Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Puppy Easy OS-6.5.3

I have installed Puppy Easy OS on a USB stick.
It has lot of problems, basically due to its container technology.
Containers can be used for many uses but mainly for Virtualization.
What it does is to mount something foreign on top of a very basic operating system.
What it tries to do is to work without link libraries (DLL in Windows).
Linux is not resource hungry.
It allocates and prioritize resources as and when needed.
Al these techniques are mitigated or vandalized by containers.
In good old days strength and beauty of Puppy were it's small footprint of about 100MB.
It has expanded to 1000MB and showings it's vulnerability.
It looks seems are bursting.
Gnome has a better Virtualization package called Box Utility. The beauty of Box Utility is it gives one the ability to try individual packages within the Container. It consumes lot of RAM and it need fare amount of hardware capacity as reserved space to run Box.
Flathub is inherently bulky.
Yes, Puppy should move forward with new technology but with extreme caution.
It's package installer is Flat Pack and it is painfully slow.

I wanted to Install Audacity, KDNLive and my favorite browser FireFox but it is almost getting  FROZEN in mid air like a jet plane without jet fuel. 
I am trying Brave browser, and the same outcome.
I generally I  have at least 3 browsers working for me in addition to FireFox, they are Dillo and Falkon and Konquorer, specially, if I am using KDE desktop.
Yes FlatPak is a pain compared to Synaptic Package Manager of Gnome (Debian).
I have 8GB of RAM and that is enough for my daily work.

If Easy Pup cannot allocate my RAM in an equitable way, I am not going to recommend it to any guy or girl.

Currently, there are no other Puppy Derivatives available but luckily I have a collection of old Puppy Images with me, including Ubuntu and Debian derivatives.

On the plus side it configures WiFi effortlessly.

Chrome browser is OK.
It allocates entire 8GB USB to a EXT4 File.
Puppy on a USB is my favourite when I am on the move. 

Thankfully, today is a holiday and I can drop to sleep while these actions are running in the background.

I re-did everything.
It is all due to container philosophy which is pretty slow.
One should install one application at a time.
Flathub does not know how to queue one application after another
It tries to do everything at one go.
It gets chocked.
Linux philosophy is one job at a time with less time allocation for less demanding tasks, appropriately.

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