Saturday, July 16, 2011

Linvo-2010.12.6- Update

I must do justice to the developer Ivo Georgiev for the error I have made and stating it is Ububtu based sometime ago.

I must thank the anonymous commentator for raising the issue.
I have made some correction for his perusal too.

In his own statement which is given below he does not depend on any distribution but takes what is good from Linux community (that is a talent only a few has) and improve it for productivity.
His goal is to be easy and efficient to use without losing the stability of Linux.
Like a typical Linux guy he gives credit to (all scientist do this, otherwise science and medicine would not have progressed so far) where it belongs without a corporate mindset.

He has developed Linvo Applications too.
I hope like Texstar at PCLinux he does a credible job for us to enjoy.

I must say, I installed Linvo in my daughters computer sometime back since it was the only Linux distribution in which Skype was working then (my daughter wanted Skype).

I had some problems with the Grub then, since that computer also had PCLinux installed (subsequently downloaded Skype for PCLinux). 
As of then, only these two Linux Distributions had workable Skype and now the Skype is under Microsoft fold I need not say any more except Linux should develop its own Voice with Alpine Astaro and many in the field.

Mind you almost all PABX are run by Linux why the Linux Community cannot do a good job is my open question.

Hope Google will lead the masses.
Sorry for the diversion and I am downloading the latest version of Linvo and it is painfully slow due to poor telecoms and I will be with you with an update soon.

Linvo no longer depends upon another distribution, it is mostly developed independently, but it uses packages from Slackware, Arch Linux, additional packages from Gnome SlackBuild, Slacky, SBo, and Live Scripts for the LiveCD.

The project is founded by me, Ivo Georgiev, and the development happens mostly by me.

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