Buddha and the Alien Races
Buddha was an Enlightened Human Being.
Buddhism does not exclude possibility of traveling Space and Time.
In fact, Buddha had visited Thusita Heaven to recite Dhamma to his mother Maha Maya.
Buddhist Cosmology is different from Hindu Cosmology.
In Buddhism Devas or Gods are those who have obtained Jhana States above 4. That is from 5 to 8.
Humans can attain Jhana states up to 4 which are transient blissful states,
somewhat of the Tibetan Tradition of Meditation.
One does not need to understand the Dhamma Principles to attain these states.
In my opinion, these meditation states are total waste of time.
I have discussed them in my book coming soon in print not digital " Business Enterprise of Meditation
The Dyana Pala they consume are above 4 are real blissful states of happiness. These blissful states are transient and as if one has consumed his or her credit score, (Fixed Deposits), they fall back to animal life and very rarely come back to human world as humans.
Being born as a human is a incredible state but many of us do not use this less than 100 year time period for good use.
Be mindful of that fact.
This piece is not related to Dhamma but to types of beings of our contemporary history of about 5000 years.
In Hindu Culture there are three Gods.
In Ceylonese Buddhist Culture they are
Ordinary Devas
These Devas are up to 6 in our rendering and they are born of Good Karma but do not have Dyana States mentioned above.
They are actually jealous of the Real Devas mentioned above who have only a trace of jealousy among themselves.
Real Devas do not fight among themselves, but respect the hierarchical system.
They live for aeons and only when the total Good Kamma is consumed and when one is moved down the Rebirth Cycle, that next in line takes the command that is left by the predecessor.
This is very complicated system and I wish not be born as a Deva in my next life.
Coming to our Commoner Garden Devas they are almost like alien beings.
They love to posses a tree, a mountain range, a water body and some even flaming forests.
That is they would like to exercise their power and their greed, just like humans.
Inferiority complex of some sort.
There is lot of talks about Devas when Buddha was trying to gain enlightenment.
I have outlined them in my book Buddhist Cosmology having perused Abhidhamma texts.
You are free to read them and I am not an expert on Gods but I have extracted them from old Buddhist texts.
Ravana come to my mind.
He of course kidnapped Sita.
Now Buddha had visited Ceylon many a times to stop warring factions of Yakha, Naga and Deva is common folklore.
This piece is really about Aliens of the Reptilian Type.
They are among us.
If one look at previous Presidents of USA one gets a real preview.
I won't name them but they are basically War Mongers.
Jimmy Carter is not one of them but was one who worked hard for peace among humans.
DRACO the Lizard People who live in Dulce Base. They are the ruling Class.
Did genetic experiments and created Hybrid People.
I think, if President Donald Trump emulates Jimmy Carter, I will place him and pass him as a real human being.
When we come to British Prime Ministers most of them are Reptilians by nature and in genetics.
I will leave it at that.
Less I talk about Germans, Belgians and Europeans it is better for the Human race.
Just remember what they did to Africans.
I would finish with one statement which would make Sinhalayas very angry with me.
That is necessary for the sake of completeness.
We descended from Lions is a mythology.
As far as we know there were no Lions' artifacts in Ceylon.
Of course, we have had many types from the Cat Family and some of them are of indigenous.
The term Hela (mountain) had become Si-Hela and Sinhaya and Sinhalaya.
Si probably meaning far away or in the distant hills.
It may be from Sri, the term we adopted from Hindu Culture.
It is like Kanda (mountain) becoming Kandy.
History, by all means and purposes is a cock and bull story.
It is not worth wasting time on history.
History is always written by the victors but our ancient kings did not erase the name of Elara.
Tamils were fully integrated in our culture (look at the names of food and articles (Kudei), many coming from Tamil and the food habits), until British invaded us and used the divide and conquer rule.
We fell into British Trapping.
Our last king was a Tamil King.
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