Friday, May 21, 2021

Olympics in Japan 2021

Big thank you to Chairperson of Olympic Committee for holding fast.and beating the Japanese popular protest and holding it with due care given to the safety of the participants.

I think CNN should ban the Japanese Train Advertisement as a form of protest to the Japanese who are grumpy to the Olympics.

All athletes should participate BUT if they show any signs of mild illness they should withdrew giving written excuse and sort medical opinion immediately.

Any death, even.coincidential may be a big blow to Olympics especially.and sports in general.

Do not let your Dutch courage overtake your common sense and responsibility your   officials and fellow athletes safety.
The competition spirit should not deter the responsibility to the country you represent.

You are a sporting ambassador.

You.should love that image at trying.times.

They have trained for four years and waited another year.

It is a massive blow to moral of argyles and.sports in general.
Unlike team games athletics is a solitary game and toil.

With Coranavirus curtailing sports, I think 4 year gap is a non starter for many.
They should have more at least in yearly basis locally and internationally every two years.

By fiddling with regional politics and having a game at each.continent one can have 5 events.

This will allow athletes to have more opportunities.

Most burn will out they best will remain in good shape.

Now few words about R.J.K.Karunananda, who represented Olympics in 1964 in Japan.

He competed in marathon, 5000 and 10000 but became famous for the 5000.
He was lapped several times but completed  one before last lap with jeers and thunderous applauds.

He kept the Olympic Moto.

Participation not winning that matters.
He added a new proviso,.finishing what one started is also important.

Then we had S.L.B. Rosa who was looked after by two adopting mothers who were better than biological mothers.

Our officials ruined his participation in Montreal 1968.

Mind you both of them come from Roman Catholic Schools in Ampitiya where I schooled in the primary.

I went to Dharmaraja later and it was pleasing to see him winning the Dharmaraja cross country race.

He beat Karunananda and that is how he went to Montreal.
I was never good at long distance and I know why.
Genetically my glycogen stores are enough for 180 meters and nothing more.
These athletes have different long lasting glycogen in the heart and calf muscles.

Taking glucose at the beginning of.the race has no physiological value.

I remember that was the only incentive we had as kids.

My father was a big hindrance to sports and I.used to hide my running shorts.

All tailored by our next door Christian aunty. Finally, when I brought the under 12 and under 14 championship cup.
He began to understand bit of sports.

He hated us listening to BBC cricket commentary.
He rudely switched it off hating English accent.
His English accent was very poor and luckily my teachers at Roman.Catholic School put me on the correct track including sports.
I hated the Christian Bible reading and I was thrown out of the class.
I.conspired with my Buddhist friends soon they joined me.
While our Christian friends toiled with the Bible we played games in grounds.
Mind you the above famous athletes trained in bare foot on the one and only road and mile posts were their targets.

We used to make yearly balloon and kites with adult help and also Wesak lanterns.
The bamboo blasters were our new year tools that were cut to pieces to male lanterns of various shapes and sizes.

With Coronavirus rampaging I do not see the kids even making kites.

I hope they  will at least.make lanterns come this Poya.

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