Friday, August 12, 2022

Games and Game Boxes

I have done two nasty political pieces but are real events in our current century.

The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) was exposed to a small degree but they are the ones calling the shots.

Before I go into game boxes, let me expose the psychology behind  most games.

Most of the games simulate violence in young kids.

The parents one generation behind
have no knowledge or understanding of the violence in these games.

These are good to train violent soldiers in action not disciplined soldiers.

I think in Ceylon military training in the past,  it is the first and the foremost and I do not know how it is enforced now.

We had over 3 decades of war, generation after our generation only knew violence.

A peaceful Buddhist country turned upside down and Myanmar is the classic current example.

Violence begets violence.
Parents buy toys to
(I have replaced the words win or lose in a Dhammapada verse)
to divert their attention and to buy the latest to riva, the neighbour's kid's gadget).

When they grow up they start liking guns and try them like game kits.

That is the truth about America.

Due to our violent terrorist in the South (the British let us own guns to begin with) the government confiscated all the guns.

That did not prevent emergence of LTTE, the Underworld and political goons possessing guns.

Perhaps only in Russia (we only speak bad things about Russia) carrying weapons is a criminal offence.

There is another Dhammapada verse that states one sees the tiny speck of dust in another's eye but do not see a fly in one's eye or nose.

This applies to America and Ukraine.  

Weaponized Ukrainians are more violent than average Russian soldier who is doing a job and there is a violent brigade in Ukraine some holding political posts.

These things are getting exposed due to the war.

Then there is exposure to illegal drugs to get the 'game kick" one gets when playing a game.

Fourthly they fail in academic activities.

Fifthly one should play with your own kids, right game at the right time.
This is what I learned as a paediatric guy.

Buying a game box to buy time for your own work is not way around.

Instead of collecting these toys one should give them to a kid who does not have one.

With that long preamble let me dish out my observation.

1. Number one is the price, is it affordable?
With parents finding difficult to feed their kids this question does not arise in Ceylon.
Even a photocopy is expensive and exercise books have gone up in price.

2. Number two is the RAM and none of the basic models except Apple has above 8 GB RAM.
One need at least 16 GB RAM to play modern games.

3. Number three is Graphic processor which costs at least 100 dollars.

4. Then the accessory ports in the front or on the back, ideally with a Ethernet port.

Our wireless connection is hopelessly slow.

Current president wanted to donate  a laptop to each kid in ? A level and one of the ministers was given the monopoly to import.

Thankfully we got rid of that government before executing any of these grand projects.

I was telling at that time it is far better to buy a cellphone with Android 10 or 11.
I have not seen an Android with version 12.
I bought three cheap cellphones before they went up in price to 3 times (to avoid buying new batteries for old ones).

There are no cellphones or batteries to buy in the open market, now.

One has to fly to Singapore but the  plane ticket is 5 times, now.

5. Then there are  other accessories like Monitor, keyboard, mouse and joysticks.

6  All these add up to 300 or more dollars and buying a Valve Steam Deck and Dock is more realistic, than ever.

7. The problem is there are not enough chips in the market with China banning export of good quality sand that they dig from our (Ceylon) coast for many years, pretending to build a port city.

Our politician banning a ship is eye washing mouth watering politricks. 

8. We could have built a chip factory instead here to earn money from the DEBTS to unnecessary ports and air ports built but never completed.

That is the bottom line of our idiocy.

Chinese are shrewd monsters in this globe.

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