Saturday, September 19, 2020

Using Your Cellphone as an Efficient Productive Package

Using Your Cellphone as an Efficient Productive Package 

Yes, your cellphone is a little computer that can be used as your workhorse, if you care to organize it, effectively.

 If you use it as a Gossip Engine you are missing my point. 

 One need not have to pay money for daily gossip. 

Let that be done by the politicians and mass media conglomerates with vested interests.

 Keeping touch with your family is one thing but fiddling with this radioactive machine nearer than 55cms is not good for your daily health and also for people who have electronic gadgets implanted in them.

So be considerate to your fellow beings in public transport and public places.

The cellphone is a private piece, essentially, an extension of your self or precisely your mouth and your ear.

 So treat it as such.

Now coming to using it as a productive computer one has to get rid of the voice piece, in the first instance.

The best way one can do that is to have two cellphones.

 One for critical messaging and contact and the other for productivity, even in your retirement.

In my case, the third one for testing Android applications.

 Having an email address is number one and many of my friends at my age do not know how to use an email effectively in Ceylon.

 That speaks of the standard of computer literacy in Ceylon.

 They have more than one cellphone, too.

 What a waste.

 The second is service provider/s and both leading providers, MobiTel and Dialog provide painfully shoddy service at a high cost.

 I have gone to HUTCH which provides an excellent service.

 So chose the provider who gives you the best service.

 The third is one should have a minimum of two SIMs, one for voice and the other for data.

Mind you they give 5 for one ID Card.

This ID card business is for the secret service to track you down your social life and liabilities that include your bank manager.

 The fourth is saving money on my computer and laptop which consume a lot of electricity to send an email.

 SMS from your cellphone is faster with video conference capability.

 One need not jack in a USB camera to your computer.

 The cellphone has made the computer obsolete.

The fifth point is managing the utilities you have and add a few for your needs.

In my case, the number of typefaces and Grammerly is my favourite.

The list can go up to 10.

I downloaded over 200 packages and deleted almost half just now having tested them briefly, including writer packages.

For my short blog pieces, the cellphone is adequate and this piece is to thank Google's blog site for having me there for over two decades.

 I am winding down my public profile and going strictly private and I do not want the military to be on my back, even though, I worked in consort with them in the past, at critical times of this country.

I love my privacy and military taking over civilian work in times of peace is an ominous sign and the harbinger of putative danger non-existent.

 In this country, a perfectly legitimate thing can be used for bad things.

 Unfortunately, we in this country are electronic vultures.

Look at the social media sites one-sided stories, often with political messaging and absolutely vulgar language.


Meant to be originally for the contact of office guys and girls and lately loved ones (after Coronavirus epidemic) BUT it can be taken over by a stupid guy in uniform.

Look at Belarus. 

Our women won't come out but they will support their excess, except a few.

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