Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Linux Mint

 Linux Mint
Linux mint is trying to forge away from Ubuntu, Kubuntu derivatives and that is a very encouraging change, since they are going back to basics.

Go back to Debian base and forge ahead.

Reason being the change of Canonical to Unity.

I am one who is in favour of Mark Shuttleworth's smart move.

Yes it was a smart move by him.

He is doing a Bill Gate to Linux Community

I wish him success.

Linux missed the opportunity for netbooks and I do not want to see it misses on tabloids.

Like iPads, tabloid is the future.

We must not let only Apple to dominate the market.

Google's Android has shown the way and Ubunbtu should not miss this opportunity come what it may.

I am highlighting Linux Mint here since, it overtook Ubuntu head and a nose recently in downloads at and Ubuntu in the last week or so putting its nose ahead again.

Linux Mint did not miss time in promoting both Ubuntu 10 and Ubuntu 11 base.

Not only that it did not forget the Debian and out came Debian Mint in Last December.

Linux Mint was thinking ahead and getting ready for all the consequences resulting from Unity experience and not forgetting the community they were with.

Like PCLinux Linux Mint gave variety of options and Long Term (LTS) support and rolling editions and also brand new version based on Debian for the newcomers and the newbies.
This is what was lacking with Ubuntu.
They did not have two versions but with too much enthusiasm promoted Unity only.
They can reverse this by supporting their community who were with them when Microsoft was dominating the field.
It is not too late, let the user decides the trends of the future what Canonical and what Mint and Debian should do is to be ready for all the eventualities including brickbats we call in our country.
God Luck to everybody in Linux and especially the developers and without you we do not have a customer base.
In any case innovation is the future for IT both hardware and software.

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