Bart Sibert made his comments as as a Photographer.
I am going to make my comments as a Doctor in Medicine.
I have a piece here where I have stated why I should not wear a space suit.
Things I failed to mention in that piece is stated here.
Me on the MOON
We are one gravity beings.
It took millions of years for us to evolve.
In spite of that we cannot live in the Himalaya with Oxygen deficient thin air.
Equally we cannot live undersea due to weight of the water taking a tall and also due to lack of oxygen. Nitrogen under pressure enter our blood and if we ascent fast Nitrogen bubbles come fast and clog our blood vessels and instant death.
These are described well in old Medical Physiology books.
Similarly we cannot live in low gravity moon.
Moon is supposed to be one sixth of the Earth Gravity.
Without a space suit we die of anoxia and moon does not have Oxygen with the same pressure as hours.
The space ship has to be light weight. If it is of heavy metal, it would sink on the surface of the moon, like we sink in muddy soil. Assuming it has dust on top with soft soil.
If we pressure the landing vehicle to one gravity, it will have have tough metal covering to withstand the pressure. It would bust like a balloon if the metal is thin and light weight. Additionally it make the vehicle heavy and would sink in the moon soil both due to weight and to landing momentum.
Apart from our physiological limitation we have to overcome all the physical limitations.
The wonder is Americans overcame all these in the first attempt itself.
This should to interpreted with why Russians did not bother to land on the moon.
Perhaps they did not want to sacrifice their top astronauts.
That is my conclusion.
For some unknown reason Joe Rogan tried to defend these American lies.
Perhaps he does not want to lose his ardent spectator base.
That is the very reason I do not watch Joe Rogan.
I have no problem with American's Romantic relationship with the moon.
We Buddhist have religious relationship with the Full Moon Day. We Buddhist in the past observed religious ceremonies. Buddha is supposed to be born on a Wesak (May) Poya day.
Any person or organization who propagate lies is under my radar.
As a Buddhist Lie I consider as a the biggest crime of this Modern World.
All World Media are owned by five big corporations and if the journalists as professionals do not follow rules laid down on them they are unceremoniously removed.
Tucker Carlson is a case in point but he survived.
According to Bill Kazing odds, in 1966 going to the moon was 1 to 10.000.
Many reasons cited.
1. Van Allen Belt.
2. No records old technology.
3. Could not repeat it for another 56 years.
4. Expert People in the command center could not say the Apollo images were real or fake.
5. No independent Media to witness the historical event.
6. Only 3 persons had access to the photos.
7. Of were about 20 murders to shut the mouth of de-bunkers.
Any country who lies to its own people would not hesitate to lie to others.
Kelly Smith says instrument sensors have to be Radiation Free through the Van Allen Radiation belt.
They may have sent experimental animals through this belt. The end result would have been dry charcoal on return. No biological cells left to study carcinogenesis.
It should be true of the astronauts, even with a thick space suits.
I am a retired pathologist who taught effects of radiation to medical students.
Let us just leave the medical facts for academic guys.
Americans were good at lying and C.I.A. was their instrument for both lying and bullying.
Also killing Americans and Non Americans who did not tore the line.
Gus Gruesome was one such unfortunate guy.
The common method is handsome bribes and perks.
Best evidence of faking is in the audio footage.
It takes 2 second for voice from moon to the earth and 2 seconds for a reply back.
4 seconds in total.
During the Recording Session, there is a guy in the background who says TALK after 4 seconds to make Neil Armstrong realize that time is up for him to talk.
Faking photos is another point.
The American flag fluttering on the moon with no atmosphere is classic photo error.
Besides the rocket was not powerful enough to carry such a distance.
Getting all these things right, "First Time Round" and "Always Right" is the biggest American Achievement.
Quality Guru Deming has known to have said only Japanese followed his instructions.
That is also after Hiroshima Bomb.
Russian, Deep Fake Detection Programme of AI can distinguish fake from real photos. That is the bottom line.
We are living in a Faked News World for over 55 years.
TRUTH will be on the future tense never at present tense.
That is my coinage.
Google's Neural Network says moon landing is faked.
I hope President Donald Trump would have a smooth inauguration ceremony.
President Putin last year was under snow during Victory Parade. I think people consider snow as a blessing at least at Christmas Day.
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