Monday, May 27, 2024

Knoppix 9.1

Knoppix 9.1

1. A few lines on Knoppix is relevant.

2. I started Linux with Knoppix 3.1  and I never looked back and waited for the next version.

I have collection Knoppix USBs in Ceylon.

3. Later, I probably went to PCLinux and Linux Live CDs.

4. Unlike Puppy Linux is "one man show" and he is in retirement, after the last edition.

5. I have a copy in my hard disk but it does not boot on my Intel NUC. 

If ever if come out of hibernation he should use a new kernel with hardware compatibility testing at boot time.

6. It has the best Window Manager and nobody has reproduced it .

7. They are Floating desktops.

8. Detects partition easily and has Gparted.

9. Internet connection is smooth.

10. It can be installed if one wishes.

11. It can be booted from a USB with session saving capability.

What do you need?

By the way, I do not like Debian base Gnoppix.

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