Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ajahn Brahmavanso

Born 7th August, 1951 in Britain was a physicist who gave up worldly things and ordained as a monk at the age of 23 in Thailand.

His teacher was Ajahn Chah of Thailand.

He did practice meditation for 9 years in Thailand and he later emigrated to Western Australia.

He founded the Bhodhiyangana Monastery in WA and is the current chief Abbot.

He has many publication in English including a few publications at BPS in Ceylon.

He has travelled widely and has founded a Buddhist Center in Singapore.

He supports LGBT tradition as a default sex orientation on the basis of "no discrimination" (not probably on more than equal rights for American Democratic Party radicals).

He created the Concept of Kindfulness and he advocates that Mindfulness should be linked with empathy.

The word Mindfulness has become a tool of Capitalistic Copy Right and AB has been banned from using that word.

So he had to create the word Kindfulness.

He has many followers and I believe in that process of Modernization of Buddhist Cultural Schema which has guaranteed many antagonists of many varieties of Sasana (Charter of Monks in Ceylon) worldwide.

He has many YouTube presentations which have become a vogue for his followers.

In general, I am antagonistic to YouTube Culture and prefer the time tested book (including digital) publication and even encourage chatGPT to absorb reliable text material  without cultural or racial identification.

In other word "Open Source" Buddhism.

By the way, I am a Linux Guy (a philosophy based on knowledge belongs to all humanity) and I would not produce a single YouTube presentation promoting, my views.

The differences between  SBA (me) and AB (certainly not warranted on academic grounds) are not very striking but only a degree of contrast.

He was born to a scientific and academic base in UK.

I was born to an "Unscientific Ceylon" and my progress in science was through shear perseverance.

I was loaded with Buddhist Traditions as a kid which I cleverly bypassed and ended up as a medical guy.

I am open to "Free Inquiry" based on Kalama Sutta.

I am very much interested in Mind but not Meditation.

I have two books on Mind and Matter in which I have discussed Mind Altering Drugs and MK-Ultra experiments, including telepathy (guys and girls who possessed that ability).

I must dish out an eternal truth.

There are more dictionary words in psychology than the combined dictionary words of philosophy, physics and science.

I have the freedom and liberty to take religion out of this calculation.

I am not worried about the meaning of any given word but I am really interested in the true definition of a given parameter, at least in 3 dimensions.

Please give me the absolute definition of the following words in physics.

Expansion of Space Dimension.
Contraction in Space Dimension.

I am bit ambivalent on NDE or Near Death Experience.

I have a nice saying assuming Rebirth is a viable scenario.

At the time of Death, there is a transient period of lucidity in which the guy or girl has a glimpse of "What Next" experience or Vision.

The guy who sees the Hell or Niraya gets terrified and hang on to the Ventilator Eternally (Last Will or Last Grasp) and the doctors in the private sector should keep them alive, so his or her savings are drained off to the bottom of the pit.

In my experience, at Death Bed, I have not seen a guy or girl who "Lets Go Life with a Smile".

They are terrified!

Lucky guys kick the bucket before they arrive in hospital (I mean the terminally ill).

Gati Nimitta   is the glimpse of the next life.

Chuti is the "Let Go" scenario.

Jati (life), Jara (decay) and Bhava (being but not a soul).
Soul concept does not apply to Buddhism, but Being in the present tense is a reallistic connotation.

In other words, no being can be in the past tense (it is gone) or in the future tense (not yet come).

However, past births and a future birth are implied.

Rarely some individuals can revisit the past life with vague fragments of events and episodes and their Scientific Verification is very difficult.


My current interest is "New Physics" which deals with Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

Vaguely interested in Aliens but strongly detest their interference with mankind, if they are already here and becoming a pain in the arxxcc.

Must pack them back to their base.

There is already population explosion on this planet and we do not need alien invasion.

I do not want an alien to tell me how and what I should become.

I am Strongly antagonistic to Stevon Greer antics. 

He has become a play actor of CIA tracks and trends.

What I mean is leading us the garden path of not truth away from true emancipation.

There is no artificial deliverance.
Strive hard with diligence is the Buddhist Way.

One is the saviour or the destructor of oneself.
There is no third party including aliens.

Dhammpada is the essence of Buddhist Teaching.

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