Thursday, December 28, 2023

Buying a Mini PC NUC

I did a survey of Mini PCs, especially the NUC, and I have following comments and recommendations.

1. The second hand value of a NUC is below 100 dollars.

I come to this in detail.

2. Bare bone NUC is not for Gamers.

3. A good Gamer NUC with DDR 5 costs over 2500 dollars.

4. I bought a bare bone NUC with 4GB RAM two years ago for my work in Ceylon with a huge sum in Rupees (taxes added on top of it).

It has no Audio output which suits my writing style with no interference even with little background music.

I have a Smart Speaker with analogue radio with Bluetooth functionality, which is not compatible with my bare bone NUC.

It has 4 USB slots two gone for mouse and keyboard and other two can be used for Audio link to watch an old film.

I used to watch 3 films a day in my retirement but stopped seeing films for the last 6 months.

Stopped writing books for 9 months.

Mind you, I am in total retirement and sleep very well (did not sleep well in my active life).

Coming to the NUC it uses only 8 Watts when I am writing a book

It has a small Carbon Foot Print.

That was my Goal and I continue to promote it.

5. If you play a digital game it costs a lot in Carbon Foot Print.

If you go out and play a game of your choice for 90 minutes it is good for your long term health and the amount of Carbon Dioxide you exhale can be mitigated by running a small garden with some mint plant or better still a few coriander plants with lovely aromatic smell.

6. Sitting in front of the TV screen, you become a Living Potato!

7. Coming to NUC if you play games you need 16GB RAM and better still 32GB and the RAM costs a lot.

My minimum is 4GB RAM (with two slots for 8GB RAM).

Mind you computer runs on RAM and 2GB RAM was my minimum a decade ago!

Mind you, I started with 128MB RAM 30 years ago and only played DOS games.

Coming to Linux unlike windows its resource share capability is excellent and I do not use Microsoft Words for nearly 25 years.

8. So if you bought a NUC with 2GB RAM it has no second hand value since upgrading to 8GB RAM is going to be a costly affair.

9. I have several SATA disks varying from 320 to I Terabyte.

1 Terabyte is at home in Ceylon in its original box with all my important files of 30 years (copied from my Desktop Computer) stored.

The 500GB one has old Linux distributions installed and Old Linux Iso files stored for a rainy day.

The third with 320GB, I bought to Australia inside my NUC.

It has now Ubuntu 23.10, Debian 12.4.0 and Emmabantus Debian 5 with only two blog files.

10. All my important files including "Coronavirus Saga" are posted, is in my Google Blog post ready to be cut and paste to a chapter in any of my future books.

My files are not private (except political ones, most of them,   I have removed. I am not a politician fearing a backlash).

11. If you have a NUC, with NVMe slots, it costs a lot to buy DATA storage in Terabytes.

12. Exchange of DATA inside a NUC leads to  a heatwave inside the NUC and without a fan and a heat-sink, it will catch fire especially in Australia.

Besides 60 to 100 Watts output is not conducive for indoor living.

It is like a hot (blowing camp fire) lamp in front of you.

I'll stop at that, and if you invest money invest prudently and the gadget you bought should last for at least 5 years. 

If not you have to dish it to a gullible guy or girl, short of cash for only 100 to 200 dollars.

A waste of resources!

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