Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ten cardinal symptoms and signs (psychopathology of success) of intolerable guys and girls are;

Ten cardinal symptoms and signs (psychopathology of success) of intolerable guys and girls are;
They are quick to anger, resentful and possess an intrinsic and inalienable grudge with colleagues (fellow workers).
1. They are often fanatical.
There is a difference between being devout—in which one deeply believes in a single dogma (religion included)—and being fanatic—one who attacks other dogmas, this include capitalism and communism (they never agree or just see things differently of another point of view).
Politically there are jokers on the Left (LSSP) and Clowns on the Right (JRJ and JRJ descendants of the Middle of the road CREED)
2.They are usually psychologically rigid.
Deep down they are selfish and are much more concerned about self-preservation and see any different point of view as a potential threat to their identity.
3. They are know-it-all.
This is how any Chinthanaya including Jathika Thinthanaya take a venomous root in any society including Kosova (Kosovo) and Sarajevo.
4. They are terrible listeners.
Rarely do people around them feel listened to, heard, understood or valued for anything that in any way differs from their point of view.
5.They often have tension in their relationships.
They can only be in a relationship with people who obey, agree and are submissive.
This only means they are like a volcano that would erupts in bursts .
6.They believe in total control and make all others out of control or impotent.
They are black-and-white thinkers with no room for gray. 
I am right you are wrong thinkers.
7. They won't leave anything to chance.
This is the other side of the coin (Americanism) of fanaticism.
The NSA will tap every email one sends in the belief that anybody who not an American, is a terrorist.
The most important decision they will make is that they are safe at all costs and others have to perish on their sake.
8.They are frequently jealous deep down.
Being envious means wanting what another person has, which is usually power or post.
Jealousy (before coming to power) is the precursor of paranoia which every politician who comes to power invariably develops by default.
9. They often try impersonate other successful leaders
This like a mama crab telling the daughter crab how to walk straight.
10. They hang on to power for life.
There is no delegation of power.
None of these traits are good for managers of high profile.
Unfortunately these are the very guys who ascend in the world of politics.
I believe there is something wrong in politics and demo=crazy.

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