Thursday, February 16, 2023

Time Dimension

Time Dimension

We are supposed to be the time keepers to the Buddhist world at large but do not seem to have any idea about the concept of time and its prudent use.

Are we able to manage the present (moment) wisely?

Let me state some philosophical and Abhidhamma concepts about time and its origin and then diverge to astrophysical concepts.

"It is now held that each series of events has its own time order, and it is difficult to relate the one to the other since there is no standard time"

The Mysterious Universe

"We cannot give what may be called absolute dates but only dates determined by events. We cannot point to a time itself but only to some event occurring at that time".

Bertrand Russell

Buddha’s Interpretation

The knowledge of the external world

Samaye niddisi cittam cittena samayam muni

Niyametvana dipetum dhamme tatha pabhedato.

By the Time the Sage described the Mind

And the Mind he described the Time.

All the Dhamma (mental or otherwise) classes are portrayed by an order of such a definition envisaged in Dhamma.

First two of the above statements refer to the external world and events in general and only the Buddha referred to the internal working (world) of the mind in relation to the relative concept of time.

Ceylonese are known for poor time management and time wasting. Even the nature's call of poor gecko (hoona) is not spared. With Avurudu (New Year) gone by an oblique reference to mundane affairs of conventional time and adopted time is worth pondering.

In physics time is a concept but not something substantial like momentum, gravity and electro-magnetism. It is concept that is vital for referring to relationship of moving objects. If there are no moving objects and space between them the time would become more abstract than what it is known today.

In Abhidhamma connotations the time can be only related to the timeless Samsara and that is also in relation to the mind (not to the body or perceived soul -Anathma) and its working (Anitta) in the Sansara Cycle (Dukka-or the unsatisfactoriness) and not vice versa. Any other relationship or relevance of time is of mundane nature.

This is where I have to pose a question, however open ended it may look like to our venerable monks who are advising the political forums what right they have and what authority they have on such a mundane (quite at variance with Buddha's teaching) affair as time and its reference to a standard (GMT) and its practical usage?

There is evidence to suggest that even the great civilisations of the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs stretching back 1000 years B.C also had invented calendar with 18 months and who can dictate that only Sackra's have the sole authority in the modern world?

My attempt here is partially to rectify this anomaly with some reference to Abhidhaama Philosophy of time for an apprentice and a wayfarer of Dhamma. True Buddhists have no problem with time and its concepts and aeons and Kalpas but it is the modern but misguided Buddhists who venerate some of the Vedic doctrines and driving nuts in our polity.

In Sansaric terms time is limitless and it can be related only to mind and its working on world of phenomena guiding the Kamma Principles and nothing else. Its only relevance is to the Kammic energies and their vagaries that express themselves in this world and beyond. The celestial world has no relevance to Mind, Kamma and Sansara except it is (whatever the worldly body one is reborn or habituate) transient (Anatta) spacial relationship in whatever existence of Bhava (Jathi- or Life) in the Sansara Cycle until it is terminated by one's own will and sustained effort by following the eight fold path laid down by Buddha and followed by his (eight fold) disciples.

Only relevance of time for Buddhist is do not waste it (time) on mundane affairs and astrology but strive hard on following the path of deliverance.

"Appamado Amata Padam" is a statement par excellence.

The only way (Ekayana Magga) is meditation whether it is Samatha or Vipassana Bhavana.

Any Buddhist monk who is propagating astrology in one form or other is one who is not versed in Dhamma and misguided and wasting lot of time in the Sansara Cycle.

The two words that come across in Buddhist scripture is Samaya that is related to the working of the mind and the other is Kalo (duration) which is denoted in reference to any event (Yuga in Sinhala) and is a concept as is in modern science and any other rendering is Vedic in origin and has neither Buddhist relevance nor importance.

I leave the reader to decide who is in the right tract and who is on the wrong tract any further discussion is waste of time and diverging from my original tenents of the Way Forward as a Buddhist in this modern world.


It appears to me none of the religions except Buddhism abhor the violence that include self inflicted violence. What I mean is the suicide bombing in the name of religion or terrorist cause. Destruction of life whether it is self or otherwise and all beings is alien to Buddhism.

This is where Buddhism stand alone in high ground.

This is where we have to define the role of a suicide bomber in the modern society. There is no justification for the existence of similar entity and for that matter intolerance or discrimination of any human being for his or her origin, class, creed, religion, race, sex and whether rich or poor.

We are at a cross roads.

There is alarming trend of religious fanaticism and atheistic views raising their heads.

This is where the Buddhist moral principles should stand erect and relevant. They are strikingly different from all modes of other religions where it is espoused that killing oneself for the sake of a religion or sect (there was a similar sect-Ishihara- in Japan) is as the supreme sacrifice and results in being born in heaven.

This is a myth we must dispel with utmost vigour.

This is happening in Ceylon too but for a different reason and goal. Labile children with childhood trauma are selected and indoctrinated to take life for a course which they themselves cannot enjoy in return. The fallacy of this inhuman misdemeanour has to be born clear of all religions. The religious leaders and dignitaries have failed in their duty and the present political systems, whether authoritarian, capitalistic, communist, religious or liberal systems have failed to deliver any form of organisation except further division. Devoid of human values (we may call it moral principles) the perceived global village is collapsing.

Divine Abode

The four sublime states of mind described in Buddhist psychology the loving kindness (Metta), compassion (Karuna), altruistic joy (Mudita) and equanimity (Upekka) are the very essence of humanity that is lacking in the modern world.

Why these Pali words do not have a place in Oxford or Webster's dictionaries is an indication how the world politics are shaped up in the current century.

There is no English synonym for Avihimsa (world sans violence) and that is how the Western Democracy has evolved. From Romans to modern day Mandela the way of dealing with crisis was absolute violence without recuperation. Only now there is some form of dialogue emerging but with Western Bias. Instead, hate, vengeance and violence are the operating themes of the world be that it may be terrorism or state sponsored violence sanctioned by the UNO.

The Suttas description of development of these supreme states is as follows.

" There, O monks, with mind full of loving kindness (compassion, altruistic joy or equanimity) pervading in one direction, then a second direction, then a third one, then the fourth one, just so above, below and all around and everywhere identifying himself with all, he is pervading the whole world with mind full of loving-kindness with mind wide, developed, unbounded, free from hate and ill-will."

Thereafter he follows the same theme with compassion, altruistic joy and equanimity.

It is said that in this country there were hospitals caring for animals. The decadence that has set in our society and world at large has to be reversed. We must not let the politics, economics and business mechanisms to decide our future however powerful they are.

They are not the only stakeholders.

Silent masses without a voice is quite evident after the tsunami episode. We must be self critical of our failures. We must be mindful and expose the changes that is currently taking place globally due to unsustainable scientific and economic exploitation of the third world.

The Way Forward

The world and all beings big or small need kindness, compassion and freedom to live with dignity. Live and let live should be the only currency for the modern world and why all the religions and religious sects (except perhaps Buddhism) are failing to arrest these dangerous trends is the question the UNO should be asking itself?

17th April, 2006

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Update on Politics in Ceylon

We had 79 political parties.
Latest data indicate there are 80.
That means a new party is registered recently.
It is certainly not a Tamil Party.
I can guess who is behind it.
When nominations are finalized we can have a better idea.
Do not get caught to this new party.

The plan is to hoodwink the voter.


Age of Consent and a point of few

 This is an answer to Democrats and their current "Woke Culture".

Unfortunately, current Labour Party in UK i no different!

People ask me why I left UK and New Zealand and this is part of the answer apart from racial discrimination especially Asians. 

Real reason was Mrs.Thatcher legalizing homosexuality and I was trained to investigate paedophiliacs and and at that time there were over 35 paedophilics in British Parliament.

My last case was a Police officer abusing his own child, a girl of two years. 

My consultant who was an Indian did not come to see the kid and got into hot water .

I immediately left UK.

I went to New Zealand and it was much worse there and the Irish descendants  suffer from a major inferiority complex.

Age of Consent and a point of few

The contextual issues surrounding the age of consent cannot be defined by legal limitations alone. The fact that it needs legal definition is an indication of its importance in civil society especially in a multicultural society. With the advancement of knowledge base of the modern age, the trend should be for it to go up instead of go down. In a country like Sri-Lanka where the social fabric is fast deteriorating and with distinct lack of moral courage the legal implications are measured by the impact of economy when foreign paedophiles are not available to revive the ailing economy. The lowering of the age of consent is someway related to the capture of the British paedophile and the court case that would ensure. Any discussion of this issue should take into current and future implications. To name a few, comprehensive discussion should include physiological, psychological, cultural, national and moral issues. The haste that surrounds the up surge of this issue needs careful attention separately. That is also not my intentions. Various levels of discussions should be done by the experts in respective fields. I would not discuss the legal ramifications instead I would highlight medical as well as moral issues. I would state briefly, physiological and psychological aspects before winding up with Buddhist ethics. I firmly believe this would encourage other writers with similar interests.


In the prehistoric time the man lived up to 35 years and a woman up to 45 years (current age of female menopause). The man’s early demise was related to genetic as well as to physical (hunters with primitive tools sustained injuries more often than not) injuries. Poor nutrition (strictly speaking an ill understood biological clock) seems to induce menarche early and better nutrition seems to delay onset of menarche beyond 13 years. In prehistoric times with maternal mortality being high early maturity and early marriage had pivotal role in keeping the balance of nature.


The age of consent at 13 is physiologically unsound. The average onset of menarche in our well nourished girls is about 13 years and it has some relationship to the height achieved by them. From the age of 13 the puberty spread over another 5 years and they attain maturity at around 18 years. Male puberty lags behind by 2 to 3 years. I am one who even discourages physical sports for children below 16 years of age. I have seen severe sport injuries to children under this age and myjudgement are based on my personal experience. As for sex, in this growing period especially pregnancy has serious consequences both to the mother and baby.


The psychological development lags behind 3 to 5 years of physical maturity especially due to cultural impacts and consent below 16 years (preferably18 years) is unsound. According to Piaget’s stages of conceptual development the concrete operations develops between 7 to 11 years and formal operations develops between 11 to 15 years. If one is to apply hisgeneralisations the minimum age of consent should be 15 years and not 13 years.  Abstract thinking and hypothetical analysis develop between 11 to 15 years period and assuming that all children can make logical decisions as regard to sexual (psychology of sex as opposed to physical sex) activities are fraught with many fallacies.


What we know definitely is that the early sex and multiple partners are sure recipe for cancer (at an early age) of the female genital tract. This is also the age they contract all socially contractible diseases including AIDS. The psychological makeup and their ramifications have lasting impact on the future adult.


Legal implications are only a reflection how seriously we consider all aspects of a problem and legal procedures do not cure the problem but a cosmetic application to please the mediocre.


In an ideal society the majority of Buddhists would be monks and sex is something that need not be discussed since they practice total abstinence. For the layman there is no morality beyond five simple precepts which is the foundation of civil society. It does not matter what age one starts sexual activities as long as there are no paedophiles and no extramarital sex.

Common Sense

What our politicians including monks in the parliament are lacking is common sense. My biggest concern is why I have got to waste my time writing this when there are over 20 education ministers in this country and a President who is the Minister of Education? Most of these children from 13-16 years should be in schools doing some intellectual exercises instead of sexual orgies. I am one who encourages school going age up to 22 years and use   this period for character development and work skills. Instead making the young adults subservient to political groups they should be made independent individuals of productivity. That is only a wishful thinking.


When I was in England one of the basictraining I had was on Child Abuse Investigation. We used to have case conferences on each case of child abuse,  an exercise that I did not enjoy any way. One of the last cases, I detected was a child of two and a half years. I got an emergency call at half past one in the morning. Rushed to the casualty and found a distressed child without any clinical findings to account for her distress. My gut feeling was that they (parents) pulled me out of my bed thinking that I would be very cursory in my examination and would miss the tell tale story of child abuse. I told the sister that I would do a detail examination having taken all the precaution to calm the child. I found three pieces of hair in her perineum and sent them for forensic examination. Parent's explanation was that the hairs were probably dog's.

I would not go further because of the legal implications.

I of course left England never to take up a job in paediactrics (my children were small and I wanted them to grow in a normal environment) until my children were big enough. Last time I got involved in a similar case was in another western country where a mother poisoned the child (killed). That women went to prison.

I used to question myself why we have to do this? All this could be prevented by good parenting and education. Sadly it is lacking in the West as well an in the East. Sri-Lanka had been a heaven for notorious paedophiliacs. The role of LTTE in this racket needs close scrutiny. Child soldiers and paedophiliacs probably have some common links.

20th September, 2005

Friday, February 10, 2023

Puppy Download of S15Pup64-22.12+2-T.iso

Puppy Download of S15Pup64-22.12+2-T.iso

It took solid 45 minutes to download Slackware derivative of Puppy Linux.

I do not think a young would have the patience to wait.

Equally, Google could not get wireless keyboard configured to type this message.

Solution is to have a torrent download of Puppy Linux.

Then again I cannot browse the web while the DIRECT download is on.

This is not so with torrent which shares resources diligently.

Fault is with our (Ceylon) Telecom Industry.

It is a pain!

This is before 8 AM after 9 AM, no hope at all.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Rising Balloons and BRICS and Falling American Hegemony with the Fall of Ukraine

It is obvious Americans are wetting their pants when they see a Chinese Balloon on their airspace.

With so much spent on Ukraine Proxy War, Chinese Wisdom had shown how fallible American Dogma and Hegemony are.

They find it difficult to down a weather balloon let alone a Russian and Iranian drones playing havoc in Ukraine.

It is high time white house officers try modified children's pants for an emergency when a real military balloon invades it's sovereign airspace.

While this is happening Risi Sunak who succeeded war mongering Boris the John is finding difficult to balance the budget.

The promise to redeem the pension discrepancy of those who were born in 1940s is conveniently forgotten since most of them are either dead due to Coronavirus or incarcerated with dementia in old people homes.

Germany who depleted it's War Tank Stocks, GAS and Money due to constant bickering in EU has become the laughing stock of the world with Merkle the Diplomatic Liar getting a Nobel Peace prize from Norway.

Sitting on the Fence of France and it's duplicity is revealing, to say the least.

The European commission is in total disarray and collapse and it does not know how to count the number of dead Ukrainian soldiers in Bakemuth.

So BRICKS will rise like a Chinese balloon filled with Russian Gas!

What a turnaround in Geopolitics and Davos Summit!

It interesting note conservative who support sabotage and war have lost over 1000 local council seats.

Linux Update

 Debian, Ubuntu Mate, Mint, Emmabanus, Linux Fundamentals and Gmail, Dialog, MobiTel and all TeleComs SUCKS!

1. Let me finished with Linux Fundamentals,

The book will be published soon at Amazon's.

2. I am going to say Good Bye to Emmabantus and Thank YOU all the same when I finished the 10 books I am working on AbiWord.

I use Emmabantus for two reasons.

One AbiWord and the Other, the MultiSystem Utility which I use to mount several compatible (Debian does not support this utility and AbiWord) Linux distribution for display to newbies.

The drawback is one cannot save a file on live sessions unlike Puppy Linux and Knoppix. There is Gnoppix and I do not like it.

3. I hate Elementary OS (new vrsion7 old version was much better and I have lost that copy) it has nothing in its Elementary Base not even a proper text editor. One has to pay for every item.

Elementary My Dear, In Inspector Colombo's statement never ever USE it or pay for Open Software modified to make money.

It has a Apple Like front end but nowhere near Apple products or in its emulation.

4. I have Mint on an external SATA disk and it is working fine and I have installed AbiWord.

It is very easy to USE in Graphic Mode and no coding needed. 

It is elegant I love using it on Cinnamon desktop. 

5. I wanted to try Ubuntu MATE desktop  and Only Ubuntu Mate and Sparky Linux support MATE desktop.

6. By the way, Sparky Linux supports Games on Sparky Linux Game Over  distributions.

7. I finish with 7 items here.

I wanted to install Linux on a 64GB USB and Ubuntu Mate was right up to he task with a O.E.M mode.

I installed O.E.M, Mode and it did not support any more additional  utilities including AbiWord.

I went back to user MODE and installed Gparted and few of the supported open software Audio and Video  Utilities.

Mate User Mode is on Top of the List unlike in Ubuntu where it is hidden down below and one has to search for User Mode.

It software repository is limited.

What to do?


Install Ubuntu Software package on to of it.

I got my AbiWord installed in a breeze in Ubuntu Mate.

I finish Debian is the fasted to boot and Emmabantus is the slowest to boot since it looks for a redundant Intel NUC software (so Intel  can hook up to your machine every time you boot) in an endless cycle, that I have to hit Esc Key with horrid results.

All this costs money and Rs.1000/= is down in a few hours in the internet and with Google's YouTube since our Mighty President have jacked up all communication utilities by 500%, so that the 550 Million wasted in the Independent Parade was recovered in double quick time. All calls were FREE on MobiTel land phone for one day.

I will not give any calls or answer my land phone from today onward.

Excuse me for typos and I am going back to my book writing and Dialog Broad Band saves me in money and fast band width not Wireless Utilities. 

It is off or pulled out of the wall plug moment this is posted online.

Only thing I did not elaborate was Puppy Linux and Puppy guys and girls have woken up from slumber and posted some good distributions including Legacy Pup.

I have deliberately excluded Arch Linux which is pain to install except perhaps Manjàroo.

Good Bye!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thank YOU Linux Mint, AbiWord Flatpack and Sparky Linux

 Thank YOU Linux Mint, AbiWord Flatpack and Sparky Linux

I just installed Linux Mint in my Large I GB Hard Disk put inside Intel NUC.

It took a long time to install but having installed and configured it was brisk to configure my Dialog Wincle.

In a moment through Firefox I was into Google and software install.

I tried AbiWord which is my book writing Utility for decades.

I was using AbiWord in Emmbantus, since no other distribution has AbiWord preinstalled.

To my surprise AbiWord has upgraded to AbiWord Flatpack  and I am going to write my net book on Flatpack edition and report back once it is finished.

AbiWord-FlatPack is actually the platform one can code with C++.

It does not recommend C Language for what reason I do not know.

ABiWord FlatPac is not small nearly 1GB to download but expands to 3GB after installation.

NUC secure boot is a pain and it won't let Sparky Linux Game Over to install.

Sparky Linux TAKE NOTE of this fact and ADD EFI support in your distribution.

Then I can Play Sparky Games.

In the mean time I am using Sparky Linux in my PC.

I have two copies the other one is Sparky Mediaedition.