Running Parallels with Proxy War in Ceylon and Ukraine
Let me be forthright from the very outset.
I am writing this as a simple Buddhist who is totally against any war anywhere on this Planet Earth.
Hatred begets hatred.
Loving kindness brings harmony.
In Ceylon we had over 35 years of political hatred under J.R.J (U.N.P) and Sirimovo (S.L.F.P).
These two parties and their collateral ruined Ceylon.
The breakaway offshoot parties from these two parties still carry hatred inCeylon including LSSP, CP and MEP.
There are over 80 registered parties in Ceylon and one is headed by a monk.
According to Buddha monks should not take part in politics or should not give advice to Kings (currently president Biden and Putin), Queens or Presidents.
The latest in this development are Wira Wansa Associate Conglomerate and Champaka's new party of descent (Hate). These two are offshoots of the old JVP lead by Wije (Wira) Weera who started revolution in this country when there was no need or racial animosity in existence.
He started hating India to begin with.
It is believed North Korea was instrumental in creating this party of descent who used killing opponents in broad day light, as a political stunt and tool.
Less I talk about L.T.T.E is better and it was a party of hate from its origin and it systematically exterminated, all other moderate Tamil parties.
T.N.A is the remnant collateral.
I have nothing but admiration for Mr. Sampanthan for his political stamina.
By the way, I do not understand how the Tamil political parties evolved in the North.
Muslim parties analogy is simple.
When two dogs fight, the small dog steals the flesh of politics.
Here is the entry point for CIA.
CIA used Indian RAW as its collateral in creating descent in Ceylon just like in Ukraine.
India hated Ceylon and feared it would supersede Singapore as a power keg of the Indian Ocean.
USA and CIA was eyeing Ceylon as a base.
I know it as first hand information since, I protected the satellite in the surgical theater as a surgical equipment.
India created D.J.V.P (second RAW creation) in 1988-89 to scuttle the launch.
Indira Gandhi was the architect of the first but I am not sure of the second, may be Prime Minister Rajiv.
Only difference in Ukraine was it armed the Neo Nazis and Bandera in Ukraine for over a decade (equivalents of J.V.P and D.J.V.P).
Both Republicans and Democrats without exception helped to create Russophobia.
CIA and MIC (Military industrial Complex) were direct beneficiary but they have now met their nemesis called Russians who withstood Nazis.
It looks like Ukraine militants (Bandera) are going to be all but a pushover for Wagner group and Chechens.
I have sympathy for average Ukrainians who are refugees in Poland and EU countries.
Poland had to stomach spill overs historically.
Coming to India and Indians they did not provide refugee status to Ceylonese Tamils.
That is the typical Duplicity of Indians.
Currently India while buying cheap Russian fuels and selling them back to EU countries 3 times the stock price and are asking for a seat in the Security Council is the real Geopolitical Duplicity.
Pakistan and the rest of the neutral countries should oppose double dealing Indians and there should not be a seat in the Security Council for India.
China obliterated Tibet and Dalai Lama is a lame duck remnant.
China fought two wars with India for a narrow stretch of land and should not be given a seat in the Security Council.
Instead South Africa deserves a place in the Security Council.
WHO is a colossal waste and should be abolished for the reason allowing CIA to operate lethal viral labs to kill President Putin in Ukraine (over 22 laboratories in number, may be more).
One need not do anything to resurrect USA and UK for using Depleted Uranium and let the guys/girls who masterminded these operations die of lethal cancers.
France should be allowed to have Nuclear Plants in every city but they should not be allowed to buy Uranium from outside sources, at all. They should dig and mine Uranium in France and not in West Africa.
No gas and fuel from Russia or any other country to France and UK until all the Depleted Uranium is utilized in a War Zone of their choice.
Above points are raised to show not only India but all except a few EU countries are Duplicity Giants.
This piece is not complete unless I make some references to Israel and Muslim conflict.
Both religions are essentially similar, God based.
One branch arise from a legitimate child and other branch from an illegitimate child from the same father.
The God I think was an intermediary by creating another bifid child of Humans and Gods.
I am a guy who believes in, that the God has no relationship to human evolution.
If there was a hybrid child it would have been from an alien species who visited this planet millions of years ago having had sex with an evolving primate species.
By the way, the age of this planet is not 7000 years as according toBible and Quran but much more ancient and revising these texts according to at least Sumerian artifacts, if not scientific is mandatory.
By the way these two texts have many editions and are constantly changing with time.
Archaeologists and writers are born liars except for a few.
This comment applies to Bagawath Geetha, too.
Former CDC chairman and his committee of HiFi scientists should be sent to prison for operating "Gain In Function" research in China.
I have a request for President Putin.
We took 35 years to end our war of attrition and we are totally bankrupt. He should end the War (attrition till next Presidential Election in USA is prudent) soon, on his own accord with a Strategic Bomb near the border of Poland (please avoid spent up Uranium) or on the head quarters of the Military Alliance of the EU, lest Russia too, go bankrupt with Esoteric Missiles of mass destruction.
Otherwise, MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction!
Please note I am not in Ceylon currently and if I post this post in a local post I will be categorized as a terrorist.
All Ceylonese are by default terrorists thanks to our robust constitution.
I think Ceylon should not have a constitution but let our monks deliberate Security Council Debates, on monthly basis in every village in Ceylon and the U.N.O should fund these rabid monks.
By doing so, (debating security) as rabid dogs, fighting each other, they will exhaust their inbuilt anger and spent up steam, the rest of the citizens can exercise their free and democratic rights only in their residential domains, if they possess any of their own but not rented out.
According to proposed amendments to the constitution tenants are terrorists with no legal rights.
In the alternative each monk should be provided with a Steam Deck and Drive with a big overhead TV to play "War Games" in preparation of the Security Council Debates.
I have another proposal!
The rent for University Students should be raised by three times the local prices. By doing so, we can reduce the number entering the Universities drastically and then having more dons than undergraduates in every university that fails to function with perennial strikes.
The dons themselves can create creativity perpetually without students asking valid questions.
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