Monday, October 16, 2023

Dimensions, Reason and Rationalizing

This piece is difficult for an unscientific guy.

Reasoning and Rationalising genomic identity can cause misrepresentation.

Therefore, I prefer mitochondrial DNA changes that occur roughly at 3 to 5 million year intervals, when humans diverged from primates.

The autosomal DNA losses are probably recent events that are either lethal or inconsequential.

Man lost 2 chromosomes from gorilla or those two, got tagged to another pair by chance.

When this happened humans lost body hair except hair on the head.

I believe the acquisition of language ability coincided with this event and the brain became inappropriately bigger.

Proving these events are almost impossible.

Reasoning and minimal rationalisation may be a way forward, biologically speaking.

By the way, amoeba has enormous amount of DNA in a single cell. Asexually dividing cell acquiring large amount of DNA is highly improbable but mutations and redundant DNA acquisition could be postulated. Without enzymes to digest ingested DNA material DNA would have accumulated and integrated by randomly. 

Dimensional View of the Environment.

1. Let me start with an earth worm.
Earth worm does not have eyes but it has light sensitive cells.
It can sense day and night.
It has no ears but can sense vibration.

It has no brain but it is intelligent enough to come out at night and avoid birds.

This animal has two dimensional view of the world and only wiggle in two planes but angular motion is possible by bending the trunk.
Its genome has 20,000 genes with 70% homology with humans.

2. Caenorhabditis elegans
Tiny 1mm unsegmented bilaterally symmetrical worm.
Most important component in its body is contractile muscles.

It is bends it body dorsally and ventrally and when moving on a flat surface it tends to lie flat on the right side or the left side.

This worm's life is two dimensional.

Its neural system works to coordinate muscle movements has no brain but an anterior neural ring. 

It has 350 to 380 neurons that are controlled by 20,000 genes.

80% homology with human genome.

In other words it has anterior caudal orientation.

3. Amoeba
This asexual unicellular organism has no brain or neuronal system so its whole life can be described as of one dimensional view, in whatever way it moves.

But it is masterly enough to dominate its sphere of influence.

It has 13,000 genes in 27 pairs of diploid chromosomes.

Humans have 25,000 genes.

Humans have 46 chromosomes.
Gorilla has 48 chromosomes.

Dog has 78 chromosomes.
95% homology to humans.

Elephant has 56 chromosomes and about 90% homology to humans.

By the way we have 40% homology to banana.

4. Human beings

Humans have unbelievable creational capacity. When they could not fathom a certain reality with only visual capacity they invented Microscope, Telescope and Electron Microscope.

Sending probes to space is the desire to widened the scope at least in 3 dimensions.

Human beings who live in a 3 dimensional world is restricted by the eyes to see in two dimensions.

Human beings have additional 5000 genes compared to Caenorhabditis elegans (20,000) to possess a brain and a pair of eyes.

But this 3 dimensional view is an illusion created by our brain.

Eyes see two dimensions.

The brain sees 3 dimension by imagining what it aught to be.

5. How about 4th dimension?

It is impossible.

The moment we possess the fourth dimension the whole world which we call our world would disappear into unthinkable Chaos.

6. Mental Dimensions

Four mental (delusional) states are possible with human mind.

These delusional states are interpreted as higher dimensions by their proponents.


Alcohol induced Euphoria.

Ecstasy induced by (LSD) drugs.

Esotericism induced by Ayahuasca.

Trance States induced by Meditation practise

To understand the 4 states an individual undergoing,  one needs to be responsive and be wide awake (free of mood altering drugs).

They keep company with similar individuals.

There are no outwardly visible signs but are in unbelievable happy state.

Five accompaniments of Dyana.

1. Vitakka      applied thought

2. Vichara      sustained thought

3. Piti              Rapture

4. Suka.          Bliss    

5. Ekaggata   One pointedness

All the above accompaniments have to shed to achieve Equanimity or neutral or non attached state.

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