Saturday, July 31, 2021

Problem of Eight and Endless OS

I have encountered a novel irritation which I tentatively diagnosed as a BIOS virus.

This script interferes with my Laptop which I installed Debian 10 and Emmabantus which are two excellent distributions.

Debian is limited with some old packages missing particularly AbiWord my workhorse.

Emmabantus is padded with 5 GB of extra packages(Debian 25 with all the desktops) but only two desktop types.

I love all the desktops and try them at various occasions.

Coming to Problem of Eight at the time of booting and entering of password which had numbers it sends a stream of eights which the backspace cannot erase.

During typing of words in AbiWord and Libre Office a never ending serious of  8 keep on auto typing which I could not erase with backspace finger typing.

I tested my mouse working OK but changed the mouse.

I wanted to add a USB typewriter but no room left.

I could not test the keys of the Laptop but I use keys very softly except Ctr and C.

I got annoyed with file checking utility at boot time which Ubuntu introduced and type CTR + C and this probably was recorded in memory as 8.

That is my guess.

Debian does it gently and Debian also could not abort the never ending 8.

To abort it I type Ctr and C.

I think the operating system assigned an arbitrary number 8 anticipating my keyboard routine without a command function.

I had to reinstall my installation.

Mind you I have to use BSD or TrueOS to erase Windows BIOS obstruction.

I was up all night and solved the problem in 7 hours.

The bottom line is let your operating system to do its file checking for your owm good and sip a cup of tea.

I now know it does finish the file checking routine before our electric kettle boils water for two cups of tea.

My tea contains 600 mg of caffeine and is not a cup but a jug.

Let your system do it own self checking and wait patiently.

I want it to be fast and I am basically impatient and impulsive and want to be faster than a computer.

In actual fact my brain is faster and I do not want AI to know that.

If AI knows they will make me a slave or guinea pig.

I got to be little brainier than a computer or an AI.

I think modern games use this impatience in young guys to trap them in a game mania

I love games and wish success of Steam Deck.

Pensive mood solves even very difficult problem.

Even after reinstalling this Figure of Eight 8 bug started recreating it's annoyance.

Even BSD could not erase the number 8.

Finally I installed Endless OS which takes over the hard disk of the laptop but I could erase the 8 fast enough and installed it without a password and got into Internet and signed to Gmail.

Endless OS by nature simulate the Laptop Screen as a Cellphone screen and has Endless number or Free Software.

It is Debian based and takes over the hard disk and no dual booting.

Thankfully it has AbiWord and I have already installed Libre Office.

I am installing 100 odd games including Pingus and Tux racer.

Unfortunately the download speed with Dialog WiFi is very slow.

I have to say Good Bye to Debian and Emmabantus and they fear touching a Microsoft BIOS data

I am convinced now Microsoft once installed its own your computer and won't let you install alternative Linux distribution.

Thank You Endless OS for erasing the Microsoft BIOS data for me.

Even BSD seem to gear Microsoft Strategy.

This is why I hate Microsoft.

I am installing Steam 1 in my Linux expecting to update to Steam 3 next year.

Anyway my laptop is back to its own self due to Endless OS.

Mimosa Pudica Flower

Even this thorny weed has a beautiful flower.
This plant even though treated as a weed nourishes the soil by binding nitrogen.

Amazing Cloud Pattern

I did not sleep all night.
That is because I have reversed my sleep pattern to night duty mode.
There are mosquitoes in the night.
I keep up to kill them of they reach my domain,
I did not spray insecticides or mosquitoes repellant.
All my life I was and I am waging a war but it am losing the war but winning only small battles.

I decided to eat something and had a peep at the lilies and wanted go my sleep.
The sun was not out and was at a tangent and just by reflection I wanted to look the sky predict it will or will not rain.

With regards 15 years of experience I quite good at it better than BBC global weather report.

This may have happened before which I did not bother to find because of my laid out attitude.

I should go back to my observation mode or cloud watching for fun.

They amazing pattern I cannot explain in simplr physics but would like to add to two or three factors.
High Air Pollution
Global Warming
Unknown factors which birds know by instinct but I don't know.
Let me leave at that.
The cirrus pattern of clouds are in high atmosphere where dust particles are scattered or spread in a warm sunny days.
They never crisscross.

Today I so three cirrus pattern crisscrossing each other which am artist cannot reproduced in a canvas.

I immediately went for my camera and took two section one the normal pattern to the west and the abnormal or unusual pattern to the east before sun comes up and interfere with lens reflections on top.

My second cheap camera battery was dead for comparison sake.

Two lens will record the same event in two different ways.
Diffraction or similar physics term regarding the lens aberrations.

Finally I used all my new and old cellphones to record the cloud pattern.
None of them have a good result and cellphone camera will never give the quality of a camera.
So buy as camera instead of a cellphone if you love photography.
Camera industry will be killed by the cellphones and quality camera price will sky rocket and cellphone prices will plummet on due course.

Pick is yours and timing is important.
I bought the camera damn cheap in Singapore when cellphone was in vogue.

Five concepts of Economics applied to Addictions

Natural extracts
Yes, coffee and coriander
Decline in meat industry
Economy of artificial drugs and it's emergence in the less developed countries.
The Bad,  the Ugly and the Evil
Devil incarnation

The God, the Devil and the Man dressed up for Evil, Reincarnation and Masterly inactivity (simultaneously)

What a paradox?

Five principles of Economics applied to Science and Research

The emergence of Coronavirus had a damping effect on research protocols.

Since it emerged from an unrestrained laboratory in China

Do scientific community have answers to uncertainty principle?

Are they groping in the dark?

What is the way forward to resuscitate it's blind and economicc wisdom?

Is the money well spent?

Five concepts of economics applied to politics

Politics is the last but worst hit industry.
Hesitancy in making decisions at the right time during the pandemic


Window of opportunity for the Third Force.

Will it come out of the doldrums?

Five concepts of economics applied to Sports

Game plan established.

Lot of money to left without a project

Linux come to rescue.

Apple and Microsoft in panic mode.

Steam Deck, Dock and Dump (Money) strategy to revive the sagging Linux game industry.

One has to put money to get some returns.

Would it be a success recovering from a pandemic?

Yes probably.

But No on long term basis.

The economy has been hit so hard the stimulus money would disappear into thin air.

Why is this paradox?

Five concepts economics applied to meditation

Uncertainty as the base.

Speculation for the need for an escape route.

Realization of Void and the panic button is pressed.

Buying and selling technique applied.

Collapse of the established methodology in meditation with the arrival of the pandemic establishing certainty of the uncertainty principle.

Are we free to decide our own future?

Or are we trapped in a vicious cycle?

Money, Logic and the Bubble

Can a bubble exist in space?

Bubble concept and self isolation of a nation or a couple of nations based on financial interests disregarding common sense.

They fallacy of germ free environment.

Apply the five concepts of economics.

Uncertainty Principle

This is not about Buddhism but Economics.
Buddha' s Economics of Singalovada Sutta I will brief you at the end.

This is dedicated to one whom I befriended in my late years of retirement.

He has a long name but I call him Mana Wadu (means carpenter -wood or metal does not matter-:of mind).

I used to go for my daily loaf and some Wine but sit with them for a tea (25 a Cup) never alcohol since  I hate attack which smells awful.

He sits with his friends at the Bank of Ceylon till 2.30 P.M. and looks at the spinning wheel in the video display and makes his assessment and bets.

I come at 2.45 P.M. and pull them for cup of tea which I never sip (awful taste) but some   sweets and yoghut drink (not for gastritis which I never had) as a base for my stomach since I DO NOT have rice as a my lunch.

They bar which I go opens at half past four (only once I went to the Kandy Bar but it did not have my favourite Wine).

I always have a book in my hand and if I come early, I sit there and flips the papers of my book and ponders over the next topic to blog.

So I asked my senior friend teach me economics and he was a Graduate of Economics couple of years senior to me of the same University.

We never met as undergraduates, since he had a day time job somewhere not a teacher, probably a bank or a bookkeeping somewhere.

I was not bothered to ask and he had given up a teaching job and trying to prolong his job and probably passed out after me.

He finally ended up as Senior Accountant in Government Service and had lot of good contacts.

He had a very old cellphone and a typical government servant's handbag.

His footwear and cloths were archiach and a bachelor.

I gave him my notebook for 20% cut rate and told him to dress nice and present himself smart at any point of contact point.

That is the way about business dealers.

The business dealers do not have brains but they talk and present as super smart I told him.

Otherwise one is treated as an old cogger.

I go for my alcoholic chocolates daily and he always gets one free from me but never offered alcoholic stuff to him.

Mind you by this time I had insight that I was a mild but smart alcoholic and chocolate with sprits was my attempt at weaning myself.

It takes time but insight to say to yourself an alcoholic is the way forward.

All my life I was never been able to wean a guy from alcohol or cigarettes.

I stopped smoking at 33 and I knew I have the mental skill to drop alcohol just like I stopped eating rice (different reasons).

We had a another guy who was an oragami specialist and he too joins with his daughter.

I thought it was nice for me to invest on a another skill but never progressed since it taxes on your finger skills trained for tiny surgical skills for infants.

But common theme is lovely discussion and some lovely chocolates.

This guy had an absence attack and he did not tell me but after probing I knew what had happened and told him take some aspirin EOD, every other day and do not worry and do not consult a doctor but me.

The bottom line is all the money of this guy was plundered by his elder brother and his extended family and grandchildren.

He used to take some chocolate for the grandchildren and one of them scalped the netbook I gave him.

By the way he did not take aspirin (because my nice and simple ways, he did not believe my advice and I told him the lapse episode will come within a year if you do not take aspirin).

Sure enough he had a lapse and he was taken to hospital (I ask the oragami friend to follow his progress) and he was made a life time sick guy by the doctors.

I never saw him again and this was long time before Coronavirus pandemic.

By the way he never answered my telephone calls (I believe confiscated by the elder brother).

I never got the chance to learn or master economics from this guy but with some probing I got the key concepts into coherent assembly which is given below.

Buying and Selling
Certain Collapse

Next Cycle starts with Recovery.

Printing money makes no difference to this cycle.

It is not based on logic but on simple speculation.

Simple term for this is industrial gossip.

Now Ceylon politics also thrive on gossip but one cannot be a good a Finance Minister by gossip mongering.

When the economy collapses wise guys start buying BUT idiots start selling his last silver.

China is buying and we in Ceylon is selling at cut rate level.

It is all cutthroat transactions nothing but.

Communists have become ultra-capitalists and that is the paradox of communism.

Top Chinese have billions (building palaces in London) and bottom has minions and a cellphone to browse the world in virtual reality.

It is an illusion of grandiosity.

Does not matter one is capitalistic or communist, the greed and selfishness rule the world.

Now a word about neo-capitalists in space not the philanthropists  of Microsoft.

Unless human kind master the space and have a strategy to communicate with galactic civilizations with higher intelligence and simple economic values we are frogs in a deep well and the third extinction is well on its way to destroy the current ecosystem.

It has happened before and more than likely to repeat itself with vengeance.

Criscrossing Cirrus Clouds

It is rare to see Cirrus Clouds Crisscrossing.

Nokia and AbiWord

I have three Nokia cellphones and all of them have Android 11.

I have been using Android 4.3 Kit Kat.

Google' forward march is incredible BUT I won't buy a New Nokia cellphones to test it and give constructive criticism.

Simple because Goole has chosen the wrong concept of imitating Microsoft' s glossy and bulky imitation.

Google' has its own cellphone now with not so modern architecture (hardware side in going through a rough patch due to graphic cards heating up an cooking or frying the system and battery life has not improved accordingly).

My advice is hang on to the old cellphone and wait and see policy.
The same advice I dish out to Steam Console.

Drum and Dump approach.

I am writer and none of the cellphones have a built in light weight word processor like AbiWord.

AbiWord has gone into hibernation and no updates for few years.

Nokia should collaborate with AbiWord and develop it to be its standalone word processor before somebody rich buys it and kill AbiWord for good.

AbiWord is light and its collaborative open system with cloud capability has great potential on Android ecosystem.

Google' with its own words document has to be in the cloud and not a standalone system

Unfortunately all Linux derivatives except Puppy Linux do not support AniWord and gone for Libre office, which is on version seven and trying to emulate Microsoft.

Problem with them ate they have to support all international languages from Chinese to Arabic to (unfortunately No Sinhala after Anuradha left and Hantana Linux a Fedora fork has failed us- should have been Debian which Anuradha did some early work) to French, German and English and updates come after long delay and enormously BULKY for the cellphone architecture.

If Nokia takes my advice and embrace AbiWord it is win-win end result.

Thankfully I am old and would not plunge into this area except finish my books first with AbiWord and use Libre Office to give finishing touches.

I support both AbiWord and Libre Office.

I started with Open Office and Redhead bought it to kill it but failed and that is why I hate Redhat and Centos operating systems.
Centos derivative with a glossy name (the name did not register in my mind) has a uphill task to overcome.

It is like Mandriva, Mandrake and Mafia trend and Magia had cr of its age after long dormancy.

I have not  tested them since I disconnected my Ethernet Wire due to rats munching it.

Same thing happened to my CNet satellite TV cable.

The company went bust in the first five years in Ceylon.

The overhead were high then.

But with Coronavirus economic downturn that will eventually come and will last long, nobody wants to part with the money NOT SO hard earned.

How come that money neither can save life nor buy happiness.

That is the bottom line.

Cellphones also will bust due to overproduction and so many companies competing in a saturated environment.

Collapse will come from China and the domino effect for cellphones will be catastrophic.
Rich guys have two or more cellphones but over farmers in the remote area cannot use them since the infrastructure is slow to develop (I mean aerials) and 5G is going to be a FLOP.

5 G covers flat land up to only 300 meters.

It is far better to buy or fine a pirated DVD.

Full WiFi (software conversion is poor and expensive) connectivity is a dream.

That is why I say use the Radio Signal and Radio and Direct Signal Transfer.

Of course a primitive aerials construction by our farmers might solve the booster of weak Radio signal.

We did it and it worked OK and Rediffusion I'm our time busted within am year.

I am physics guy in thinking and I am thinking about how to communicate with our nearest galaxy  and aliens (not the batten land Mars).

Let China wastes it resources in Mars before it busts.

Amazing Patterns in Nature

Guess what is this?

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Latex Binding Capacity and Coronavirus Prevention Strategy

My bone of contention is Coronavirus is artificial and does not have a biological mother with bonding capacity and it needs a vehicle like adenovirus to provide a biological hydrogen bonding capacity.

ACE receptor is the biological receptor for adenovirus and has served it's biological role in evolution.

The evolution has surprises for us and whether that surprise belongs to rRNA causing havoc is my survey target.

Like an antibody I need a biological agent to prove my theory in evolution (not complicated) but simple and realistic.

All plants which have secretary agents prevent the bark from being pieced and insects boring into the stem and harming the core of the stem.

Whether the plant is big or small (at rRNA level) is immaterial,here.

Rubber is a good example of it's milk or latex strategy in the biological system.

My discussion here is latex of Koss or Jack Tree which we destroyed for commercial purposes.

Artocarpus heterophillis is the first named tree (by British authors of yesteryear) in the Peradeniya Botanical Garden, as you enter.

Peradeniya garden has gone into commercial endeavours and neglected local research.

My theory here is for them to engage in and disprove.

I combine rubber sponge as a vehicle to take jack latex or Kohalla in combination and mop all the  hospital beds or other nursing surfaces and see whether one can collect the Coronavirus virus load to 50% capacity without the aid of adenovirus ACE receptors.

The presumption here is the ACE is saturated and there are plenty of Coronavirus particles lying around waiting for a passerby to get attached.

Now my comparison of Coronavirus is to plastics which is artificial not natural.

Plastics and rubber makes a good combination binder in commercial capacity to wrap all  game consoles to be drop proof when playing a game one handed, eating a Waraka Madulla (the juicy soft wrapping of Koss Ata or Jack seeds) with the other (in Colombo high rising complexes).

Now if the free Coronavirus is not bound to the sponge rubber with jack latex it is my sure proof of artificial ingredient being in my sample of testing.

The contamination assured.

I must remind you that, Chinese do Wet Market Research without any contamination at all, by wearing rubber gloves and with this Bat Woman leading the research protocols, we are fully assured  global protection and NO global contamination.

If we prove that jack latex can be used to remove rRNA  (Our Kussi Ammas or housemaids can be trained as an export commodity to do that in China and Korea) by 50% efficiency, provided that it is a natural biological entity seen in the wild in abundance, it will be our top export commodity (not the virus but the housemaids).

We can promote our coconut oil industry as a subsidiary  to remove extra or stuck up Kohalla.

It is a boost for both coconut and jack of trades industry.

The rubber for the sponge is imported to establish global or foreign connections.

The problem is we have to start planting coconut and jack trees for this industry, *The Kohalla Industry* to come off the ground.

No problem at all, the Coronavirus will last at least another 50 years (like we have morgaged our assets for 100 year terms to China, this is only a half of that time, by that time I have kicked off from this planet to be born in another galaxy where they have perfected virus free communities).

While this is happening our University Researchers should test all the trees left after vandalisation by politicians to discover more potent and potential  latex varieties to mop the balance 50% of the rRNA.

I do not believe the detergents reduce the virus load except virus particles are displaced to another place to be modified with more virulent emerging (at drop of a hat).

My attempt is to reduce the virus load by burning mopped up virus since the rubber mop with jack latex embedded is easy to burn releasing simple biological agents not plastic related dioxines.

Any good ideas, to ponder?

I am waiting anxiously.

Global Water Pollution Tax and Mud Tax

Water pollution is a very real problem.

Focussing only on air pollution is not a scientific approach.

Life depends on water.

90% of this earth is covered with water but not even %1 is drinkable.

That is also after treatment with chlorine that is carcinogenic by nature of its oxidation potential.

Toxic oxygen is carcinogenic.

The whole industrial mechanisms are polluting both water and air.

Mankind has gone bonkers.

The Chinese bashing is my latest vogue.

It is an extension of Ceylon bashing.

The city I was born I have left in disgust.

That was the best and prudent decision in all my life.

It is the most air polluted city in this country according to the scientific investigations.

It holds an annual festival under cover of religious convention which ends with a water cutting ceremony.

It is ritualistic and elevate water to a highest degree and does exact the opposite to create major water pollution during the rest of the year.

That is the paradox.

It was a blessing  that Coronavirus made it only a ceremonial occasion last year.

Instead of keeping it at a low profile, there is an attempt to revive it while (Coronavirus is still spreading) under cover of bogus vaccination success (needs 70% or over coverage but less than 1% coverage currently).

Vaccination only the paraders is a damn stupid idea.

What about the spectators not vaccinated?

A Supper Spreader event is on the offing.

I propose band this festival and instead introduce Water Tax and Mud Tax.

I have scientific reasons.

I boycott this pagaentry on elephant welfare angle.

Elephants belongs to the jungle.

Let us protect the jungle they live and let all the captured elephants released to their full freedom.

That is what the democracy in politics means.

They are not for display and they should be protected as the national pride, since the elephant party is dead due to its own internal conflicts and splits.

Instead of elephants the Duty Free Pajaeros (carry the casket,too) given to the MPs can be used (paraded) with the historical casket carrying Karanduwa inside the vehicle (with the roof removed).

Now that the PM (fully vaccinated, I believe) is coming to this city to celebrate this event we can get all the MPs to parade (they hijacked the vaccine meant for first responders without any shame or Leajjah are fully vaccinated) off their Pajaeros for a change, since after the election we did not see them except on TV.

We can give them a WHO or Sinhala who in right Royal manner.

The people, my gut reaction is, will boycott the parade by default, if MPs are paraded instead of the elephants.

Coming to Global Water Tax, all Chinese goods sold to America, like Carbon Tax should be tagged with a Water Tax and a Mud Tax.

This will make level playing field for all industrial countries also polluting the water.

For example Thames river on cannot have a dip.

In.Ceylon one cannot have a dip in Mahaveli or Kalany rivers since all the domestic and industrial waste are washed to them.

For that matter, all the rivers numbering100 are polluted year round.

To this Water Tax we must add Mud Index to take China into account.

Their development madness drive the development into flood zones and recent flooding in China (Japan included)is a classic example of encroaching on flood zones by development.

The development encourages mud and land slides.

Many.points of the river should be tested for proof of Mud Index to supplement Water Tax.

If Mud Index is High double or trible the Water Tax is my global.proposal.

That will make people to realise drinking water from a tap is a hazard.

In Ceylon they should ban ecotourism and building hotel complexes near river basin or flood zones.

All the hotel refuse and in my city hospital refuse,too are directed to the river without treatment.

I firmly believe Coronavirus is an Enterovirus and it can enter our water resources since we wash our backs daily with our hands, once or twice.

The Coronavirus is going to stay with us for eternity.

Water cutting ceremony is a BIG waste if we do not protect our rivers from pollution form indudtry and domestic refuse outputs.

We will soon reach Chinese level of pollution eventually even we boycott all the Chinese goods on proposed Water and Mud Tax.

This Tax mine of course is a wishful thinking which WHO will never endorse.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Productivity Laptops, Tablets Cellphones

Let me say, I love to have a Steam Deck as a companion.

Simply, it is Linux based PC and portable, the games (I was an addict for life but not now) that comes with it would have been a big bonus during Coronavirus lockdown.

The pandemic is a master stroke in nature I never saw it coming as a medical man.

It is a tsunami in multiple waves in which recovery is going to be very slow and incomplete.

The economic impact is much worse and even if I had extra money I would not have bought it a Steam Deck.

But some people have managed to save money as a little bonus during lockdown and may be inclined to go techies.

Steamed Valve is prudent to ask for pre-orders but many of them would not purchase it eventually.

If they mass produce it might lead to a big flop.

I have all the items I need collected over 10 years and the tablet is the oldest (bought 10 years ago) which is being used now for playing bridge and few other games the SIM of it is disabled by default.

This tablet went into complete freeze mode  and did not want to investigate fully charged it and removed the SIM.

When you do that it goes into default factory  mode which was my experience with TV.

Then about a year later I put a SIM with enough data and kept it plugged to the the TV.
One day I realized it has come to life.
Year 2017.
Android 6.
Memory 2 GB.

I immediately downloaded all my.favorite applications and once finish my data removed the SIM.

NP internet and no viruses.

I.learned all this from a cheap Chinese AMPE tablet with KitKat 4.3.

I have to replace the battery once and its second battery is dead and I won't bother a new one.

I hacked it enough to learn about Androids.

I have few other old cellphones (GreenTel) which I use when on travelling abroad and fully updated bur rarely used.

I do not hand to go looking.for batteries.

Having several cheap phones is an advantage.

If one is lost no.problem but they do not breakdown if not used daily.

It save money  on SIM use.

Heavy work is always done on.the PC.

The cellphone is the latest buy (one year old) and it is a solid Nokia with updated Android version 11.

I knew our money is going to depreciate but certainly not  to the extent of.over 200 per dollar.

I cashed some saved dollars to buy one extra cellphone for extra security.

Using a single cellphone and heavy use of it is a liability on battery, accidental falls and spills of coffee.

Your cheapest one should be the one used for calls.and no.images to battery life.

The better one at your bedside and for the Internet and few games when bored.

Thank you Google for back up and regular updates.

But my workhorse is my laptop which I bought in Singapore 5 years ago when I realized many portable gadgets will hit the market and the one CEO woman of HP decided to stop production of laptops.

This is where Chinese jumped the bandwagon to produce cheap IBM computers.

I rarely use the PC now but which is updated to latest Debian.

I have to wait till October for Ubuntu 21-10.

I have not seen any new  Lenova laptops in Ceylon with severe import restrictions in place to report their performances.

If you have money do not wait for Android 12 which will not even come to Ceylon for ages.

Buy any phone left in the stock before they  go out of stock.

I advise you get rid of your wedding ring (which has no user value) and buy a good cellphone which brand you buy simply does not matter at all.

By the way, the gold has gone up in price.

The price of petrol will remain high.

High rising building going to a big flop.

Growing manioc will never make you rich but plant some Jack (remember Koss Mama or Arthur V Dieus) Trees for the future grandchildren.

Now we have *My Loss Mamas* in power and in debt.

Colour matching in nature

If not for the shining eyes I would have missed this guy.
Do not think.that only chamellion can do the trick.

Hiding Place

Finally I found the hiding place of the tree frog.
Just under the fish tank.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Playing Video Games is an Addiction worse than Alcohol

Video Games is a double edge sword.

One end of the spectrum is fun.

The other end is addition.

It cannot be honed in by assessing the number of hours somebody play.

I will deal with the physiology in brief later.

The game console developers know how to entice a guy or girl.

Their objective is to make money out of this misery, the addiction.

It is all about enchepheline stimulation.

They brain's enchephelin production is static but the individual variation is slight.

Ultimate goal is Ecstacy and I put this into some categories in an order of frequency.

1. Number one is games or sports.

The addiction has two modes

Players and the Spectators.

Good example is UK after the loss to Italy.

One end or misery lasts more than 90 minutes of play.

The ecstasy of win is also temporary and lasts until the eventual loss.

They game managers have methods like in general elections.

Qualifying games and tournament final every four years.

Olympics is a good example.

2. Number two is politics and elections.
There are very few winners and 99.99 losers.

I will stop at that.

3. Number three is this elite (the delusion within the game players themselves) group called meditators.

Their illusive goal is also very transient Ecstacy.

In Buddha's terminology less than nanoseconds until attaining Arhathship.

4. Number four is the research professor on any field trying to hold onto his or her mis-contrused concept.

A good example is bat woman in China.

5. Number 5 is a confabulating alcoholic.

His goal is also Ecstacy.

I will leave you to decide which one is good for you.

I have deliberately excluded some religious practises and hard drugs in my discussion, religion due to its inherent sensitivity and drugs due to lack of my knowledge of street drugs escalating numbers.

Regarding console games I never thought that game played at wrong frame rate can burn a newly installed GPU.

Of one set the frame rate above 60 for visual effects, it is more than likely the rate of input data does not match the handling capacity of the GPU and before on set of data is sent out (output data) other set coming in jams the sorting capacity of the GPU.

Heating ensures and these circuits are closely  wrapped in wafers in small compact  unit or area without heat sinking capability.

A fan help to a limited level but not any more of the sustained heating while playing a fast game.

Steam Deck should look in to this problem in depth before mass production of its units.

Coming to game physiology and how the console makers let an individual player to believe in stepwise manner that he/she can beat the machine.

Human  can never beat the machine he has built.

So to overcome this inadequacy in feelings he builds games of increasing difficulty to entice the owner of the console.

The Stream Machine has 50,000 games and the Linux repository has over 60,000 applications (not games, that one can use for creativity).

Our nervous system has a big lapse in response to pure electrical.stimulation.

The brain has developed an ingenious strategy to overcome this lag phase.

The brain records this experience embedded in the neural system (how this is done is a mystery and I believe it various from person to  person) as a FALSE memory and retrieve it forwards to the retina.

In other words retina is made to believe it as a true event of NOW not a past event (but in reality it is a past event replayed).

In psychiatric terminology it is an illusion.

The reality is a concept created by man.

So we live in constant illusion and delusion cycles or strategy to overcome over neural deficiency or lag phase.

Coming to analogue devices like a TV or Camera or Cellphone that records all physical events and when delivered to us filter about 95% of the input and display to us about 5% which our retina can (understand ) convert to electrical impulses as true events (series of images cramped into about 36 out of 10,000 or more).

The game box manufacturers know this and they only manipulate frame rate of different events (it is called rendering and rasterization in digital photography in printing for example) and drive the player to Ecstacy level gradually in increasing steps of difficulty.

What the computer does is to filter unnecessary analogue details so that the CPU is not overloaded with unnecessary information.

So buying these fancy New Graphic carda elevated in price is an entry to the grand *Delusion Mode* of industry hype.

If you have  working computer do not throw it away.

If you have lot of  money, then buy a new one with graphics improved (do not buy a graphic card and toil looking for other parts to assemble) and keep your head just above water, since the next version will be advertised soon as next or better option with minor modification to the older one's manufacturing defects.

This is a money game, too.

In other words a grand illusion.

To leave psychiatrists some leeway, I won't use delusion and reserve it for their use.

Mind you psychiatric dictionary has more words (to confuse us all) than combined physics, mathematics and science (pathology has much less) that I calculated once, before writing an article (putative) on memory many moons ago.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Thank you Gold FM and How I became Creative During Pandemic Lockdown

This is about Radios and WiFi Music.

The pandemic has made us neurotic, psychotic and selfish.

If not for the Radio and Beautiful Gold FM music I would have gone bonkers.

Mind you our TV, CNN and Fox are NOT very useful to get concise news in less than five (5) minutes.

I turn in Gold FM and get my daily news brief and news update quickly.

No Coronavirus Overload in Gold FM.

The Gold FM is probably the best in South Asia.

Unlike Indian broadcasters they do not murder the Queen's Language.

Thank you to all the Gold FM listeners for their feedback to the comperes of Gold FM constantly.

It is Ceylonese at best.

I wish instead of putting out boring Pirith Recitals, they have a Sinhala and Tamil broadcasts devoid of political and advertisement interruptions.

Broadcast music they love (Sinhala and Tamil) and brief news update and weather  so that a farmer working in plot bordering the jungle or a distant tea planter walking through his estate could be kept informed and entertained.

TV and Multimedia won't penetrate distant places without electricity.

A Radio with rechargeable batteries consume less electricity.

The point here is radio with rechargeable batteries (not normal lead batteries are going out of stock in Ceylon due to import restrictions).

Unfortunately countries like UK cutting foreign aids and not investing on Worldwide Broadcasts and Education Projects  we need to invest in Radio (Ceylon) Public and Private (Channels) seriously for instant communication.

Energy saving is of paramount importance with TV and Multimedia are energy suckers.

Radio with a rechargeable battery  costs very little and its running cost are very  low and lasts over 24 hours on one charge.

They are combined with LED torch.and SD card and USB inputs.

The SD card can hold large number of songs and educational stuff in addition to music.

We will never be able provide every child with a laptop which can be substituted by a much cheaper cellphone that would supplement the radio programs.

The problem with cellphone is carriers that provide WiFi is costly and may not reach the distant villages.

Current video programs only supplement kids who already overloaded with information not education.

TV education programs are actually a lesson in a classroom recorded and dished out.

I am not saying stop them but improve them with a radio signal included for transmitting to remote villages.

The current old education minister will take an year to understand what I say here.

Bypass him and take a lead to innovate Radio Programs.

I will list how I used radio for my upward mobility.

I was born after Second World War.

We were the only house which had a large Philip Radio which needed a large horizontal ariel mounted horizontally across above  our garden we played.

It provided up to date brief news.

Radio Ceylon provided very good children.and adult programs.

I was clever enough not to need them and  was I ahead of time.

I made *one crystal radio* as a kid and picked science effortlessly.

Aim was to enter university one day which I did not tell anybody (my classmates used to ponder secretly that I would do that on the first attempt).

I am voicing this here to say there must be lot of kids much more capable than me in remote places that can be reached only by Radio Waves (not cellphone WiFi).

Do not let them vanish like a wild flower.

There is a beautiful song that lyrics give a musical rendition to the above phrase.

The song did not come on airways of Gold FM today but anybody from Good FM who reads  this play that song and follow up a ground level program to go with it.

Listening is a technique that has to be trained in kids.

TV image is a big distraction whereas radio message is not.

I am what I am tody due to the Radio Ceylon and we did not have TVs.

I used to listen to Cricket Broadcasts from UK and Australia (my father used to switch it off rudely).

I used to listen to BBC news and Panaroma 

That improved my English and  English pronunciation better than my father.

By the way, current BBC program are not as good as they used to be.

Probably they are not paid well and leave BBC to join American stations and programs.

Just pampering politicians is not the way.

During pandemic I did lot of creative things after a lapse of time.

1. Getting Android 11 into trim condition Updating  News (without TV) and looking round how technology advances around the world are a few of them.

2' Listening to Radio News and music especially Gold FM.

3. Getting the rooftop organized by removing 70% extras.

4. Going out aimlessly to Kandy city saying to bring food.

5. Perfected Bridge playing with cellphone and added few mote new games to my repertoire.

6. Got the Laptop and PC running latest Linux and kept a keen interest on the  development Steam Deck and Dock game Console.

7. Put on little weight.

8. Disconnected the land phone.

9. No meditation.

10. Good night sleepy (having killed all mosquitoes, less than 5 a day now) and up.guy 10 A.M.
All mosquito breeding sits destroyed and fish in the tanks do the rest.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Cellphone, Technology, Linux, Cryptocurrency, Politics and Global Warming


Cellphone, Technology, Linux, Cryptocurrency, Politics and Global Warming

This is not a gossip column like, Facebook, Twitter and Freedom Platform.

One might not see the connections, if one does not understand the basic physics.
If you do not understand how physics works in real world, do not read this beyond this point.

This is a scientific exegesis not a bizarre meditation session with delusion and illusion revisited.

First of all thanks to Donald Trump and his extreme Ultra Right Wing for using Freedom OS which is a derivative of Lineage OS.

I supported the Lineage OS, Linux Magazine and Linux Voice but stopped subscribing to the Magazine (reading scientific stuff is in my genes) due to poor supply of Dollars from abroad.

To dispense with money matters and currency first, I hate single currency of EU for a very good reason.

It comes from a small  city called (Equivalent of Singapore in Europe ) Belgium where the King plundered West Africa for centuries and was helpful in spreading AIDS (equivalent of bat fever or Coronavirus of mainland China) globally.

AIDS came from a tiny tree monkey in Africa whom they used for animal experimentation.

We have not discovered a treatment for AIDS or for that matter Malaria from which millions of Children still die every year in Africa.

The simple reason for objecting to single currency is:

It would dilute the stupidity of all our Finance Ministers after independence.

Mind you, British left us surplus of money in our coffers and the Air Ceylon to fly (for the politicians to plunder later).

This even Victor Ivan understands.

Mind you, I have a chapter on Victor in my book Politics Revisited at Amazon for young ones to read how we plundered money and freedom and we have now geared for a military government which is failing by the day.

I prudently, I stopped writing my Political Vision dead at 2010.

This Political  Vision, Ma Ra and Si Ra combination erased from our history.

Any opportunity for recovery in a sensible redirection was lost.

I think, "The Third Force"  can emerge from the proverbial ashes of Phoenix.

A victory path from the prison.

Mr. Ranjan Ramanayake should steer it from the prison cell provided a bright guy writes a book on his behalf and in his name (one should get ideas from him and put in legible Sinhala and not in Amu Sinhala or Kunu Harupa).

All good revolutions started from long incarceration, in the history of mankind.

Longer he stays in prison better for him because more and more blunders will accumulate like the way Coronavirus spreads, in spite of so called robust vaccination programs.

Mandela is a good example but White South Africans by covert design muted it.

Coming to Linux and cryptocurrency.

The Ultra Right is based in Austria where cryptocurrency has one of it's bases where illegal money is invested globally, with robust farm of computers.

These computers need graphic cards, the reason I do not understand but guess they use PDF photo-proof for blockchain transactions which are invisible to the banking systems.

I now know unlike the CPU, the Graphic Card layout which is in multiples can do trillions of calculations per second.

However they consume lot of energy and need a robust heat sink to cool the system.

PDF means portable document Format.

These computers consume large amounts of electricity which even Nuclear Energy cannot cope with.

Electricity does not come cheap.

All digital gadgets needs electricity and the rechargeable batteries need electricity for recharging.

They need compact circuits and every circuit including your cellphone contributes to the Global Warming which is the bottom line.

That is my bone of contention.

So only way to mitigate is to stop using Internet, me posting here (soon be terminated, could not keep that promise but would be soon) a blog post included and every email adds to the global warming and there is no end in sight.

You switching to C.F.L  Lights and LED won't mitigate it.

The game box or the cellphone off the hook running on batteries may not contribute to much heat but the uploading, downloading and playing games over the Internet, Yes the Internet is driving the  World to Global Warming.

With  3G and 4G upgraded to 5 G every living soul (including grannies and grand dads) playing video games, video conferencing and video on demand or virtual class rooms popping up everywhere  (due to Coronavirus) may encourage global warming as the final end product.

The photosynthesis converts only 1 to 3% of light energy to biological energy.

The plants leaves by transpiration cools the planet (this is kids science which the current president does not understand).

The trees contribute to cloud formation and rain.

The the Tank, the Dagaba (where the soil was mounted and there is no religious connotation here) and Forest were our ancient concepts of self preservation and not done by borrowed money from China.

China has to learn lot more from our history than us learning from them and they are the leaders in pollution and global warming.

India only comes second in contribution to global.warming, population dynamics and emerging economics of the world today.

We importing cheap cellphones and even rice in 1952 are classic examples of our impotence in real politics.

Coming to chip production I think Taiwan comes first not the mainland China.

1. Taiwan

2.  Korea

3.  Japan for old American and the new Apple type industry.

4. China fourth

India nowhere and Ceylon with (rubber industry in doldrums) all the rare metals and pure sand available, which China is mining secretly (in the camouflage hotel industry operation concept) in the East and in the West Coast of Ceylon.

We cannot make a simple chip or circuit here but import large discarded computers from the West which need Water Cooling Systems to run them in a 24/7 cycle.

We become suckers to Communist China and they started with only erecting a massive Auditorium in Colombo to utter empty rhetoric which "Nelum Pokuna" can never match in spite of its height or the elevation.

Our aspirations have vanished to thin air.

But our debt is mounting.

What a paradox?

We do not have even Nalum Ala (the rhizome) with poisons in them to eat, now.

I will finish this with the  Steam OS.

Now all game boxes including Steam OS contribute directly and indirectly to Global Warming.

Linux was way behind the XBox of Microsoft in games.

Microsoft killed the innovations by enticing young with imaginary games in the trend of Star Wars and Visual Basics and no line of Code for creative work, while Linux has grown into 128 million lines in Code in current Linux 15 Kernel.

Steam OS probably has used this kernel for Steam Deck and Dock outsmarting Microsoft (would not win the never ending battle of Wits and Wisdom or even a rematch).

It is cheap and under $400/=.

ASUS Tablet with more punch is $3000/=

ACER is little below $1500/=

Mind you, this is a Standalone PC with a Game Pack.

Incredible price and I hope the RDNA GPU supplies come good by December, if not the ZEN CPU.

I would recommend  you to buy the next level of $500/= odd version for connectivity to NVMe external drives instead of SATA, SSD and eMMC disks.

SATA stands for Serial Advanced Technology Attachment which is relatively slow.

All serial as opposed to parallel devices are slow by nature and draw power from the computer (no power jack is necessary).

All my external devices which I paid a fortune including to Imation needed separate power supply.

Companies that produce them are:

1. Western Digital
2.  Seagate
3. Samsung
4. Toshiba
5. Adata
6. Sandisk
7. Imation (gone bust I believe)
8. Hitachi

All my hard disks are working (having used  many a times, to boot Linux and for Data and erased many a times in that process using Gparted of Linux) except one portable Sandisk which I paid a lot. 
Sandisk's internal connection to USB 3 broke. There was bad metal connection inside it (with all my portable data Lost), that connects to the USB 3 connection wire (and then to the PC).

I do not recommend it.

SSD stands for Solid Sate Device with no moving parts for flash memory.

NVMe stands for Non Volatile Memory Express only for PC with PCIe slot in the mother board.

I think MMe means multimedia multiplexing environment and not a hard disk type.

This slot in the motherboard is used in earlier designs of computers for graphic cards to support faster data transfer but now is used by NVMe.

In old computers the RAM was limited to 1 GB RAM (32 bit computers) and graphic was dedicated to a graphic cards to save RAM memory and did not heat up when running.

Please do not accept a 32 bit computer even, if it is given free.

They are Energy Vultures and consume lot of electricity.

GPU means Graphic Processing Unit.

In old computers only the CPU was running hot and needed a heat sink and fans running, all the time to cool the computer.

When I was running 13 computers (32 bit) in our home network, three of them caught fire when the temperature was hovering around 85 to 90 Fahrenheit.

Of course few of the Cathode Ray Tubes of TVs caught fire,too.

When these things happened, I started using thermometers for my pet fish tanks outside and they die at 84 Fahrenheit.

I stopped keeping fish in fish tanks altogether.

Wild fires in Canada and Australia are natural outcomes which Oil Ministers all over the globe ignored for over 70 years.

The new CPUs and GPUs are all integrated in thin wafer circuits all into one motherboard and they consume more energy than old PCs and without heat sinking measures, they are too hot to handle.

In cold countries with heating bills going up playing a game in a box is a quick way to go to sleep with warmth (heat) to cushion you.

My PC has only PCI slots.

eMMC means embedded Multi Media Card and the controller system.

All the gadgets in this world contribute to global warming from production line to the user base at home.

Blaming only cars and vehicles is barking at the wrong tree.

The vehicles at least deliver goods.

What is the contribution of computers to the alleviation of hunger and poverty in the Globe (that Coronavirus has exposed us)?

Coming to Steam Deck and Dock.

I have to make a few early observations to counteract, mostly negative remarks.

I played my first game with kids with Atari.

Coming from a generation where children's toys were baby dolls and motorized cars with hard to manipulate remote controllers, DOS video games were master stroke in history of children games.

I must say I and my adult friends played them more  than the kids.

For kids the games were passing stage of their childhood development.

But Disney Game on Lion King had a lasting impact.

Lion king was a classic film for kids and adults.

Playing golf was painful in Atari.

Myself a good snooker and billiard player playing a billiard game on cellphone is very painful to say the least.

One needs applied mathematics brain to workout the game strategy and lot of skill and practice to go with it, to pot a billiard ball (not pools).

I used to beat British guys in UK and they see this little guy from Ceylon humble them in billiards and snooker (mind you I did not play with professional guys or in clubs).

Actually I win my post (out of 60 odd candidates) in a selection interview by asking the interview board, is there a snooker table in the hospital.

If they ask why, my ready made answer is I could practice playing snooker while I wait for a patient to arrive from a distance or kill my time practicing alone till midnight.

Waking up from sleep to answer a call is very annoying and miserable thing.

But I was good at cat naps.

Watching TV or sipping beer was not my way and I never sip a drink when on call and absolute concentration is necessary in critical care.

With that background playing games with PlayStation with only two games with the first buy was sucking dollars and pounds from poor parents.

My son stop playing PlayStation in less than two months

My daughter loved reading and that also fiction.

Me a reader in Science and Technology.

I cannot find four partners to play Bridge now
but I play Bridge using a cellphone.

I try to improve my game.

Bottom line is boys love playing video games but only a few girls play video games.

The Coronavirus has made girls to join the Band Wagon of video games.

That is a good thing but ignore their comments about Steam Deck and Dock.

Mind you, these guys come from Windows and Apple background and does not know what is Linux.

The current Linux 15 Kernel can handle many graphic cards, if the O.E.M. guys volunteer their specifications to the Linux developers.

Equally they have some game boxes from childhood that they have Pathological Attachment (term pathology has disease connotation here) to those devices.    They are all biased in their opinions and they are not comparative or balanced.

I see Steam Deck 2 coming in the future since old guys like me have visual problems to counter and I prefer a very BIG Display.

Coronavirus has added lot of grannies and grand dads playing Steam Games.

The joystick and touch pads will improve coordination problems, especially after mild form of stroke and if, I am one of the directors of the hospital, I would order some Steam Deck and Dock items for both children and geriatric patients.

So if you are philanthropist please keep my above observation as a reference point.

Steam should focus the global nature of games.

If we can cut down on the pills and if Steam contributes to that goal, even a little childhood fancy game played by a sick  adult is a bonus to recovery.

It is very big thing!

Back to home for recuperation.

It has a relatively big display screen which is touch sensitive.

This display is not BIG enough for my age.

It has both touch pad and two joysticks.

It has SD card ports to upgrade capacity but playing with SD card is not an option.

SD card  slows the system.

It has Linux OS (Steam OS 3) and probably  latest  KDE plasma, I guess.

Mind you it is coming in December and book now.

There is no crowd sourcing and it has got capital from Steam Machine sales in the years gone by.

Steam Valve is the operating company.

It is a standalone PC for a work desk.

Since it is a PC one can install

1. Windows 10 or 11 with Steam running on top of Windows.

2. It can run on any Linux distribution that supports Steam (since Steam is Linux almost all Linux distributions support it but one has to purchase Steam games).

3. Why not run on its own Steam OS 3 and enjoy 50,000 games you will never finish in a life time?

It has Photon which is modified Wine that runs Windows games on Linux box.

It is a Three In One Game Box.

It has AMD CPU  Zen and AMD RDNA GPU.

What a nice combination to beat Intel architecture owned by Lenova in China.

It beats, IBM based of Lenova in China  by a big margin.

It has ports in the dock for all the connectivity and WiFi connection off the dock.

No need of PS5 of Sony and XBox of Microsoft.

Linux is the winner after all.

The best buy in the market today.

I have a Console  of a Cheap Chinese made Copycat in which I could  not play a single game. I paid a big sum in Rupees.

It's keyboard could not type my 18 digit alpha numeric password for WiFi connectivity to download new games.

I tried even in French Keyboard but failed.

So do not buy cheap Chinese stuff.

Chinese alphabet is a graphic design not alphanumeric like the English Keyboard.

Luckily the computer software and hardware are based on the English keyboard for instructions.

It can be hacked but not easily duplicated in China.

That is why they are developing Kline OP in China.

The Chinese are very bad in typing  English and  Linux Code.

If not for American's base in Taiwan and British in Honk Kong Chinese ambition to go to Mars bypassing the Van Allen Belt is only a daydream.

They are number one Copycats on this planet.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Mud Dabber Homes

I thought of ending my two year nature surveillance today and watch TV for a change.

Look.what I have found.

I bought a TV for WiFi connectivity.

What is called a smart TV.

It was shop soiled Samsung on a discount price and returned it back, the day after.

It did not have a stand.

Gentle breeze from the veranda toppled it over. a Sony to replace it full price with a stand.

I covered it with one of my sarongs which I did not wear.

I hate wearing sarongs and my wife too, hates sarong and it was a bit of a tease for her.

She put another quality cover over it and like girl's squirt, it was 6 inches short.

For added protection, I put the sarong over it.

Some time back, I noticed a hut of a mud dabber on the sarong and the insect never came out.

And there was another mud hut and that insect's malt was empty.

I did not bargain that my sarong was the living.quarters for a few years for the mud dabber.

Only today, when I looked at the opposite site of the sarong, I noticed that there was a bigger living conduit (for my nature pursuits) under my sarong.

Incidentally, the mud dabber used to make huts on the coconut railing but I noticed they had not visited for some years.

They probably are attracted by the smart TV advertisements.

I think the magnetic field of the TV has caused navigational problems and they have used, the non magnetic fabric part a safe dwelling.

How to entice Children to Gardening by Mini Garden Concept

I must start with saying, that I never practice what I preach here in day to day clinical practice.

I mean mini garden concept.

I was too busy.

They were too sick, it is often, a life and death scenario and every minute, every  hour counts.

We were the generation that developed continuous monitoring systems and CPAP technology, and talked about the value of surface tension reducing molecules which keep the alveoli open for ventilation.

We did not talk about nano molecules and nanotechnology then but we knew only 15 to 20 nano molecules can reach the tertiary bronchioles.

That is the the size of the Coronavirus and they can reach there with only a light sneeze and a facemask never protects such tiny viruses entering the terminal.bronchioses which collapse leading to atelectasis (due to lack of surface tension reducing tiny mucous secretary molecules).

These molecular production pathways are inhibited by cigarettes and that is why I stopped my chain smoking at the age of 34 (an hour before boarding a plane to London.via Switzerland).

The age of onset of old age was believed to be 35 but now it has come down to 30, in current cell cycle terminology.

We were the generation that introduced vapour and nebulizers to suit the alveolar physiology of the lung which is an incredible organ of evolution.

The above is to shut the mouth of pompous medical men of today who totally depend on technology and without common sense.

By the way, the physiologists and clinicians who gave expert evidence in police officers conviction are classic examples, not practising what they teach.

Oxygen is a poison above 23 to 28% and initiate free radical and interleukin production that damage the lung.

Sorry for the medical diversion and this is my last piece here for a long long time.

I thought the mini garden concept would fit or foot the bill to end the grand confabulations.

Thanks Google for your support.

I embraced mini garden concept to minimize the clutter in the rooftop garden.

The trays used for making crepe rubber from rubber latex is my tiny dimension.

The Buddha Sasana (used for offering milk rice Dhana to Buddha) pots are too small and fragile.

When kids were small, I made an elaborate mini garden with a bowl of water (Israel technology in a mini version) at a higher elevation, connected with a saline tube- hidden under the soil-feeding the mini tray with assortment of plants. 

Getting the right chemistry and microflora was difficult (the concept of fish urine technology of my current lilies plant cultivation was not developed then) but after a trial and error period,, it worked.

With children growing up and me getting in Linux and Computer Technology, I gave it up at that level.

Now, that I discarded my computers and retired I have gone back to that concept again.

Most of the steps in out back access is relatively a mini garden,now.

They rainy weather has its own contribution.

The tiny plants I tried to grow with much struggle are on most of the footsteps.

The crepe rubber tray without much a do and me doing nothing at all, have gathered its own community of plants.

My only contribution is chlorine free water from the spare water tank reserved for fish tanks.

My obsession was ferns growing on the tray which was unsuccessful.

There are a number of exotic ferns growing on their own without any support.

Nature has its own ways to entice you.

Now I have graduated to raise orchid's (the most difficult) under the shade of two tiny cocoa plants.

Few moons ago returning from Colombo our way back at Mawanella I found a tiny rotten cocoa pod.

Out of about 30 seeds only two plants have grown successfully,  keeping the natures principle (only 1% germinate).

I do not think it will ever bear fruits.

The trunk is very thin but it supports my tiny collection of orchids, growing in the wild (no chemical support), as it were.

Only seed I.have not tried is rubber seed but we have an India rubber tree right in front of our house growing in a wild corner.

My final attempt is to induce the Vanilla (a giant orchid) and the Wesak orchid to bloom one day (without artificial.chemicals I hate).

Nature willing of course.

Kandyan Dancers are about to bloom.

Another orchid had a tiny bunch of flowers (I bought from a street vendor who sells the plants with big flowers, chemically treated of course).

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Indian Jesmine Plant and its Flower

First of all it is not a plant but a vine.

It is the most difficult to propagate.

Over 15  years I have managed to get one sapling and it has only two leaves and no flowers.

I have managed to get two sprouts but they failed after replanting.

Mind you, I have 38 years of experience and I leaned the tricks from my mother.

Going back to the beginning when we were building our house (I have no understanding  of house construction but good at making cement fish tanks), I decided to grow some flowering plants.

Our great great granny in her eighties needed flowers for her daily offerings to Buddha and she used to scatter the flowers seeds all over.and making a bit of a mess in the little garden (in fact it was a rocky garden which had a jute plant. It flowered after 100 years of existence and died naturally and I did not replant the hundred of offshoots for posterity. I had no idea and the thorns I hated -with growing children around).

I hate Dahas Peththia (flower with 1000 sepals or petals but which did not have even 100 and it leaves an unpleasant smell in your fingers when teased to spread the long narrow seeds).

So I did some looking around and found a similar colour flower with about  8 sepals and I gave her some and she did not mind.

Any flower would do and she told me we need 10 varieties of flowers in the garden when children.are around.

I took heart to her very broad sense of understanding of nature and she probably grew around a beautiful garden with flowers and that is why she lived up to her 80s with good health.

Another point about her to remember was we had 22 odd fish tanks around (tried a pond but failed) and the fish tank for display was in the living room (with an air compressor pumping stream of air bubbles from behind: brought from UK and not available then in Ceylon and I hate the cheap Chinese substitutes that do not last even 6 months) and I was obsessed with its upkeep.

One evening when I returned from work, I found two slices of bread in it.

I was bit annoyed but when I realized Great Granny had done it, I calmed down and after having my evening tea,. I asked her why she did it.

The fish are hungry and you come late.

I quietly explained to her while removing the slices carefully with pair of prongs, told her, that in fact, fish do not like bread but I feed the fish with fish food with tiny pellets.

I was expecting a wise saying from her and she never did it again, having got a sense of my subdued anger.

Mind you we did not have tap water and I had to go and fetch water from a nearby well.

That well and the guppy fish have gone.

I noticed today they have dug up a big pit (which fills up rapidly with water from the underground spring) and a drain to get a new water connection to a new house in our neighbourhood and a New Cesspit with it, that encourages mosquito breeding.

Coming back to 10 flowers in our garden.

We have failed her.

Only two flowering plants for hummingbirds.

A new and a bigger pair with a lovely velvet neck (male bird) has come (more about the pair later).

I got a sapling of the top variety of jasmine from my mother and planted in the place where children used play (hanging to an Araliya Branch-for flower offerings to Buddha).

It was well cared for and one day when I was admiring its first few flowers and I accidentally touched the belly of a Ahatulla (a relatively less,poisonous snake wrapped around the jasmine).

I immediately uprooted the jasmine plant and gave up caring for jasmine for over 30 years.

I have four varieties now and the Gata Piiccha is almost a weedy vine.

Normal jasmine variety,, of course the Indian variety and top jasmine variety.

I have mastered the propagation of saman or the top variety and when I have  extras I give away.

It needs lots and lots of water and dry up in dry weather unless you water it daily.

I have at least two sprouting currently but not the Indian variety.

I am experimenting with it and may succeed this season.

The way I do is to tilt the vine to a bucket with water plants and tease it by dipping it deep under water.

The pressure I apply makes the branch to lengthen (that come yearly when the old one is drying up to become firewood like) and remove the bark underneath with my nails and leave for the roots to come.

Once in a way I lift it up and see if the rooting is progressing well.

This way I do not need to water them daily.

I use the Pizza Hut clips to anchor the spot I have teased.

That works.

More reliable method is to dip the branch (having teased the bark underneath)of sufficient length to a pot with rapidly growing little flower plants (which become manure for the jasmine sapling later) so that the microflora that nourishes the jasmine have time to recuperate.

It takes about one year for the vine to become independent and flowering.