Sunday, December 15, 2024

My Latest Finding On Mosquitoe Senses-Alcohol Sensors

Latest Finding On Mosquitoes Senses

I used to write satirical pieces in here, 25 years ago and some of those satirical pieces have made some research workers in America (American Research Workers) to do some work in their spare time.

This was long before, I thought of writing a book on mosquitoes.

That was about how the mosquitoes find me in an analytical sense.

One was my sweat and the other was my breath.

And I postulated they sense alcohol. 

This was the time, I used have a drink on working days, after work and I wait till the smell of my breath of alcohol taper off to come home.

I sit at ARPICO restaurant till the Bar  is opened in the evening, according to the wishes of the Mahanayake Thera.

It was also meeting place for lawyers, never doctors.

I have found the place where doctors come for a drink just before I left Ceylon, in Kandy and it is a Top Secret.

The chemical component is aldehyde and may be ketone.

By the way, ketone is our brain energy for Demented guys and girls.

It took nearly 35 years for them to discover this fact, after millions of money wasted. 

I think American alcohol industry has banned their research work.

My advice for cheap foreign visitors to Ceylon is not to drink alcohol on their sojourns in Ceylon, if they want to avoid mosquito bites.

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