Friday, January 20, 2023

Rebirth of Rebirth

Rebirth of Rebirth

Let me deal with the mundane.

I have made my table top Clutter and Cluster Free.

Thanks to NUC without an Audio Port.

In spite of several attempts it's Bluetooth is out of order. 

I bought a digital speaker and from it analogue output is humanly Impossible. 

It has Radio, SD and USB Outputs.

Finally I could listen to my MP audio files, using SD card and USB sticks.

I managed to download all the latest Linux distributions and tested them for functionality.

Last one was Plop OS, a cute utility distribution.

Thanks to Power Cuts, I have finished 10 books without final editing.

Every time power comes, I release my spent up anger in a book form.

In addition, I have reproduced Dhamma message in my blog post so that somebody in the inner circles of War Mongers read them and bring an end to this War of Attrition.

I said at the very beginning this is a War of Attrition and EU and NATO will crumble and pay the ultimate price.

The latest victim is Jacinda of New Zealand who has received the Curse of the Guy who initiate it.

I refuse to state his name in my blog site.

That is my revulsion of him but the darling of Military Industrial Complex and Darvos.

Australia is not immune, since an island loaned to America and is used by the cabal for managing the the War from the sky above.

All those who die end up in hell realms.

That is my entry point to Rebirth of Rebirth.

Rebirth in human realm is absolutely rare.

This planet has over 300 million species.

If every galaxy has a planet similar to the earth with life forms, the total number of species cannot be estimated in real numbers. By the time one finishes counting them many may have gone extinct and many new forms may have evolved.

That is the Reality.

That is my introduction to those who deny Rebirth

Humans are rare as it is, when a human dies he is never born again as a human.

He/She slips down to a lower plane or realm.

With so many life forms in this universe and other universes by statistical chance alone, one can be reborn as a human being with the Kamma Stream which is almost endless.

As a joke I say, I will be reborn as Chameleon with multi colors.

I am a multi color personality!

Coming to Dhamma one has to have a high intelligence to understand Buddha's Teaching.

Limiting it to Kamma and Rebirth is simplifying it to the core.

There is much more in Dhamma especially related to how Mind and its Working.

Lumping it to Meditation alone is a simple diversion tactics of the modern man.

It is not an MKUltra exercise.

The mundane cannot have even a glimpse of Dhamma.

I am bestowed with high intelligence and I have not yet understood it.

And many monks who preach have no idea of Dhamma but continue outpouring written in old texts, never updated.

To fill the gap, I have written a book on Buddhist Cosmology and ended up writing a book, how a Kandy dog became the Acting Brahma (real Brahma is on a long vacation).

My next post, if not a chameleon would be the acting head of Apaya or Hell and I will be responsible for upgrading the punishments not meted out on earth properly.

A detailed book on Mind,  Alien Saga, Medical Tit Bits (already on publication "Coronavirus who cheated us Locally and Globally"), Vision of Dhamma and Fact Files will be out soon.

Only hindrance is recurring power cuts.

Anthony Fausi is only one out of the bad lot.

For me Power Cuts was a blessing.

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