Monday, May 6, 2024

Linux Distributions Rank by Google Trends

 FOSS Linux Ranking

1. Debian

2. Ubuntu

3. Linux Mint

4. Centos

5. Arch

6. Fedora


Linux Distributions Rank by Google Trends 

A guy by the name of Johnson 3 years ago made the following comments

1. Normal people use Ubuntu
I agree but one should use Desktop Version.

The latest version 24.04 has only the minimal of packages in a 5.2GB image. It probably has used most of the resources for improving graphic which is probably is good.
It supports both synaptic and new SNAP package system.

2. System administrators for centos
I now hate Redhat, Fedora and Centos
I started with Redhar 8 and I ended up with Fedora 3.

3. People that love apt get but hate Ubuntu use Debian.
Debian is my base and it has may versions and I love Gnome desktop.I begin to love Cinnamon and Mate desktops.
It has lot of Live CD/DVDs with different desktop versions.
It supports both synaptic and new SNAP package system.

4.  Penetration testing+hacker wannabees (mostly hacker wannabees) for Kali Linux.
Kali is a blood sucking goddess in Indian Mythology.
Linux guys are not blood suckers.
I do not like the word hackers.

I have never used Kali but prefer Parrot Linux.
I am currently downloading Parrot Linux 6 version which is 6GB in size.

5. Windows refugees
Linux Mint
There are two versions, one based on Debian and the other probably Ubuntu.
I have no love for this distribution which does not have many utilities (not included in the original image).

6. Arch BTWers
Arch is too, difficult for beginners but lately Manjaro and ArcoLinux are useful distributions for the guys who know onions on Linux.

7. Cool kids (cool with a k levels of cool) for Fedora.
I now hate Fedora!

8. corporate slaves of Redhat
Redhat is worse than Microsoft windows.

9. cool kids (cool with c)
Manjaro is Arch based but a good distribution.

10. 40 machine raspberry pi cluster owners (overall utilization less than 1% because no one has use cases for rpi clusters)

I have no interest in Raspberry Pie.

11. People so cool that they live in their own 3D dimension + Germans

Open Suse, I gave up long time ago and its milestone editions are a pain.

12. bestiality porn watchers for Tails
Useful to carry in a USB stick but it changes its protocols frequently and I have lost interest in it.

13. ancient machine owners for Lubuntu.
Does not have most of the Linux utilities.

14. people with Nvidia GPUs
Pop Os is partially commercial and it tried its will to penetrate the Linux base with a gaming platform but failing miserably.

I hate O.E.M guys who do not support Linux.

What is not in his list.
1. My favourite is Puppy Linux which I carry in my pocket when I travel abroad looking for new hardware to buy.
If puppy does not boot, I shun buying that hardware.
I hate O.E.M guys.

2. Emmabantus is very good distribution with lot of utilities but it does (version 5) not want to co-opt with other distributions in the same machine. I overcome this by installing Ubuntu as the last distribution that configure the GRUB Boot Loader smoothly. 

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