Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Small is Beautiful!
Below  are a few lines by a guy like me who like me lie little things.
this was written probably 5 years ago when the distribution was 25 MIB
I thank him for his precise description of SliTaz.

(This is easily my favorite live CD now. I admire DSL for being versatile and fast, and I do like the way Puppy Linux has evolved. But it’s hard to beat a pretty, usable, complete system that ducks under the 25Mb mark, and does it so well. Fatter distributions (and I’m thinking of Xubuntu, et al., here) would do well to notice how much can be done with so little).

 Read Porteus Linux too.

This minimal Swedish distribution is only 30 MiB and it has burner, browser, install script, gparted and a manual.
It can play music and watch a video and visualize a photograph.
Amazingly it is smaller that the Damn Small Linux (DSL).
It has a lovely graphic presence and is a server version.
I new about this and never bothered to downloaded it thinking it is only in text mode and no graphic.
I was proven wrong and it has a lovely graphic mode.
After installation one can use the package manager to install what one wants.
The is the down to earth customizable version of Linux and any version bigger than it will have to be treated with insulin.
It has two version stable version and a cooking version with a DVD with packages.
1.5 GiB for stable version and 2.7 for the coking version.

I am sorry guys and girls at SliTaz of my prejudices coming from a windows background.

Like Porteus Linux you get 100 out of 100 points from me and another 100 for being the smallest functional distribution and will be the latest convert of your distribution and would be downloading the packages.

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