Saturday, December 14, 2024

This is for Gnome Guys and Girls

This is for Gnome Guys and Girls
This does not apply to KDE guys and girls
In my 320GB hard disk I have 4 instances of the same Gnome Desktop installed.
Come December I upgrade all the 4 systems.
They have the same password for root and user and I can accesses any of the files in them.
I am working on few books and my little book on mosquitoes was missing.
I left the big text book in Ceylon and few A4 notes which was draft for that book.
It is painful to get hand written text to digital form.
Then suddenly found a text with 100 pages all ready in one of my my home/document (4 in number)  folders.
It was such relief.
I am now editing that book having copied it with a sequential number.
This is another trick I have. By looking at the number, I know it is the latest.

I have some of these files in USB sticks and finding them is painful unlike the document folder in Debian/home.

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