Friday, June 3, 2022

Crisis of Expansion of Old Age People

 Crisis of Expansion of Old Age People
This is only a projection to next 30 to 50 years of population expansion.

Provided Third World War or a more destructive Viral Pandemic would not intervene to disrupt the intended projection.

I prefer a pandemic to war for stabilization of global population.

Number one with more urbanization Birth Rate is going down globally except in India and Africa.

Number two with relative advance in access to money and services more and more people are living to old age to eighties and some up to nineties.

Number three is more and more alcohol is consumed globally and there is relative increase of dementia and some may even become Presidents of leading countries.

As for Ceylon going by the cell cycle events, the old age starts at the age of 30 (alcohol consumption damages more brain cells than normal senescence) and by default anybody (assuming they are demented by default) over the age  of 55 (age of eligibility for pension in this country) should NOT be allowed to contest for the post of presidency.

They are spent force by the age of 60 and not worth holding the post of commander in chief of Army, Navy  and Air Force.

They should be given a jack up of his or her pension by about            Rs.10,000/= so that they would be able to keep paying the debts the owe, in small installments at advancing age.

That is the reality.

If possible they should be given a ration of Pol Arrakku on weekly basis on a Ration Book (the rate the price of alcohol going up is phenomenal).

By the way, alcohol is a ready made energy source, much more powerful than a piece of bread without Pol Sambol.

My discovery is China's population shrinks to 1 billion mainly due to abortions.

The India's population is going up to  2 billion without a proper population policy with more Muslims born everyday and rivalling the Middle East by a big margin.

Nigeria will be rivalling for the third place with USA, the population declining, mainly due to faulty Coronavirus Policy.

The interesting insight is UK will have a drastic negative growth and disappear from the field of military contribution to any war front, in a decade or so.

UK will have 80% over the age of 70 and 90% of the  GDP is spent on them as pensions (not increased as promised in April by PM Boris Johnson) and they won't be able to subsidize the under 5s or preschool children anymore, especially the recent immigrants.

Labour also will fail due to its too, rapid modernization and succumbing to EU Mania.

This is true of Russia and they cannot raise an army to fight a war with even Afghanistan in another 30 years.

For Ukraine they are devoid of any army since everybody who emigrated (females) would not return and most of the productive males conscribed to the war of attrition will not have eligible partners, left after the war devastation.

As for Russia, if they do not finish the war in Ukraine NOE, they have a very old army that will only depend on artillery fire and the soldiers will ONLY be able work as support drivers.

They are to old even to lift a rifle.

So my analysis, that is why President Putin started the war now instead of waiting for his successor.

The person who will succeed President Putin would be a very old guy (unless Putin does mobilize war footing and recruit young guys NOW to army.

This world will have old people over 70 or 80 by the next 20 years and only India and Nigeria will have young guys for mobilization in  war.

Beware India in this scenario and they will outgun China by 1 to 2 ratio.

Africa I do not want to comment but the war mongering Muslim allies and rival Christian groups will go on for ever.

In another 30 years India will outnumber all other countries on fossil fuels use and hunger and famine will be the order of the day due to devastation of biodiversity by global warming scenario.

Most of India will be like Sahara desert.

Are we ready for this scenario?

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