Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Corona Reality and Covid Philosophy

Corona Reality and Covid Philosophy

Corona reality is that the “ The God is not great” but the Tiny RNA polymerase is greater than the mankind’s capacity to withstand the mother nature’s secrets, which in this world of reality is about 4 billion years and not the stated 2700 years or less of Bible history of concocted nonsense!

I wanted to start this piece “That the Corona, the elder brother went in search of Reality and the younger brother Covid, went in search of Philosophy and neither met afterwards.

But I must say in spite of not knowing the reality did not stop philosophers from asking the right question at the right time.

The point I am driving at is very simple.

Spanish flu was endemic at the time of William James.

Millions died in the pandemic and that had probably made William James to revise his religious beliefs and become a philosopher of note.

The travesty is that hundred years had passed mankind's way and another virus of more virulent and potent has come to surface and man has neither made giant strides in philosophy nor religion.

I reserve my  opinion on science more so NOW not knowing the logics of dark matter and dark energy expanding the universe.

One of them was William James and he was deliberately stopped by the Church hierarchy, be that it may be Pope or Bishops with power struggle within the institution.

His book in 1902 was not allowed in academic institutions (mostly the Church and all the universities including American are vested with Gods, even the current President Trump has vouched to protect God if not institutions of Science) and after 100 years that book is in print and I bought a copy.

He studied medicine and later slanted his efforts on psychology.

I believe he had read Buddhism in some sense and described the mind as a stream that flows (river analogy) but stopped short of expanding into Abhidhamma.

His words like hysterical, pathological and delusional propensities of Bible readers and subsequent editors of Bible and Quran are all psychological connotations that the Church nor the Mullahs did not understand due to dogmatism of that age.

The coronavirus bare the impotency of the derived gods of many kinds including Buddhism and Hindu traditions.

My contribution here is that the aliens who visited here 5000 years or so ago for experiments on us (with a novel virus which the China had secretly copied from a sample inadvertently left at a Pyramid of Egypt -GIZA) did not see that Chinese are better than Japaneses in pirating Intellectual properties of any country.
I think Chinese are currently investigating on the virus that Chandana Jayaratne (not Dilith Jayaweera who has the sole property of current Ceylon News) claims and believes that came from space and in the possession of Colombo University’s archived leaves of Ceylonese history documents, which are older than our Universe.
By the way, I am not happy with the 5% or less of the physical world but the 95% of the dark matter and dark energy.

The ever expanding universe baffles me.

The multi-verses and alternative realities of physics beyond the reach of our physics or "New Science" is yet to materialize.

If it is not within our reality but will it be within the scope of philosophical conundrum?

My mind ponders and it is the biggest mysterious power we all have. 

Do not leave any dogmatism to rein within.

I call it the open mind.

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