Friday, February 28, 2025

Legacy Os-02-TeenPup

Posted on June 17, 2011 by asokaplus
Legacy Os-02-TeenPup

Legacy Os-02 is out and it has almost everything one needs.

It has

1. Scribus

2. Gambase

3. Qhacc

4. Gnumeric

5. Gparted

6. Installer

7. Opera

8. Geany, Kate

9. Iso Manager

10. K3B

11. Skype

12 Bluefish Web Page Creator/Editor

13. Bit torrents

14. Print management

15. above all and games

16. Abiword

and many more

For my curiosity only thing I miss is MySql PhP Admin Graphic front

My question is why it is not within the 100 in Distrowatch.

It can be installed and like TEENPup it has graphic buttons on the right unlike Mac which prevents clutter.

Go and download and bring it above 100 in distrowatch.

In my case like Puppy it is in my top 10 distributions.

Only downside was it took three attempts to download and it broke twice due to poor Telecom in Sri-lanka.

I hope it leaves a torrent file in Linuxtracker for poor souls in the Third World!

Unlike Puppy it took little more time to boot up an internet had to be configured after booting.

It is like any other CD distribution and unlike others it is compact.

Reason for slow boot up is that it has more packages than many CD distributions.

Only Knoppix can compete with it

Thanks a lot for the hard work of guys and girls of Legacy OS.

Like Puppy it is coming from Australia and they all are Dog Lovers.

Now it (Legacy) is just below Linpus but with my recommendation and trend Linpus Linux will rise like a rocket.
Legacy should take few hints from Linpus and Knoppix to stay with modern trends.

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