Friday, November 18, 2022

Why I hate CNN and some of its Reporters?

Why I hate CNN and some of its Reporters?

I am not a journalist but a critical analyst all my life.

I started analyzing doctors to begin with.

Yes doctors do lot of lying in their career but we have a system in place where the doctor's name can be erased from the Register for life.

Also practicing doctors have to register once every 2 to 5 years and pay a fee for that.

I did not register for 22 years (I do not practice now) and I am writing here as a layman.

There is no formal registration for journalists in Ceylon.

Anybody can become journalist by proxy.

Just like x-lensky in Ukraine who is a master of fake information.

This is where CNN falls in and their journalists become fodder for the propagenda of the Democratic party.

It is by proxy an extension of the Democratic party. 

Democratic party pay masters may have a stake at CNN as a company but they should leave the journalists to do the reporting with their own skills.

CNN used to be independent many moons ago and I shifted from BBC to CNN and they had reporters coming from all over the world unlike BBC.

I listen to BBC for only cricket news and after Jeffry Boycott retired from ( I like the Yorkshire accent) commentating on cricket, I said Good Bye to BBC.

Of course now, the BBC is an extension of the Prime Minister's office.

British Council was an independent organization promoting education and its publishers.

It is no more but now more interested in Teaching English (big failure).

They used to have a meeting once a month in its premises.

They used to dish out foreign alcohol liberally and I used to see non members of the library mixing with members (when they misbehave I tell the security guards to check the membership and throw them out).

It is all right enjoying food and drink but respecting it as an educational institute should not be forgotten.

This is the entry point to criticizing CNN and its current reporters.

They are "punch drunk" politically and there is no independent reporting at all.

Some of the reporters I hate now.

I can predict what they are going to say.

They have only  Donald Trump to bash. 

It is said even bad publicity is good in politics and Donald Trump without spending money capitalizing at CNN's expense!

The Russia-Phobia is in my estimate is a very serious paranoid disorder.

Why not say something about great Russian culture and how beautiful the landscape is.

Unlike USA streets are not litter full.

It is pretty obvious the reporting is biased and one sided.

No wonder CNN's rating has plummeted down drastically and I do not feel sorry for them.

It came to a point I only look at only the BBC weather reporting (after the fact and we have already experienced the bad weather and for me looking at the sky is enough to predict what is to come).

The same old weather reporters, now already grand mothers are reporting.

I save my electricity bill and switch off the TV the moment the news is telecasted.

Luckily there are alternative YouTube channels coming out thick and fast (already fed up American and British citizens sponsoring them). 

One can watch them when one is free and no need to wait for prime time news.

Cellphone industry has grown 1000 times more than the Television.

When coconut prices go up we know it instantaneously.

No need to talk about powdered milk and stocks are full and packets are becoming smaller (due to price hike) by the day and very soon we have packets like salad cream or tomato sauce.

Why CNN not highlighting the price hike and suffering of ordinary people due to gas pipe blown up by the British?

Are they scared of losing their perks for politicizing the news?

Fox news and Australian Sky news I had been boycotting for ages.

Boycotting CNN is the natural progression.

In desperation I shifted to AL-Jassera news outlet, which is not bad at all.

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