Thursday, July 11, 2024

2 Pane or 4 Pane View and FileLight

By the way, I left 3  1GB external hard drives in Ceylon, all my work of over two decades. 

They were meant to be but in my coffin, so that when mankind destroys this world (NATO is the biggest WAR Monger) in a stroke of madness and hate, in a future date an Alien Species would discover there was a doctor guy who was mad about Linux

The reason being, guys at the airport in Ceylon and Australia would have thought, I was a CIA guy snooping and pulled out all my luggage and made my holiday travel a certain misery.

I do not have all my files, not in the cloud (in other words, literally in a CIA folder) but in my head.

2 Pane or 4 Pane View

If one has a tiny hard disk (320GB) with over 22 partitions and 4 of the same instances of the Debian Gnome distribution installed, it is nice to have an overview in NOT one Pane but 2 or 4 panes.

Gnome commander is in 2 Panes and give me an overview of the entire hard disk. But unless I have command line tesxts I cannot open any of them.

Whereas 4 Pane give me all the information including cash, configuration and details.

1. First Pane give me my /home/bono 

it goes like



Desktop Folder

Documents Folder

Downloads Folder 

2. The Pane 2 gives me 

bash history

Emac history 

My profile 

3. Pane 43

I thinks gives the active file used like Firefox and SNAP

4. Pane 4

If I go to the  pane 4, it tells me I have Brave installed.



By the way, Filelight is a KDE utility which lets me scan

1. Folder

2. Home Folder

3. Root Folder

inner most center /usr/ 21.2GB in the center (out of 25GB)

1st circle /usr/share with all the libraies 

2nd circle /usr/share and /usr/lib/

3rd circle gives me how much memory is taken by each application and there are 4th and 5th circles that give me tiny information, I never bother about all my life.

By the way, all files are big and little test files and arranging them in folder makes bird's eye view of the file system.


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