Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Interview in Disarray (Election Preview)

Interview in Disarray (Election Preview)

I sleep well and dream well.
This is my latest dream with its interpretation.
I was requested to come for an interview based on a national lottery ticket number.
Very strange and I could not formally apply.
It was something like the “Talent Contest” in TV, which channel I cannot remember.
The way it was conducted, I presume it was Sri-Lankan!
The interviewer was an attractive TV presenter lady.
She was dressed as if it was her wedding day.
I was dressed casually without a tie.
By strange coincidence, I was the first candidate to be interviewed.
She fiddled with the examination cards and question sets but she could not find my set to start the contest.
I thought I can take “Mickey” out of her with the false start.
Within the first minute, I acted like a teenager with a temper tantrum.
When I looked at the other sets, I saw all the bio-data of the other candidates piled up.
I said I cannot come again, you have to make the entry set now.
Otherwise, I am going away and won’t return and report the matter.
At this stage (having been an examiner myself) she new there is a breakdown in the system and she was answerable to her boss and was visibly nervous.
I said shall I put down my bio-data in a piece of paper to help her progress the examination.
She said No.
My objective was to have my own handwriting in the entry set, so that in a scrutiny, if I needed later, I can cross check the validity of my entry.
She then gave me a champagne bottle in her possession and started writing my bio-data.
Before she could finish, the bell rang and another examiner who was late for his part came in.
As he came through the door, I peeped to see the rest of the candidates piling up and the next in line trying to come in.
She took this opportunity to slip out and avoid me in good stead.
She forgot to take the champagne bottle in the rush.
The male interviewer was no better.
He started fiddling with the entry set.
Behold no entry for me.
The female interviewer took my set (she prepared) instead of the champagne (presumably to consume after the end of the examination) bottle.
I took this opportunity to taste the bubbly champagne instead of the bizarre interview.
I pulled the cork out with a pop (without a screw) and offered him a sip before me but he went wild and incriminated me of stealing at an interview and disqualified me in toto!
I woke up.
This was a bizarre dream and posted an email to Acting Maha immediately.
Before, I could take the finger out of the entry key, he was there with a big laugh with angle tune in the background.
How are you?
Very well thank you.
Whats the latest news?
Election panic in evolution and it is in a mess.
Do you know the candidates?
There could be hundreds and the ballot paper would look like a newspaper Sunday front cover with pictures to identify the candidates.
Isn’t it illegal to advertise the candidates?
We cannot but the new election bylaw states that the commissioner can.
So there is no messing up.
No Sir,the messing up comes in the counting chambers.
One has to put numbers instead of crosses on the ballot paper.
The crossing we do with some anger but with numbers we get some paranoia of winning a lottery.
This time more than 100% might vote at the election.
The commissioner might not be able to balance the sheet and election petition would ensue sooner than late.
So we will be without a head for sometime.
It is good know.
Not at all.
It is very easy to steal and do corrupt deals in transition.
No convictions.
Or I see.
What is your interpretation.
This time the election commissioner would device a full proof ballot paper.
It opens with a pop, like when you open a champagne bottle.
Then the police guarding the polling station might shoot at the candidate and you may have few accidents.
Do you won’t me to vote?
Do you like a stray bullet through you by accident.
I suppose not.
Should I stay away.
It is a prudent decision.
Nobody would get the 50% of the valid vote.

With the numbers over hundred, counting can go on for six months.
Then the Attorney General will find a loophole in the system to appoint an interim president who decides not to stand down and declare the election null and void.

So your vote is null and void.

Why vote?

Stay at home or wear a bullet proof vest, if you decide to go for it.

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