Friday, April 12, 2019

Who is the one who makes the Real Twit?

 Who is the one who makes the Real Twit?

In Twitter parlance which Ceylonese bird makes the real twit sound?

I am not good at distinguishing various chirpy chips of our birds.
There are plenty of different types of Munias (Battchittas) that make a lot of noise.

Identifying the one who really makes a twit is very difficult.

They avoid direct eye contact and disappear the moment one focuses on them and hide under leaves.

Today I spotted two of them alone in our rooftop garden.
They are the tiniest of the lot.
They are the ones who made a nest in our rooftop garden which was left to wilderness (I was busy or had gone abroad, may be) sometime ago.
They are the ones who attacks the big birds without fear.
They are the ones with golden brown feathers with soft white underbelly.

The black variety (I call the paddy birds) does not twit but are very chirpy nevertheless.

It was hide and seek.
I was listening to the twit hiding behind the plastic gate.
Waited for sometime to locate the direction and found two on the roof.
Within seconds they disappeared and I could hear the alarming twit to its buddy at a distance. 
They come to feed on the fruits of the mulberry trees. 
I have three on pots and they have plenty of fruits. The big birds never come down to that level and tiny tots have a leisurely feed.
The mulberry trees need lot of water otherwise they shrivel away.
I have been doing that during the torrid time.
They rain is long overdue.

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