There is a nice YouTube presentation of Bugs in Software and Hardware.
I gave up coding long time ago but carried using software all my life.
Moment I see a bug, I report it from booting to running the kernel to software use.
If you are a program developer do not become paranoid about BUGS in the code you have written.
Bugs are inherent in coding, even though Linux fare much better to Microsoft and NASA is neurotic of code cleaning.
That is the very reason space travel is rare and expensive.
I am of the opinion that Russians have found all the bugs that American airline (War Planes) software have and could bring down any American aircraft flying over Ukraine.
This is the very reason that the Americans are shy of face to face combat with Russians in the War, initiated by American War Machine itself.
Ukraine is the testing ground for Americans and Poles using American Aircrafts in warfare will be a failed exercise, judging by the number of bugs in their defense systems.
Three Russian missiles in one day crept through the Ukrainian defense.
It is high time, the sensible and clever minded Ukrainians realize that they are made the scapegoats for American lapses.
My advice for Americans is to "Hang Up" the boots before all the lapses are fully exposed.
It will take a decade or more for Americans to catch up with Russian's advance in Air and Space.
Elon Musk is not the solution for problems in space.
Laziness of Americans is the root cause.
Their think tanks predicted Russians are far below standards and they squandered the defense budget on useless pet projects of the neocolnials, leaving the EU defenseless.
Their inclination of outsourcing hardware and software to third parties have created a massive gap.
Their intelligence gathering is now at a standstill and most of their veterans are engaged in Talk Shows.
Failure in Ukraine is due to combination of the above factors.
By pouring in outdated radar systems and armament, the American expected the Ukraine to do their bidding.
On top of that Ukraine is totally corrupt and 50% (normal is 30%) of the money goes to private accounts.
Now Americans have to do it by themselves and no American is willing to sacrifice his or her life for a failed exercise.
Using Poles to do the second bidding now that the first bidding with Ukraine is coming to an end is also a "No Go" situation since Poles do not want to upfront Russia directly.
They (Poles) will fight only within West of Ukraine.
Putin will strike through the American MIC in a little by little peacemeal fashion until the 2024 Elections in USA.
I think somebody like Donald Trump should come back and put America First initiative working for America through diplomacy.
Biden is a failed exercise and total failure of diplomacy.
This is what happens when one is in bed with a drug addict and a mad hatter.
That is why I say America needs a guy like Donald Trump to kick start the lost prestige.
Above all American have to drop hegemony and develop open diplomacy (but not Darvos War Clinic and Antics).
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Bugs in Software and Flying in Space
Friday, January 20, 2023
Headless and Heedless State, Ukraine
Headless and Heedless State, Ukraine
It is the strategy of the CIA and USA to use a Proxy State for its own advantage and dump it unceremoniously when the going gets bad.
This is what India did to Ceylon using LTTE as its proxy.
Then, Indian pawans coming as peace keeping force and when they raped our Tamils sisters and one of them turned a suicide bomber and killed the Indian PM in broad day light, the events in India went upside down.
Never trust an Indian and they are called black Jews in African Continent.
We did not become a Wasala State or Headless but became heedless Under R5xR.
We got rid of them but my prediction is a leader, will be reborn, someone like Dudley Senanayake personality and will take over this country, provided we go back to our basic and Buddhist way of life with harmony.
By the way, if Dudley was reborn here he would be 50 years now and waiting in the wing until people oust the bad lot including Ranil, in coming elections.
By the way, we need to treat our Tamils with equal rights.
But there going to be a long interim period of famine and economic hardships globally and lot more people will die.
In millions not hundreds!
This has nothing to do with Ukraine War but significantly more deaths compared to Coronavirus fiasco (due to faulty vaccines distribution by the WHO by Fauci conglomerate of Pharmaceutical companies) would ensue globally due to natural and unnatural causes.
That is my prediction on scientific grounds not on astrological calander.
The bio-terrorism unleashed by USA in Ukraine will be hushed up and forgotten!
Only President Putin has the dossier on bio-terrorism unleashed by USA in Ukraine.
The idea was to KILL Putin by any means possible but America failed.
Muslims in Ceylon is not a Race but a migrant trader community (historically for 5000 years of elephant trade to Italy and Egypt) and nothing more.
Coming back to Ukraine when America disposes current head, a comedian, puppet and and drug addict, the country would be a headless proxy.
This had never happened in human history.
The first of the failed proxy country, thanks to American hegemony and neocolonialism where able bodied either in proxy war or had fled the country.
I have coined a phrase.
Fight, flight or FREAK.
The UK, EU, NATO and All are Freaking right at this moment.
They cannot change the course of human history which will emerge as a New World Order replacing the OLD Unipolar (Only USA) World.
Anybody aspiring to become the head in USA or Ukraine will be disposed as quickly as feasible.
But I still believe Ex-President Trump who was an astute businessman should be given a Second Chance which was spoiled by Anthony Fausi and the Democratic Cabal by releasing a man made virus, in his tenure.
There is enough evidence to prove Furin cleavage site was tagged with an artificial RNA.
Coming to Ukraine by the time NATO get ready;
Anything East of Dpenepa river is Russian's and the West of the river, the rump state is occupied by Polish mercenaries.
It looks like Russia wants the West portion to be a Waste Land full of Time Bombs and Rocket Debris!
Similar to an African (Waste) Dump Country where Wastes of the West including Nordic countries are dumped with cash bonuses.
WHO has no waste protocol including nuclear and the West is dumping their waste on the African continent.
WHO is oblivious to these sordid projects.
Rebirth of Rebirth
Rebirth of Rebirth
Let me deal with the mundane.
I have made my table top Clutter and Cluster Free.
Thanks to NUC without an Audio Port.
In spite of several attempts it's Bluetooth is out of order.
I bought a digital speaker and from it analogue output is humanly Impossible.
It has Radio, SD and USB Outputs.
Finally I could listen to my MP audio files, using SD card and USB sticks.
I managed to download all the latest Linux distributions and tested them for functionality.
Last one was Plop OS, a cute utility distribution.
Thanks to Power Cuts, I have finished 10 books without final editing.
Every time power comes, I release my spent up anger in a book form.
In addition, I have reproduced Dhamma message in my blog post so that somebody in the inner circles of War Mongers read them and bring an end to this War of Attrition.
I said at the very beginning this is a War of Attrition and EU and NATO will crumble and pay the ultimate price.
The latest victim is Jacinda of New Zealand who has received the Curse of the Guy who initiate it.
I refuse to state his name in my blog site.
That is my revulsion of him but the darling of Military Industrial Complex and Darvos.
Australia is not immune, since an island loaned to America and is used by the cabal for managing the the War from the sky above.
All those who die end up in hell realms.
That is my entry point to Rebirth of Rebirth.
Rebirth in human realm is absolutely rare.
This planet has over 300 million species.
If every galaxy has a planet similar to the earth with life forms, the total number of species cannot be estimated in real numbers. By the time one finishes counting them many may have gone extinct and many new forms may have evolved.
That is the Reality.
That is my introduction to those who deny Rebirth.
Humans are rare as it is, when a human dies he is never born again as a human.
He/She slips down to a lower plane or realm.
With so many life forms in this universe and other universes by statistical chance alone, one can be reborn as a human being with the Kamma Stream which is almost endless.
As a joke I say, I will be reborn as Chameleon with multi colors.
I am a multi color personality!
Coming to Dhamma one has to have a high intelligence to understand Buddha's Teaching.
Limiting it to Kamma and Rebirth is simplifying it to the core.
There is much more in Dhamma especially related to how Mind and its Working.
Lumping it to Meditation alone is a simple diversion tactics of the modern man.
It is not an MKUltra exercise.
The mundane cannot have even a glimpse of Dhamma.
I am bestowed with high intelligence and I have not yet understood it.
And many monks who preach have no idea of Dhamma but continue outpouring written in old texts, never updated.
To fill the gap, I have written a book on Buddhist Cosmology and ended up writing a book, how a Kandy dog became the Acting Brahma (real Brahma is on a long vacation).
My next post, if not a chameleon would be the acting head of Apaya or Hell and I will be responsible for upgrading the punishments not meted out on earth properly.
A detailed book on Mind, Alien Saga, Medical Tit Bits (already on publication "Coronavirus who cheated us Locally and Globally"), Vision of Dhamma and Fact Files will be out soon.
Only hindrance is recurring power cuts.
Anthony Fausi is only one out of the bad lot.
For me Power Cuts was a blessing.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Plop OS wthout a GRUB File
Plop OS
Plop OS is a cute distribution which boots on my 64 bit PC But not on my Intel NUC.
Its boots on text mode and wen I type startx it boots onto a graphic mode.
It is long time since I used startx command.
It i similar to 4M Linux but has blender and Gimp.
I hope developers take the trouble to have a FAT partition with a GRUB file so that even Intel's NUC would boot it.
Film on CDC Head and Bill Gates Combo
Film on CDC Head and Bill Gates Combo
I managed to find a film on CDC Head and Bil Gates (he owns shares of Pharmacological Companies from his ill gotten money from poorly performing Microsoft windows) which goes into the dark side and shoddy deals of CDC head.
He mislead all including the former president and propped up President Biden for coverup.
He has no shame at all!
By the way, President Putin knows all about biological warfare against Russians. Putin has demolished all the Bio-Labs in Ukraine and he will see to that the American proxy guys are chased out of Ukraine in due course.
Why WHO is numb about all these is my bone of contention.
Million have died and millions including children are going to die and somebody should be accountable to this premature vaccination programme.
WHO head shifting his focus to Climate Change and Darvos fiasco will continue while lot are dying in China.
It is strange why China is not taking these guys to task.
I am a doctor in retirement, I almost kicked the bucket from Myocarditis from the First Dose of the Vaccine.
That made me to write a book on these shoddy deals.
It is Robert Kennedy Junior who narrates the story in the film, in a historical sense.
What little Bill Gates knows about vaccines?
USA and UK doing Bio-Terrorism on Slovak Minority Race in Ukraine.
WHO did nothing to stop this SORDID Experiments in Ukraine.
Besides all the Narcotic Experiments were carried out here and Ukrainian volunteer soldiers were used to test them.
Some holding high position in governments were hard addicts.
All these happened during Borden Administration.
Darvos pledges of Ukraine aid were used for all these illegal activities of the CIA albeit indirectly.
I am not going to write another book on conspiracy, since Russians videos are putting them out almost on daily basis.
All caught with pants down.
Saturday, January 14, 2023
NUC's Integrated Graphic card is hopeless
NUC's Integrated Graphic card is hopeless!
I bought a basic NUC Box and I tried to play some of my old films.
Horrible experince.
Besides sound does not work.
Well I have an old PC to play them.
No worry.
I am not much interested in films now.
Booting an Old SATA Disk with ONLY LINUX
Booting an Old SATA Disk with ONLY LINUX
I made hash of things trying to erase an OLD one terabyte SATA Disk with DATA. To begin with formatting it was difficult took a long time.
Even Ubunbtu could not get the GRUB file configured.
Two of one terabyte disks and one 360 GB SATA disk with seven (7) distributions in them to boot.
First terabyte hard disk was OK with new almost unlimited GPT partitions.
The other had old four primary partitions table, one being a 600 GB NTFS partition.
Ultimately with the help of Debian I got three distributions installed with a relatively big NTFS partition for DATA.
After 48 hours careful planning I got the Seagate disk working for my needs.
One of 120 GB SATA disk was retired having formatted with a FAT partition.
I did not want to retry the other one terabyte SATA disk. It also goes back to its original box for safe keeping.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Why I Do not use Arch Linux?
Arch is probably the world's most famous (or infamous) rolling release distribution. Its heavy focus on do-it-yourself computing, lack of a graphical system installer, and buyer beware attitude toward package upgrades has made running this project a rite of passage for many Linux users. People often talk about running Arch the same way they'd discuss earning a merit badge.
Personally, I have some complex views when it comes to the Arch Linux project. On one hand, I appreciate the concept of a technically clean, minimal distribution on which we can build things. I like having the option of starting light and adding components as needed, at least in theory. However, I often get the impression Arch Linux is trying to make things harder just for the sake of making things harder.
Arch Linux is intended to be installed via manual commands from a shell, the install media has no graphical interface and no graphical installer. Technically, there is a command line system installer, but, as I've pointed out before, it's buggy and limited.
There doesn't seem to be any technical reason for this hands-on approach to installing Arch. There are over a dozen distributions in the DistroWatch database which are, essentially, "Arch Linux, but set up with the Calamares system installer and your option of desktop environment." Philosophically, Arch seems to want users to do more work, more reading, and more editing configuration files by hand. This approach isn't bad, necessarily, but it is more work and rarely offers an improved experience. It's similar to building your own kit car: if you have fun doing that sort of thing, that's great, but in the end it doesn't give you a benefit when you're driving on the road.
One more thought, before I talk more about my latest experience setting up and running Arch Linux: part of my mixed view with regards to Arch comes from not being sure if it is a distribution. Arch supplies a lot of packages, including the Linux kernel. It also supplies support forums, rich documentation, and a place for users to upload recipes for installing third-party software, similar to the BSD concept of ports. All of these things make Arch seem like a Linux distribution. On the other hand, Arch Linux, as an operating system, doesn't really have a design or layout of its own. It is like a box of Lego bricks we can assemble into a shape of our choosing - aided by detailed instructions - but without any automated help. It feels like a bunch of parts we can use, or not, as we like.
These characteristics make it difficult to review Arch Linux because it doesn't really have a structure so much as optional pieces. As a reviewer, I'm basically tasked on building my own operating system from parts and then asked my opinion of it. I feel like I'm grading my own art project.
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Two Hours with Dialog Wincle
In two hours I downloaded 3 Linux Distributions and tested all of them on USB sticks.
Nearly 14 GB of Data of Nitrux Linux Archman Linux and Open Mandriva Gnome.
tere is another Russian Distribution called RUNTU and I am going to test it.
Runtu desktop is pleasing but it is only in Russian.
Download is not yet over.
Trying to download Vanilla Linux Iso.
It looks a good distribution
Mind you I rarely use the Voice Mail and that also by Land phone.
This is between 3 to 5 AM.
I am a guy who is good at Linux Multi-tasking and currently running Embankments and also had a cup of tea brewed to counter the December cold spell.
I am hesitantly downloading Linspire.
Hope I am proven wrong this time round.
Microsoft has money to throw about and buy gullible developers to do underhand thing, just like CIA.
Note of Quora
Note of Quora
I just logged off from this site.
Like Facebook and Twitter once one sign with them they do not let you take the registration off.
What I did was to make some nasty comments on a simple question on Linux.
They sent me a warning but still did not take me off the site.
They make money on the sly behind my comments by making advertisements.
Just like Google AdSense.
By the way, I have not made a cent from Google AdSense.
That is not the intention of this site but to promote Linux which is free!
Do not violate ones own principles.
It is not worth wasting a blog piece on Quora.
What they do is to use gullible Web visitors to ask questions and keep the site active while on the background make advertisements and make money on the sly.
Do not get caught?
Saturday, January 7, 2023
The demise of Neocolonials and Prowess of Russia
The neocolonials are on the decline and demise. This will coincide with the fall of Biden, the impotent president of War Mongering.
He put money of the entire American War Chest in Ukraine to oust President Putin.
In reality come next election Joe Biden will be ousted by popular vote.
That is my prediction two years ahead.
The utter wastage in any war will be felt within two years.
We in Ceylon ended 35 years of ethnic war on 2009 but still in debt and our economy is in tatters.
Very same fate will befall Ukraine with coffers empty and nobody dare put money for construction when corruption is prevelant transparency is non existent.
What will happen is the destruction on unitary American lead colonialism and the emergence of Multipolar BRICS with new social dimension.
Then Ruble and Yuan will be the global currencies and dollar and pound would be in a situation of trying to catch up with the lost dominance.
In this scenario Brussels and EU would have to design a new currency called Global Recession Currency for War Mongering or GRC-W.
For this currecy to work there should be anothet war in Thiwan.
Give US WAR anywhere on this planet is the American True Dream.
War, War and more War.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Microsoft using Open AI to Steal Open Software
Microsoft bought GitHub, may be in 2018.
My feelings was Microsoft use CIA approach.
Put a mole inside and destroy it within.
There is a class action suit filed this Friday.
The issue here is if one uses these stolen software without acknowledgement one can be sued in a class action suit.
I am one who opposes AI tools without owership or personality.
It is a very dangerous tool in the hands of undesirable.
In my opinion Micrisoft had been undesirable for decades.
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Dialog is simply the best Service Provider in Ceylon
Let me finish with MibiTel.
Ever since Maru Sira and his rice (not a mango friend like TB Illangaratne) brother infiltrated the TeleCom and MobiTel, the decline in quality and service is pretty obvious.
My first Dongle was from MobiTel.
For some reason it stopped booting wireless connection from my old laptop (not the current one with Star Linux installed in it).
I reported it and wanted to buy a new one.
This Dudley guy who has no knowledge of cellphones discontinued it.
I had already gone to Dialog for Broad Band internet connectivity and ditching MobiTel was almost instantaneous.
However I kept the SIM as my secondary Google sign in cellphone with that SIM.
I tried to sign in with Google with this SIM and Google realized the problem and wanted me to change the cellphone.
I obliged with Dialog and immediately signed into Gmail.
After nearly 40 years I ditched MobiTel for good and kept the land phone for PEO TV, having paid Rs.10,0000/= in arrears.
I have one dialog voice mail and others are on two 4G Wingles and on Mobile WiFi Unit.
I had a Huawei Mobile WiFi and stuck another MobiTel SIM in it and for only two days it had fast service and it trikled down to 4 to 8 KB per second.
I put that back to its original box.
By the way, I am going to put all my cellphones to hibernation so that CIA cannot snooze on me.
I use my PC on Linux which if CIA tried to penetrate I will have a log file to prove and login history.
I think with Star Linux Russians are pretty safe.
Star Linux is not my workhorse but it has all the utilities in one place.
Arch Ultimate Plasma Edition
Arch Ultimate Plasma. Edition is a sleek distribution.
I am not a fan of Arch, simply because it drives me nuts when installing.
It's live session is very long due to its persistence on checking everything before booting.
It is simply paranoia in psychiatric terminolgy.
I am going to keep it until I finish my book on Linux Fundamentals, since at boot time it goes through all the naming fiasco of hooking udev to dbus to POSIX to kernel which is boring for an old guy who used Linux over 20 years.
Linux is only 30 years old.
It has a long life time.
However, I recommend it to a guy or girl who really wants to dig into internals of Linux.
Not for these YouTube guys who brag about their prowess on a dark terminal which is an antithesis to me.
Linux should fit in a 2GB stick and anything above is bloat ware!.
Now little warning.
These guys Zorin and PoP OS leave behind a script and one cannot clean erase the USB for refuse.
I have over 25 USB sticks with bootable Linux on them only Ubuntu and Sparky Linux I have two copies.
I love the animal graphic of Ubuntu front face when booting.
I love nature and Ubuntu developers coming from South Africa love nature.
Good on you.
Sparky Linux I have media edition and game over editions.
I support Linux gamers but not Steam OS of Valve.
It is long time before I right about Linux and my workhorses are Debian and Emmabantus.
I have love an affinity for Star Linux from Russia.
They have done a wonderful job of having sessions for desktop, tablet and cellphone.
Unlike Americans Russians are smart on table desktop and in the battle field.
Ask an American about Linux, they only know Microsoft's capitalistic crave.
I hate Microsoft from the time I entered Linux.
It is simply aristocratic lady in Kandy who hides her age behind a glossy sari.
That is my best description of Linux.
I have only one experience with Apple Globe with a faulty disk, I never used it beyond Redhat ? 6, certainly not Redhat 7.
I have ditched SuSe and Redhat for good long years.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
MobiTel and Telecom SUCKS
What happening in Telecom and MobiTel is SORDID.
Unlike in the banks these teller guys who collect the money don't put the money to the credit of the customer same day.
They collect the money and give loans from that money to the guys in the underworld or Pathalaya.
This was done under the direction of Ma Ra Ya now deposed.
These guys are still in service and the New Lokka is impotent to deal with these guys.
The same thing happens in the Water Board and Electricity Board.
I am aware of one bookshop in Kandy, the manager did the same thing.
This guy died of a cancer and I hope all these guys who cheat get protracted cancers in their retirement, including all the big shots out of power.
Steam OS, Telecom Service Providers and Alien Saga
Let me finish with "Alien Saga".
It is my new book going through the final touches.
Aliens in other worlds are not capitalists.
They use Free Dark Energy for flights and Free Wireless for communication.
Their civilizations are an antithesis to Capitalistic Worlds.
This applies to Russia which is fast becoming a Capitalistic and making money on oil and gases.
In my life I won't see free energy and I won't be born again in failed state Ceylon.
I may be born in a type 3 civilization and the last two years of my life, I would go on to state 5 Jhana state for that misadventure.
Yes 2 years of solitary meditation and I will beat that Tibetan monk.
Coming back to Steam Deck and OS is a failed enterprise of Valve.
Two reasons.
They took money from gullible waiting list guys and failed to deliver goods in time.
Even if you got the deck one has to pay for Internet Connectivity.
It is far better to get a console with few games not dependent on online Connectivity.
Second is Linux is Free Software and there are enough substitutes already there to play games in Linux.
Sparky Linux Game Over is only one of them.
In a few years Steam Deck is a failure and my interest on using Steam OS had waned already and I would be talking about China and AI in space.
Coming to Ceylon service providers are either expensive or the service is poor.
MobiTel Service is horrible.
They cannot provide even cordless phone and our land phone out of service.
PEO service sucks.
I use Dialog TV and they discontinued service when I did not pay within 2 weeks.
I have six SIMs (one is on a Broad band unit) I spend over Rs.6000/= a month, mainly downloading Linux images not Porn.
As a medical guy I have seen all HOLES in my working life.
I have changed myself to data packages and no voice mails at all.
I sleep 8 hours.
I use 8 hours for Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and
8 hours for creativity -now (all my life I did not have proper sleep).
I sleep well but only handicap is I do not have Dreams.
Today I am going to Dialog to buy another Dongle.
Simply because on a Dongle wireless connection is more robust than on a mobile cellphone.
99% of the guys who use a cellphone does not know that it is a handheld computer.
It was built by CIA to track criminals and CIA is tracking everybody on this planet (except Russian spies)now and criminals have a good time in Ceylon and Russia.
My MobiTel SIM on a Huawei Mobile Unit was active for 48 hours and I used up Rs.500/= of data.
I won't replenish it's data.
Best Thing for me -2022-was Intel NUC
I wanted a clutter and wire free Table Top and quiet PC with low power capacity.
All in one place but no games in spite of 8GB RAM.
All the fun I had spoiled by PoP OS and PCLinux.
My advice for newbies is to, not to try them.
They cannot dual boot and figure out how ESP partition works.
This applies to Zorin, too.
Ubuntu has the best ESP workout and Debian has got it's act right but not Emmabantus.
Mind you I use Emmabantus in my writing mode to use AbiWord.
I wanted to update my OLP PC and tried both PCLinux and PoP OS and they ruined my GRUB boot record.
When I was testing BSD it took over my first hard disk formated it and I did not know this fact but I still could boot the second hard disk.
All my old DATA is in this disk including old Linux images for 32 bit computers.
It was only Gnome's GParted that alerted me that it is formatted to XFS partition.
Any way I got Debian and Astra Linux already installed but without a boot GRUB.
PoP OS and PCLinux could not touch them.
I am nor installing Emmabantus.
Problem was I did not have Emma's image.
I have erased them to collect empty USBs, having installed it in a MultiSystem USB.
MultiSystem USB could not boot Emma.
I just made a Emma USB using my Iso Store.
I am fully retired and none of this put me on Panic Mode.
Moderna Vaccine abreaction has destroyed my Panic Center in the brain.
That is a bonus from this vaccine.
My advice is never take any of these vaccines which the WHO had Violated all safety Protocols.
I think this guy who is trying to hide under Global Warming, like CDC guy should be sacked along with all neocolonials of Biden administration.
Politics is bane for me and I want the CNN and Fox News who cover up these political guys killed by their own sordid deeds.
Try Al Jazeera instead.
Now I must say Emmabantus got PoP OS booting and my old NVedia card cannot rise up to PoP OS needs.
Astra Linux is booting OK but I have two Emmas in the two hard disks.
One boots automatically.
Now it is 3 AM and I won't try any fancy things for this year 2023.
Happy New Year to all who visits my page.
No more blogging for sometime.
Monday, January 2, 2023
NUC Base
Instead of I used my external disk with Linux in them to boot.
That means I have to chose each device on boot up and GRUB did not have all devices recognized.
What I did was opened the NUC removed the SSD inside and put a SSD without a GRUB and reinstalled Debian and Emma.
Emma recognized all the distributions in three SSDs.
Finally I disconnected the two external SSDs.
If I want to boot Star Linux or Sparky Linux I would stick the external disk and pick and choose the distribution I want from GRUB Menu.
NUC Base is quiet and no games.
I have only 4GB RAM 4.
Removing the SSD was difficult with finger.
Nothing to hold on to.
I used a pair pincers to slip it out.
Top enclosure has SATA power cord and data cord.
There is no room to manipulate my fingers and use my hand to slip out without pulling out data and power cords.
It has no ports for new NVMe cards with high capacity high energy use.
Otherwise you would be disappointed.
Wait till prices come down.
We are back to power cuts in Ceylon.
I was making a USB stick with multiple Linux Options when the power cut mode came into operation.
I am using Linux MiltiSysyem Utility.
By the way, Emmabantus had MultiSystem as an application, which another plus point of Emma.
Luckily UPS lasts more than 20 minutes and I safely exited.
I bought it for Rs.45,00/= and it is now Rs.15,000/=.
I should have bought another one.
I have another UPS which back up 10 minutes.
This NUC boots up any USB stick with a distribution except BSD.
On a different top why all the guys in the West dick with Russian paranoia?
I am intrigued by YouTube guys not talking about Russian Linux distributions.
Star has Mobile, Tablet and Desktop mode which is very good approach for a Laptop.
If you can stick the cellphone mobile mode is good to unload excess data and photos to the NUC or PC.
Russian unlike American are practice minded.
Only down side is one user per computer which is capitalistic mind set.
One cannot make your PC a Family Unit.
I have overcome it by using multiple distributions.
I tried various method to dual boot with Star Linux and failed with my old Laptop but not with NUC.
This is old due to old BIOS not supporting dual boooting.
I actually used BSD on a DVD to erase BIOS dictates.
BSD full version (not the USB mode) does not boot from my Laptop.
By the way, Star Linux is Debian based and it has introduced Russian Fly Desktop to Debian.
Developers from outside Russia should make a note of it's innovative approach.
I have found another problem with Linux Mint.
It's GRUB boot detection is hopeless.
It could not detect Sparky Linux and Russian Star Linux in one of my external SATA disk.
I am installing Ubuntu 22.10 again to get the GRUB configuration correct and to detect all my external drives.
I am on a relaxed mode but did not erase Mint.
My choice of Linux distributions.
Let me start with PoP OS and PCLinux both USB sticks boot up with my Laptop but did not bother to install since both are scarred of Windows hegemony.
Number 1 is Debian.
Number 2 Emmabantus.
Number 3 is old edition of Debian.
Number 4 Sparky Linux especially Game Over edition.
Number 5 Mint Cinnamon desktop followed by Mate desktop.
Number 6 is Star Linux.
Number 7 Arch Linux BlueStar edition.
I did not like the Arch MX Edition.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Update on Russian Star Linux on my old Laptop
Star Linux is only One User Linux installation.
It takes over the hard disk and won't let you boot with other Linux distributions.
Good thing about it is it erases all traces of BIOS script of Microsoft Windows.
Hard disk is only 120GB SATA and Linux, for example Ubuntu uses only 60GB and I can have at least 2 Linux distributions.
What I did was removed it stuck it to an external disk and using my new Intel NUC installed Emmabantus.
It booted OK with NUC but windows said no bootable disk since it has no traces of windows.
I am reinstalling AstraLinux.
It uses 20GB for the root and 2GB SWAP and then only I realized I had only 1GB RAM (Adata).
So my laptop is not game ready and one needs 4GB of RAM, ideally 8GB.
It has only one slot
My NUC had 4GB RAM and two slots(type 4 not 5).
Star Linux let you select new kernel but I used generic 15.10..
It's desktop is called Fly and only yesterday I did a little review or look at its configuration.
I am banking on Star Linux to detect my Emmabantus when configuring GRUB.
I want AbiWord and see only Emma supports it.
Besides Emma has the Apple like desktop.
It did not boot and the Windows bootstrap interfere with booting.
Went back removed first few partitions and allowed Astra to do the honours.
Failing which I will use BSD CD to destroy everything and install TANK partition.
I have done this many times before.
Worse I still have disk with Endless OS.
I do not panic now.
Astra Linux has enormous amount of packages and data base but no AbiWord.
Russian Astra Linux Saved me From Endless OS
Russian Astra Linux Saved me From Endless OS
I would cut the story short.
My Old Laptop BIOS was taken over by Microsoft Script and I could not dual boot with Linux.
Long time ago I used BSD and erased it but BSD did not have lot of software.
After trial error I found Endless OS could do the same.
Once Endless OS takes over it does not let me boot from CD or USB.
I removed the SSD, put a spare one and let Astra Linux do the honours.
Astra Linux let me dual boot with Debian and Emmabantus.
Thank you Russian developers.
I have a new start this year!