Monday, August 5, 2024

Nostalgia-39-Crunchbang Monara

Crunchbang Monara – a light and fast Live installable distribution based on Debian 8.5, Openbox with Monara tweaks.

Monara, alongside to Crunchbang++, continues ideas and works started by Philip Newborough in the dropped Crunchbang distribution.

Monara works in Live mode, with the possibility of installing it on your computer’s hard drive.

Firefox, LibreOffice, GIMP, Hexchat, Filezilla, Transmission, Thunar, Midnight Commander, Imagemagick, Inkscape, VLC, Bleachbit and many more are installed. Use Synaptic to install more apps. You can also keep your Monara system updated and upgraded through Synaptic Package Manager.

Live user: live, password: live

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