrid weather pattern.

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