Thursday, July 11, 2024

Web Browsers

 I have 10 browsers installed but my default is Firefox (nearly 600MB install as big as LibreOffice, all due various languages) and I really like KDE Falkon

Graphical Browsers

   1. Firefox - Open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation

2. Chromium - Open source web browser used as a base Google Chrome

3. Konqueror - The default web browser under KDE

4. Epiphany- GNOME Web - (epiphany-browser package) Simple yet powerful GNOME web browser targeted at non-technical users

5. surf - Simple web browser by suckless

6. TorBrowser - Firefox-based Web browser aimed at defending against tracking, surveillance, and censorship.

7. Falkon - (formerly qupzilla) Lightweight web browser based on Chromium

8. midori - Fast, lightweight graphical web browser (available in bullseye and buster) not available in latest kernels.

9. qutebrowser - Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on ?PyQt5

10. luakit - Fast and small web browser extensible by Lua


Web browsers that can be used in a terminal emulator environment.

1. edbrowse - Line oriented text-mode editor & browser. Supports HTTP, FTP, scripts, editor, mail client.

2. elinks - Advanced text-mode WWW browser

3. links - Web browser running in text mode

4. links2 - Web browser running in both graphics and text mode

6. lynx - Classic text-mode web browser with support for Gopher, HTTP, FTP, WAIS, and NNTP protocols

7. w3m - WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support

Third Party Browsers

The following web browsers in are not in the Debian repositories, and thus require the use of third party repositories to install them on Debian

Free browsers

1. Brave


Non-Free browsers

2. Opera

Inactive projects

3. conkeror

4. netsurf-gtk

5. uzbl

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