Saturday, June 9, 2018

Altered State of Mind and Near Death Experience

Altered State of Mind and Near Death Experience

I do not want to use the medical terms like, illusions, hallucinations and delusions in this discussion since readers are ordinary guys/girls.

Awareness (sanity), altered state of awareness and insanity are better terms.

In near death syndrome, an altered state of awareness is common but most is easily forgotten, if traumatic but remembered with colorful stories if the experience (altered state of awareness) is pleasant.

In between these two extremes of Domanassa and Somanassa feeling or states many different states can be induced by drugs, alcohol, anaesthesia and meditative experiences.

This piece is to highlight the Acid Base imbalance that can be induced in meditative practice involuntarily.

Alcohol and over 18 hour starvation (much less time in kids) can bring about ketosis or disruption of acid state balance of the body and mind.

But ketone is a metabolic substitute for glucose.

In the brain the coconut oil with medium chain fatty acids can supplement and augment ketone pathway better than alcohol. 

So do not fear eating Sambol and coconut milk curry if you have a long work schedule without food. 
By the way, even patient with Dementia (there cognitive function) are benefited by a diet rich in coconut oil.

So I advice the coconut treatment to the corrupt politicians in the parliament (all parties new and old are included).

This treatment is with a strong Kithul Polla when they come for the next round of elections, since their nuts are stronger than coconuts.

So in addition to promoting Ceylon Tea give a push to the Coconut Industry and ban Yappies who vandalize coconut states for property development.

Now simple withholding of breathing (this can happen in a wrongly guided meditation) for few minutes causes carbon dioxide narcosis or acidosis that can alter one’s cognition and awareness.

This is not Jhana induced.

Hyperventilation can produce, alkalosis the opposite of acidosis.

This also can happen in meditation due to excitement of reaching a Jhana state or simply due to agitation and anxiety.

The bottom line is validating the effect of meditation should not be left to checking the blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol.

They are poor indicators of wellbeing.

The best indicator is the Acid Base Status which anaesthetists test as a routine in developed countries, since the damage they do to the brain (post operative complications) is substantial.

In that sense the altered states in NDE are directly related to imbalance in acid base balance and not due to divine intervention and often due to medical mishaps (that causes the patient to be transferred to an Intensive Care Unit) which helps the doctors to hide behind.

Our brain is not adopted to high mountain climbing (causes mountain sickness due to hypoxia) or deep sea diving (causes decompression syndrome) so do not volunteer for space travel which the private companies are offering for stupid but rich people.

Read my article on (very old one) physiological effects in space in the wider web.

I do not advice meditation for diabetes patients and both low and high thyroxin levels can have mental symptoms.

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