Sunday, August 17, 2014



Well, well, well, another dream in a series of dreams.

I was sorting out some threesomes before I drop to sleep.

In fact, I was up all night sorting out my “got to do” work and dropped to sleep briefly.

It was related an ankle injury.

Somebody known to me (cannot remember who) had a fall or had a vehicle tire run over his / her foot, came to me for treatment.

Here, I practice, RICE treatment.



COMPRESSION with Crepe Bandage


and ask subject/patient to come to casualty after 24 hours for REVIEW.
In an unfamiliar or previously unknown case, I take two X-rays in perpendicular plane for comparison with the Review X-Ray done usually after 24 hours.

X-ray is done to rule out bony injuries.

Main injury is lateral ligament injury (consist of three associated ligaments, one in front, one in the middle and one behind).

Bony injuries heel without much a do, since all the bones are stabilized in a 90 degree plane but ligament injuries do cause serious instability (it takes all the body weight) of the ankle joint.

Second X-ray is done to see avulsion injury of the ligament/s (gives the severity) which shows as little calcification not immediately but after about 24 hours.

Bony injuries separated are shown in the initial X-rays and bnoy injuries due to compression are also visible as linear calcification lines, after 24 to 48 hours.

It does not mater it is soft tissue or bony injury, since the treatment for both is the same below knee plaster cast.

But bony injury the time of removal of the P.O.P cast is late and soft tissue injuries physiotherapy is more vigorous.

In any case plaster cast is removed and reapplied once the swelling is at its minimum.

For some unknown reason, in my dream, the standard treatment was interfered with and some altercation with the staff (not me, probably the radiographer was) followed.

Either, I did not order an X-ray (this is one of my cost saving exercises, even when working abroad-mildest form injury get only one X-ray, after 24 hours -for exclusion purposes not conclusion of more severe injury) or the VIP guy demanded one immediately and the radiographer refused without a doctors request form, which is the norm.

With this commotion I was woken up.

I went back to sleep immediately and the dream continuum did not follow.

Since, I knew there was a second part to the dream and there was an indication or some form heralding of, that the guy/girl was a big shot with political connection, I needed to send this to Maha.

In any case, I had to work hard to remember even this part of the dream (after 12 hours) which is perfectly normal for me.

I wanted to pen it down before dropping to sleep again but deferred to test my own ability to remember later today.

I may have said, do a brain scan as a precaution knowing very well the political and volatile nature and to inflame (bit of a perversion on my part when I deal with big shots) the scenario vee bit more, like biting a player in mid air in football.

I would have added, give a date in six months into future and if he wants it as an emergency scan it costs him three times as much (this is a standard manoeuvrings in government and private practice consortium in Sir-Lanka taking into consideration the money market and the supply) the normal rate.

This is an easy way out with politician since they have a very short term memory of all the promises they made, before coming into power.

Unfortunately voters have very, very short memory, shorter that their powerful counterparts or bosses.

It is past midnight my peak performance our without any worldly interference with my dog under my bed and mosquitoes hovering for a landing and striking site, just like the Russian aid convoy in Ukraine.

Below is a few lines one should know about ankle injury, in retrospect.

How do the ankle ligaments get injured?

Most ankle ligament injuries are caused when the foot twists inwards. All of the body's weight is then placed on the lateral ankle ligaments. The anterior and middle fibers of the ankle stretch or tear, in an ankle sprain or strain of the ankle. Occasionally small pieces of bone may be torn off with the ligaments.

In a few cases, a twisting force on the ankle may cause other damage. The bones around the ankle may be broken, a piece of the cartilage lining the ankle may be chipped off, ligaments connecting other bones in the foot may be sprained or torn, or the tendons around the ankle may be damaged.

Before coming back to my dream some of my threesomes for today are an entree.

Destruction, retaliation and emotion (BBS)

Bold, creative and innovative (Linux).

Lies, more lies and damn lies (Politics of the dead left)

Proper planning prevents catastrophe

Painfully, poor performance of the politicians

Pari passu, pro rata and pol katu,

Pissu, Pora Passata Palayan

Pan, Polimeth Porakanawa (1973)

Kentucky/ Keels foods Kawoth Kapothy

Keels food Kavoth, Kancer

I immediately contacted Maha and he was kind to listen to my concerns.

Was there a second part.


It is not nice?

Yes, indeed.


The politico calls the police.

The come in a white van.

Most of them were wearing strange fatigues never seen in this world.

Then you were evacuated.

I believe to safety?

I am not sure.

I heard some grimaces.


The usual practice is to test the evacuee’s pain threshold.

Like in Guantanamo Bay!.


What happened next.

I do not know.

Don't con?

Yes, really, the use some smoke screen to even blindfold or blind me.

Is it good outcome?


How to get the details?

You have to wait for an internal inquiry.

Is it impartial or partial inquiry?

Always partial.


So, to make external inquirers squishy and spongy in their attitude towards us, Sri-Lankans.

They can complete the partial inquiry complete and impartial, too, and they get a big pay hike for their efforts.

Both parties are happy in that way.

Will they finish the inquiry before their term.


Inquiry should be prolonged to include a regime change, which is measured in eons.

So, nobody will be privy to the truth, the real truth and nothing but the real truth.

Yes my dear.

Is it futuristic?


Howe come?

From years from now, democracy become a spent force.

This planet earth will come into severe resource strain of magnitude never known in human history.

Population expansion gone over 10 billions.

Each, country is to its own device.

There war petty wars, in sea, land and air.

There is precious little fuel resources.

Only used by the rulers.

If subjects ask more.

Oliver Twist principles applies.



They are used in new form of biological energy, till they die of exhaustion.

Their muscle energy is converted to electrical energy to recharge the batteries of the cars.

What about solar cars.

They are non-existent.

There is almost eternal blackish cloud cover preventing sun rays to penetrate the lower atmosphere.

So the subjects are used to generate electricity.


If they don't.

They perish.

There is so much to spare with 10 billion or more living miserable.

Les Misérables?

They are easily dispensable.

In actual fact they volunteer freely.


That is the only way to get one square meal.

If they don't.

They perish of starvation.

Is it in my time.

No dear.

Do not worry.

He disappeared.

Ignore what is down below.

Well, well, well, another dream in a series of dreams.
I was sorting out some threesomes before I drop to sleep.
In fact, I was up all night sorting out my “got to do” work and dropped to sleep briefly.
I was
It was related an ankle injury.
Somebody known to me (cannot remember who) had a fall or had a vehicle tire run over his / her foot, came to me for treatment.
Here, I practice, RICE treatment.

COMPRESIION with Crepe Bandage
and ask them to come to casualty after 24 hours for REVIEW.
In an unfamiliar or previously unknown case, I take a X-RAY for comparison with the Review X-Ray done after 24 hours.
X-ray is done to rule out bony injuries.
Main injury is lateral ligament injury (consist of three associated ligaments, one in front, one in the middle and one behind).
Bony injuries heel without much a do, since all the bone are stabilized in a 90 degree plane but ligament injuries do cause serious instability (it takes all the body weight) of the ankle joint.
Second X-ray is done to see avulsion of the ligament (gives the severity) which shows as little calcification not immediately but after about 24 hours.
Bony injuries separated are shown in the initial X-rays and boy injuries due to compression are also visible as line after 24 to 48 hours.
It does not mater it is soft tissue or bony injury, since the treatment is both the same below knee plaster cast.
But bony injury the time removal is late and soft tissue injuries physiotherapy is more vigorous.
In any case plaster cast is removed and reapplied once the swelling is at a minimum.
For some unknown reason, in my dream, the standard treatment was interfered with and some altercation with the staff (not me, probably the radiographer was) followed.
Either, I did not order an X-ray (this is one of my cost saving exercises, even when working abroad-mildest form injury get after 24 hour X-ray-for the above exclusion purposes not conclusion of more severe injury) or the VIP guy demanded one immediately and the radiographer refused without a doctors request form, which is the norm.
With this common I was woken up.
I went back to sleep immediately and the dream continuum did not follow.
Since, I knew there was a second part to the dream and there was some indication or some form heralding of, that the guy/girl was a big shot with political connection, I needed to send this to Maha.
In any case, I had to work hard to remember even this part dream (after 12 hours) that is perfectly normal for me.
I wanted to pen it down before dropping to sleep again but deferred to test my own ability to remember later today.
I may have said, do a brain scan as a precaution knowing very well the political and volatile nature and to inflame it bit more like biting a player in mid air in football.
I would have added, give a date six much into future and if he wants it as an emergency cost him three times (this a standard private practice in Sri-Lanka taking into consideration money market and supply) the normal.
This is an easy way out with politician since they have a very short term memory of all the promises they made, before coming into power.
Unfortunately voters have very, very short memory, shorter that their powerful counterparts.
It is past midnight my peak performance our without any worldly interference with my dog under my bed and mosquitoes hovering for a landing and striking site, just like the Russian aid convoy in Ukraine
Below is a few lines one should know about ankle injury, in retrospect.
How do the ankle ligaments get injured?
Most ankle ligament injuries are caused when the foot twists inwards. All of the body's weight is then placed on the lateral ankle ligaments. The anterior and middle fibers of the ankle stretch or tear a in sprain or strain of the ankle. Occasionally small pieces of bone may be torn off with the ligaments.
In a few cases, a twisting force on the ankle may cause other damage. The bones around the ankle may be broken, a piece of the cartilage lining the ankle may be chipped off, ligaments connecting other bones in the foot may be sprained or torn, or the tendons around the ankle may be damaged.
Some of my threesomes for today are
Destruction, retaliation and emotion (BBS)
Bold, creative and innovative (Linux).

Preview NOW and interpretation and rating later.
These X-Files with interpretation will come with a difference.
I am developing a search engine to rate them from 0 to 5, like the Stupidity Index.
In relating to relevance to current political climate, whether they are astute or not, ambiance, downright outrageous, the like.
Rating 4 to 5 will be in the blog site and rating 0 to three will be in a digital book form soon.
So you have to bear with me till I reveal the Maha's interpretation for a future date.
This I believe, this will revisiting guest to my site and my own EGO by having more than 100 his a day.
The font will be on blue when the interpretation is activated.

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