Thursday, July 22, 2021

Global Water Pollution Tax and Mud Tax

Water pollution is a very real problem.

Focussing only on air pollution is not a scientific approach.

Life depends on water.

90% of this earth is covered with water but not even %1 is drinkable.

That is also after treatment with chlorine that is carcinogenic by nature of its oxidation potential.

Toxic oxygen is carcinogenic.

The whole industrial mechanisms are polluting both water and air.

Mankind has gone bonkers.

The Chinese bashing is my latest vogue.

It is an extension of Ceylon bashing.

The city I was born I have left in disgust.

That was the best and prudent decision in all my life.

It is the most air polluted city in this country according to the scientific investigations.

It holds an annual festival under cover of religious convention which ends with a water cutting ceremony.

It is ritualistic and elevate water to a highest degree and does exact the opposite to create major water pollution during the rest of the year.

That is the paradox.

It was a blessing  that Coronavirus made it only a ceremonial occasion last year.

Instead of keeping it at a low profile, there is an attempt to revive it while (Coronavirus is still spreading) under cover of bogus vaccination success (needs 70% or over coverage but less than 1% coverage currently).

Vaccination only the paraders is a damn stupid idea.

What about the spectators not vaccinated?

A Supper Spreader event is on the offing.

I propose band this festival and instead introduce Water Tax and Mud Tax.

I have scientific reasons.

I boycott this pagaentry on elephant welfare angle.

Elephants belongs to the jungle.

Let us protect the jungle they live and let all the captured elephants released to their full freedom.

That is what the democracy in politics means.

They are not for display and they should be protected as the national pride, since the elephant party is dead due to its own internal conflicts and splits.

Instead of elephants the Duty Free Pajaeros (carry the casket,too) given to the MPs can be used (paraded) with the historical casket carrying Karanduwa inside the vehicle (with the roof removed).

Now that the PM (fully vaccinated, I believe) is coming to this city to celebrate this event we can get all the MPs to parade (they hijacked the vaccine meant for first responders without any shame or Leajjah are fully vaccinated) off their Pajaeros for a change, since after the election we did not see them except on TV.

We can give them a WHO or Sinhala who in right Royal manner.

The people, my gut reaction is, will boycott the parade by default, if MPs are paraded instead of the elephants.

Coming to Global Water Tax, all Chinese goods sold to America, like Carbon Tax should be tagged with a Water Tax and a Mud Tax.

This will make level playing field for all industrial countries also polluting the water.

For example Thames river on cannot have a dip.

In.Ceylon one cannot have a dip in Mahaveli or Kalany rivers since all the domestic and industrial waste are washed to them.

For that matter, all the rivers numbering100 are polluted year round.

To this Water Tax we must add Mud Index to take China into account.

Their development madness drive the development into flood zones and recent flooding in China (Japan included)is a classic example of encroaching on flood zones by development.

The development encourages mud and land slides.

Many.points of the river should be tested for proof of Mud Index to supplement Water Tax.

If Mud Index is High double or trible the Water Tax is my global.proposal.

That will make people to realise drinking water from a tap is a hazard.

In Ceylon they should ban ecotourism and building hotel complexes near river basin or flood zones.

All the hotel refuse and in my city hospital refuse,too are directed to the river without treatment.

I firmly believe Coronavirus is an Enterovirus and it can enter our water resources since we wash our backs daily with our hands, once or twice.

The Coronavirus is going to stay with us for eternity.

Water cutting ceremony is a BIG waste if we do not protect our rivers from pollution form indudtry and domestic refuse outputs.

We will soon reach Chinese level of pollution eventually even we boycott all the Chinese goods on proposed Water and Mud Tax.

This Tax mine of course is a wishful thinking which WHO will never endorse.

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