Tuesday, November 5, 2024

International Labour Organization

International Labour Organization

This is just a reminder to NPP how ILO works in global sphere.

Some guys are talking about disbanding Worker Unions.

Remember the American contribution, in early stages of Labour Movement.

Read the piece "England, the Labour Stalwarts and the Decline of Labour Principles" in this blog site.

International Labour Organization

As the ILO celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2019, it is timely to reflect on the many life-changing events which are linked to the ten decades of ILO History.
The Organization has played a role at key historical junctures – the Great Depression, decolonization, the creation of Solidarność in Poland, the victory over apartheid in South Africa – and today in the building of an ethical and productive framework for a fair globalization.
It was created in 1919, as part of the Treaty of Versailles  that ended World War I, to reflect the belief that universal and lasting peace can be accomplished only if it is based on social justice.
The Constitution of the ILO was drafted in early 1919 by the Labour Commission, chaired by Samuel Gompers, Head of the American Federation of Labour (AFL) in the United States
It was composed of representatives from nine countries: Belgium, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The process resulted in a tripartite organization, the only one of its kind, bringing together representatives of governments, employers and workers in its executive bodies.
The driving forces for the ILO's creation arose from security, humanitarian, political and economic considerations. The founders of the ILO recognized the importance of social justice in securing peace, against a background of the exploitation of workers in the industrializing nations of that time.

There was also increasing understanding of the world's economic interdependence and the need for cooperation to obtain similarity of working conditions in countries competing for markets.
Reflecting these ideas, the Preamble of the ILO Constitution states:
Whereas universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice.
And whereas conditions of labour exist involving such injustice, hardship and privation to large numbers of people as to produce unrest so great that the peace and harmony of the world are imperiled; and an improvement of those conditions is urgently required.
Whereas also the failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries.
The areas of improvement listed in the Preamble remain relevant today, including the regulation of working time and labour supply, the prevention of unemployment and the provision of an adequate living wage, social protection of workers, children, young persons and women. 

The Preamble also recognizes a number of key principles, for example equal remuneration for work of equal value and freedom of association, and highlights, among others, the importance of vocational and technical education.
Early years
The ILO moved to Geneva in the summer of 1920, with France's Albert Thomas as its first Director. 
Nine International Labour Conventions and 10 Recommendations were adopted in less than two years. 

These standards covered key issues, including
hours of work,
maternity protection,
night work for women,
minimum age and
night work for young persons

ILOSTAT 2023 global estimate

Global labour figures at a glance
1. Labour force participation rate                60.8%
2. Unemployment rate                                       5.1%
3. Working poverty                                            6.4%

Labour statistics play an essential role in the efforts of member States to achieve decent work for all and for the ILO's support of these efforts.
These statistics are needed for the development and evaluation of policies towards this goal and for assessing progress towards decent work. They are also an important tool for information and analysis, helping to increase understanding of common problems, explain actions and mobilize interest.
Queensland of Australia had local elections and the winning party had four themes.
Youth crime
Cost of Living
I followed Australian politics for long time and I am a down to earth  Labour supporter but Labour lost but it has 45% of the voter base

But the Federal Government is Labour.

Australia has many problems and they do not address them.

1. Obesity
2. Alcoholism (major cause of traffic accidents and youth crimes)
Ceylon has an alcohol crisis, a guy asking money for quarter bottle from Ranajan Ramnayake is genuine.
Bottom line is Ranjan Ramanayke did not know the price of a quarter bottle and dispensed Rs.500/= to the guy. 
It used to be Rs.550/= and one has to give an empty bottle to get Rs.50/= rebate. 
That is long time ago well before elections.
It must be much more, now.

This is what happens one become a film star cum politician, they forget grassroots.
I used to buy a quarter bottle for one of my alcoholic friends and last time I bought a Free Quarter Bottle, I told him, if the price goes up, I will not be his friend any more.
I wanted to wean him off and I miserably failed. 
I was planning a send off and invited a few friends for drink at Silverdale Hotel, in Kandy. 
One guy came late, probably wife had told him not to join us. I sensed it (I was not short of cash) and we had a good cup of Mesna Tea

In fact, it was Mesna Tea Pot.
There is no Mesna Tea in Australia and I really miss Mesna Tea.
I promote Ceylon Tea for many many years. 
I have stopped carrying Ceylon Spices away (except cinnamon) and only carry Ceylon Tea as a gift. 
I have forgotten how much Tea in Kg one is allowed at the Airport.
I am off alcohol thanks to late Mangala Samaraweera, the day he raised TAXES, I had my last Wine (usually two pegs but 4 on that day and bar attendant also had one) Peg
Never Pol Arrack (I hate its smell) but  VSOA was my favourite.
Gin and Tonic was my favourite over a game of billiards or snooker.
Luckily, I had published my book on "Joys of Alcohol" on Amazon   (it is selling well) but I did not include these real life stories.
3. Immigration, especially Chinese taking over of, not  only restaurants but small businesses.
4. If one looks at the Universities the percentage of Chinese students (Universities do not have money, so they encourage paid students from aboard) is increasing at an alarming rate.
These Chinese guys have more rights than Australian Aborigines.
That is my bone of contention.

What is the States of Aborigines?

5. In heavy machinery, Australia still depends on United Kingdom and American Amazon for technological stuff.
Less I talk about technology in Ceylon better it is.

6. How to solve the Debt crisis.

Nobody has a solution.

America has a big Debt Crisis going into trillions.
Australia is also heading for Financial crisis.

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