Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why One should have at least two browsers?

When we get hooked to one browser one does not have any safety valve to exit form problematic cookies.
I use many browsers since lot of Linux distributions make available at least two browsers.
I do not use Firefox exclusively but along with Konqueror.
I have had major problems with Firefox including nasty DOS-denial of Service attack once and had to take drastic action including going out full looking for the guy/girl who did it.
I had a similar nasty experience with Firefox and and deleted almost all the likely cookies including useful ones.
One such one is the security included bizarre words one has to type to say one is human.
This has left with some problem for me to sign up for free Linux downloads (P.D.F) files.
When that happens I go to Chrome Browser and do the needful an return to Firefox without major cookies.
That is trim downed FireFox without cookies.
Worse come scenario I go to Konqueror and do what needs to be done. 
Another point one should consider is chose a browser which can handle two instances or even many instances one and the same time.
This is useful for my downloads that go on with torrents also in the background.
That means I am using full bandwidth I pay for.
Nothing less nothing more. 
This is vital since not one several but computers are used especially at night.
All these things I take into account when I reformat my hard disk and install the upgrades.

But having said that the lightest browser is the best for quick action and return to base.
I love the little ones like Dillo, Midori and IceApe and Iceweasle.
So the new browser should give the user some control.
They are amazingly fast.
Like Linux core Kernel browser should give you the core browser and the rest of the cookies should be provided as only add-ons.
They must also state what each cookie does in the background like spying for commercial adds.
Then only we can see how user friendly these cookies are?

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