Reproduction which is very OLD but relevant to this Day
dangling of the carrot is the proverbial statement for an offering that
is apparently “feasible but not tenable”, that is presented to hoodwink
the unsuspecting masses.
Now the operative word is the FUD, a shorthand for Fear, Uncertainty and the Doubt.
the triple of Fear, Uncertainty and the Doubt that is created in the
minds of masses by corporate giants and is utilized to sideline the
Good example is the operation of Microsoft against the competitive Linux distributions.
When Linux was emerging as an operating
system the FUD was amply utilized to distance the would be computer
enthusiast and lure him / her to Microsoft Windows.
But being intellectuals most of the Linux enthusiast overcame this by sheer courage and community spirits.
Linux was very flexible and now quite unintentionally FUD is working against its originator.
Community spirit prevailed in the Linux community and the Free Software Foundation laid the foundation in overcoming FUD syndrome.
The spirit of Free Software
Foundation / Linux is the gift of original software to the Internet
As long as the authorship (not ownership) is quoted any
modification could be done to the original copy to improve it and remove
bugs. However the improved version has to be re-released back to the
pool for further development by the community.
It is called the copy left and not copy right.
So the natural evolution of the software takes leaps and bounds within a short space of time for the betterment of the masses.
Much of this principle is very much close to the Buddhist principle of “Dhamma Dhana” but with a difference.
What is given away is recycled
with added improvement in quality and it is given away for another cycle
like the “Sansara” cycle never ending.
One need not improve “The Dhamma” but only have to understand its underlying principles and spread the message of goodwill.
is interesting to note that a Buddhist monk who had appeared in a court
to protect his Pirith cassette, he had been marketing.
Is the “Sabbha Dhanam Dhamma Dhanam Jinathi” spirit of Buddhism being betrayed?
monk should read the evolution of Linux Community and the General
Public License that came with the Free Software Foundation. This
Buddhist monk does not understand that the Gift of Dhamma is the supreme
gift and it should not be commercialized.
A blank CD / cassette is only
Rs.25 / 50 and anybody who is selling a Pirith CD / cassette for more
than Rs.50 is vandalizing these principles.
If Buddha is alive today I wonder what he would utter.
Would be an another occasion for “Udana Whakya” similar to “Sabbha Dhanam Linux Dhanam Jinathi” and would have a little smile at the corner of his mouth. There would be few more verses added illustrating the illusion of freedom and liberty of the mind filled with lust, hate and delusion.
Are we truly free and liberated?
from China, India and USA?
It is something worth pondering.
All Sri-Lankans whatever the creed may be, believe that they are prisoners of their own conscience.
Sinhalese believe that they have to be free from interference by Tamils.
Tamils believe they are persecuted by the majority.
Are the Tamils free from persecution by their masters?.
The Muslims, believe they have to be free from indulgence from both Tamils and Sinhalese.
Million dollar question is, could the piece mongers (foreign ambassadors of dubious credentials) allay the FUD syndrome?
They in fact created it.
are in this vicious cycle of suspicion, the LTTE and party in power and
party aspiring to come into power are spreading the FUD syndrome
viciously to its maximum zenith (peak).
What is needed is to have FUD syndrome at its nadir (depths).
international community spreads the FUD syndrome to help the
propagation of their corporate agenda with dangling the proverbial
What is happening in the political field in Sri-Lanka is the insensible manifestation of FUD syndrome.
a philosophical level what Socrates said to an aggressive follower who
would stretch his arm for a punch is relevant even today.
“Your freedom ends where my nose begins”.
The international community should realize that they are very close to every one's nose.
It is nice to recapture what Nazurudeen stated about his failure to marry.
It is said that he had been to all the countries looking for a girl he liked.
he found one but the girl who matched his interests was also looking
for man whom she wanted but alas for him / her that man was not
We have being looking for a suitable match maker for
Sri-Lankan bride. Now we are left with a whole harem of foreign
ambassadorial girls (donating their vices).
At what price we do not know?
This is where one has to ponder and ask the vital question what is the price for freedom and what is the meaning of liberty?
Poor man on the street does not understand the jargon he will never be freed from his poverty.
long as there is corporate mind set in making profits without sharing
the wealth of information with its competitors to improve the quality
and availability at an affordable price the gap between the rich and
poor would widen.
Free market philosophy is not for liberating the masses.
They are there to increase the profits.
The belief that profits would filter to the masses is a grand myth.
is no community involvement as seen in the Linux community. Linux
community feels that they are liberated from the corporate giants. Until
and unless we are free from both local and foreign corporate giants who
are hell bent on making profits and exercise their monopoly, the
freedom of choice is an illusion to the majority.
Only the minority will have the freedom to enjoy and exploit.
This corporate mind set should change to community mind set and community involvement.
There is a limit that the free market philosophy can stretch but beyond that point there are diminishing returns.
in the Linux community somewhat similar orientation has to take place
in the business community in Sri-Lanka and worldwide for the true
meaning of freedom to be enjoyed by all.
Not a privileged and selected minority.
Freedom that costs is meaningless.
Selfish gains but no devotion as is preached by all the religions is not relevant to the corporate mind set.
agents doing a few community projects (to lure a few deprived clients
in the periphery) without shedding their corporate mentality is of
little benefit to the masses.
A wholesome benefits want accrue.
we do not think in radical terms and initiate changes now, there going
to be massive uprising, hitherto unknown in the past. Some of the
manifestations in the world today are a sign of this frustration
Not only with the poor but in the middle class too.
The middle class gave stability but it is fast disappearing.
With the wide use of the Internet, we would hear of more and more of evolving crisis.
would like to see the credibility in their leaders which is sadly
lacking in the world because of corporate giants pulling their strings
behind their leaders.
They determine policy not the larger masses.
The masses would ask what is the meaning of this freedom?
That is the starting point of the crisis of this century.
have to be groomed with social values and ideals and not individual
profiles and party profiles. Leaders should not be trained only to run
the corporate giants. Leaders should be trained to lead the community
they live.
Emulating western values only, going to be, not enough
and begging bowl mentality should give way to equal partners in
international dealing whether the country is big or small.
Some of
the eastern values of sharing and caring should take precedence over
profits. Then only one can call the citizens of sovereign nations are
free and liberated.
United Nations will fail in their duty, if they
have only Human Right Charter for cosmetic exercises. In that case the
amount money that is spent on UNO could be better utilized for some
other ventures.
They should rewrite these Charters.
Profit beyond
certain acceptable levels should be prohibited or a certain level of
compulsion to do community research both eco-friendly and
community-friendly should be encouraged.
What is the big idea of having a few rich people and million and millions of poor souls?
How can a man like Tyson a champion one day and then a pauper the next day (in his twilight years)?
It is not acceptable in USA and for that matter any other country in this world.
Where is the social security?
England had a very well organized social security system and in another 50 years time it is going to be all private pensions?
questions that are raised in the West and are equally relevant to us.
The people who raise these voices have no industrial or corporate
Party politics seem to have ruined the entire world.
Most of the party leaders worldwide are gullible liars and some of them are of course pathological in nature.
Can we trust these leaders?
This is what is emerging in the West.
covert political mechanisms are firmly embedded and established, in
the current system, only the corrupt and rich can rise to the top.
talking about freedom whether it is in the West or East is futile to
the average man on the street. They just get the kick out of kicking a
party out of power to get another miserable party into power and
languish till the next opportunity to make the same mistake again.
In reality, it is a Gamble or a Casino?
One day cricket was much more interesting until this Casino bug bit it in full.
the end of the day, all the so called democratic exercises are futile
and the freedom of choice, a bad dream and a nightmare, just as well, to
be forgotten by the majority at stake.
The liberation that the
average man is looking for in economic and social fields is not
achieved. Goals are set but never achieved due to lack of penetrating
insight and vision.
What is done is patchy and ad hoc. We are blindly going through the cycle of events till events take control of our freedom.
Are we truly liberated?
The answer is firm, No.
freedoms elegantly expressed by former US President F.D.Roosevelt have
given way to FUD factor. The freedom of speech and expression (state
controlled media and private media with vested interests), freedom of
worship (desecrating religions), freedom from want (poverty) and last
but not least freedom from fear (terrorism) has no meaning today
The last factor the fear (from both physical and psychological) is utilized to gain undesirable motives.
psychological fear is the deadliest of all and our doctors are using
this to the detriment of the profession (both public and private).
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