Sunday, June 27, 2021

My Global Predictions

Even though, I have decommissioned myself over 20 years form medical profession on my own volution and if I kick the bucket during this pandemic and labelled (to avoid that labelling) as an imbecile posthumously, it is bad for my friends and my descendants.

Hold on!

If you have a weak heart politically do not read beyond this point.

The greatest casualty of this pandemic is medical profession and I have some advice for them, to get their house in order later.

The next biggest casually will be the Army, Navy and Air Force unless they get their dormitory in order in double quick time, 50% of their trainees will succumb to Coronavirus in the future.

1. My '"First Prediction" in 2020 September was that this pandemic will last for a decade (now revised to 2 decades with data coming out thick and fast and new variants emerging) and the first cabinet casualty is British Health Minister for lying to his cabinet and the general public.

2. The "Second Prediction"is that the economic impact will last for 50 years, if not more.

There are no casualties here due to prolong effect on economy unless you are a Finance Minister who got a brand new printing machine and printing money (to put his/her name on paper as a political advertisement) at a hectic pace.

Mind you, China created the printing machine and they probably never envisioned this scenario, then.

3. Third is my attempt to predict how to overcome this pandemic with a distant vision and "Safe Distance Protocol.

That vision comes from an unlikely business section of the economy.

This cute little concept of Premadasa housing is taken to task.

The high rising house industry will collapse in no time.

With a cough or a sneeze the virus travels minimum of 30 feet and a mask will hold only 10% from an infected person (rest 90% is out in the fresh air) and the first casualty is Andrew Fauci of America holding the highest paid post in medicine or rather Public Health.

I am surprised he is still holding this post.

My gut feeling is President Biden knows he came to power due to this "Pandemic Effect" and sacrificing him is improper at this juncture, let it happen under next administration.

My gut feeling is he will contest again having felt the purse and the perks.

In a different perspective, in Ceylon the Big casualty is SLPP for not curtailing the death rate, if not the spread of the disease.

Every family who voted for SLPP will have lost one or two of its members by four years (most of them due to natural causes but lumped into Coronavirus) when the next election is due.

In any case the vote bank is reduced due to death rate and most of the elderly voted SLPP.

By the way, due to food price hike the current popularity of it is down by 20% to 49%.

The popularity falls at the rate of dollar depreciation rate.

Very easy analysis and Basil Raja is not needed now for population analysis.

Coming to my solution to curtail spread of infection within and inside a family, the average dimension of a room should be 30 by 30 feet with an attached bathroom for every member.

I suppose only rich Americans can afford it and in UK compact houses, housing mainly Asians have to be demolished straightaway to curtail the pandemic not by improving immunization protocol.

Now this has to be modified if you have a dog in house.

I will revise that cellphone is the biggest vehicle of transmission, since it is abiotic and the dog who is very biotic is the biggest contributor to spread of infection, since it loves licking.

The risk is same as kissing.

So no new dogs and let the puppies go astray but look after the current one for 15 years.

Ideally a room and a toilet for the dog.

The housing and construction laws should be amended to fit 30 by 30 Minimum Law and all the new hotels and restaurants should follow my new law on construction.

I kept the hotel industry and air industry to be discussed last since none of them can afford to follow 30 by 30 Law except some 5 Star hotels in Ceylon.

The tourist industry will never recover.

In Air industry even the big birds or Air Buses cannot run on 30 by 30 space seats by any imagination and air industry is the one which will recover the last.

Less seats and jacking the ticket price are not the solutions but everyone who is rich enough should have a private plane, like our politician in Ceylon.

Not a helicopter by the way.

Why travel when one can do video conferencing at ease with cellphones?

Now coming to hospitals especially private nursing homes, they should invest in new building construction protocols to curtail spread of infection to doctors, nurses and health care personnel.

All the private hospitals built in Ceylon we're to accommodate the maximum number of patients in the minimum space available.

Hospital industry never considered hospitality protocols of restaurants.

Now that the hospitals are almost empty they should start refurbishing in earnest, with the largest serviceable space for best care for suffering patients, if not spread of infection.

After all they are paying for service.

Public hospitals stop diverting to the next nearest big hospital but improve local hospitals to capacity building, as an immediate need of the community, that they are serving.

Unless one does that, recruitment especially nurses will nose dive and no mum or dad wants the daughter to be graduated as a nurse.

In my opinion hospitals are the worst buildings in the world.

They are built to accommodate vagrants and not poor patients.

WHO had abrogated all responsibilities of health care over a century and they let the market forces determine the outcome.

This is true of China where the pandemic started and they are building structures all over the world and in Africa and one should not let China determines house sizes, house planning and hotel buildings worldwide.

Having been a sportsman, if I do not pen my thoughts on how sports' should reorganize laws, stadiums and Olympics I have failed, the budding spokesmen and women.

Sorry to hear that the Olympics in Japan is the biggest casualty.

The stadiums because of their big size can accommodate less spectators at higher priced tickets but they won't be able to sustain big margin of profits.

Rugged contact sports like rugger should be banned by WHO.

Basket ball is out on second count.

For Cricket and Soccer I apply 5 feet rule not 30ft.

The slips should be at 5ft apart that Mr.Khole should have adequate room for his deft taps.

The Wicket Keeper should stand at the wicket 5ft behind.

Stumping should be abolished only run puts.

As for soccer, only defenders are allowed to tackle at close range and rest of the players should stand five feet apart and follow the deft "Brazilian First Pass Method" as the defacto mode of play.

Touching an opposing player is banned in toto.

Long range passes as played by David Beckum, the English captain of the past would elevate the game, to a new high level.

More goals and not "no goals" should be the motto and punters can bet on goals, goal difference and timing of the goal first half, second half instead of a win or a lose or a draw which is boring for me.

It should have three phases (30 minutes each) and odd number of three phases is good for punters in the long run.

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