Thursday, July 31, 2014

4. Temptation

4. Temptation

It is time for me to approach the internet activity in totally different perspective.

I was one who was hooked to the computer over the past 18 months to promote one single addiction of mine.

That is to promote Live CDs except Ubuntu (nothing against Ubuntu and it is doing a yeoman service to Linux and the Open source Community).

My antipathy for Ubuntu is based on few basic infrastructure details which are fundamental to Linux.

One is root logging. 
That is dropping the root (administrator protocol) and using sudo instead. Having used to old ways of Linux with solid security management, this I consider still a big oversight. After seeing WiKiLeaks and the security leaks and leeches I am more than  convinced my reservation is well founded and substantive now than before.

It can be corrected easily with few changes in the scripts and tool kits and libs and I hope in the coming year the Canonical will look into my grouse.
Having said that it is not the intention of this piece of writing.

The intention is far more academic and contemporary.

For a starter internet is basically for luring and attracting the kids and the young. 

Old people because their inability and resistance to change are actually not reaping the full benefits of it especially in the East.

Its content is not scrutinized according to the age and maturity.

It becomes a way of life and an addiction.
It gives way to a deprivation syndrome and people tend not to read or critically analyze contents with the false belief that, it is in the web and it got to be true.

I can go on and on but I think my point should be clear without any more elaboration.

My intention here is how we can resit the temptation not to indulge in excess and make creative ways to make the user understand the logic of its use in moderation.

My next piece will be on intuitive ways to make the kids collaborate with my philosophy but it will be useful to adults too.

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