Thursday, July 31, 2014

5. Addiction

5. Addiction

There are many  addiction in our lives.

And that addiction varies from person to person and my addiction is if not computers it is certainly Linux. 
It based on innovation and knowledge.
It is also has strong political and social motives. 

It is copyright and exploitation. 

If I say I am not politically motivated it is not true. 

Any social activity has political roots, so is mine.

It used to be an addiction (not me) of our voters to go and vote and upset the apple cart of power brokers. 

It is no more any more.

The area basis and proportional representation has changed the electoral system and body politics upside down.

Almost 48% did not vote at the last general election.

And many more won't turn up this time around, allowing the people who manipulate voting to have a field day, including the counters doing the counting.

Even we have and electronic system of voting the followers of the  powerful parties will find a way to engineer something marvelous to get the result they anticipate well in advance of the day of the elections. 

Even the polling of surveys could be engineered  the way one asks the question and present the data,

With all these facts the voters are beginning to ask the question is it worth the exercise?

The answer is in the negative.
Then who is addicted with polling and elections?

There is a very simple answer.

It is the one who is elected.

It is he/she who gets the image bloated.

Voter get deflated soon after and the promises disappear into thin air,

The vicious cycles begins another round.

This time it has come to spoil the Cricket World Cup.

Average voter want some escape route. 

I am pretty sure it won't be acceded by the powerful and the one who wields the clout.

It is another “Merry Go Round” in this country in which people have lost humour and ability to laugh at the selfish self-oneself.

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