Saturday, November 30, 2024

Limits of our measurements in SPACE

Limits of our measurements in SPACE
Good example to use the analogy of compound microscope to view particles smaller than the wavelength of the light.
It fails so we have to use electron microscope, thin slides and negative images to visualize smaller molecules in viruses.
This can be stretch beyond the particle size of atomic levels, using suitable electromagnetic fields to guide a particle smaller than electron to measure subatomic particles in real time instead of using destructive particle collusion in a particle accelerator.
Telescope also has the similar limitation.
Some of its limitations were overcome by bypassing the interference zone in our outer atmosphere.

This limitation applies to light traveling from distant galaxies.
It has the limitation which the "Big Bang Theory is engulf in.
Time Zero had to coined to begin the concept and Time Zone had to be designed to declare the outer limit of our universe.
What ever the measurement instruments of matter we will use we have a hazy zone and limitations.
That handicap should not used to get us trapped in what is called the confirmation bias in philosophy.

We get trapped and engulfed by the same old theory.
This is the very reason I am attacking the “Big Bang Theory’ from inside and outside.
We are becoming comfortable with the confirmation bias and that retard the formation and testing of new theories.

What about the things that cannot be measured?
Should we surrender our thoughts in suspense or let our imagination run riot.
In that sense dark matter is a solid case in point to ponder.
Fact that we cannot see dark matter should be the driving force for deeper investigation.

Floods that Beats the Last Flood-Ceylon

The River Mahaveli fascinates me.

Not because of its nature but because of its use by ancient kings to protect Kandy city.

I have a book on Rivers and Water Falls of Ceylon at Amazon, one is advisee to read it.

When I was writing this book I did some Research Work and I realized that it's current route is not natural but man made.

There are only two bridges over Mahaveli in Kandy and both were built by the British to protect Kandy from sabotage.

In my belief Heen Ganga is the only natural stream that flows according to geographical countours with gradual descent, to the Mahaveli River. 

I have forgotten the details now.

Coming back to Floods we had a major flood in Kandy when I was a little kid in 1952 or 1954. 
I was not attending school but I could remember for one solid month we were home bound and no schooling for my siblings.

It was a very gloomy.

Years later I saw the  stone erected in Kandy, Mulgampola to mark the highest water level. I believe this landmark is no more.
Probably removed by the municipality vandals.

The present Gatambe Vihara was supposed to have not gone under water.
It came to famous and prominace, after that fact.

I can remember only one other time that it rained over two weeks during Esala Perahera. I hid in the Paththini Devale for over two hours on that day. It was my only shelter. I had to walk home to Ampitiya with no buses. I did not go for Esala Perahera for a very long time after this incident.
Elephants are my favorites but now I say they should not be paraded for display and they belongef to the jungle.

What I remember as a young guy was that every time I went to Colombo by bus even with minor rain Peradeniya and Gatambe go under water for a few hours. The bus stops at Peradeniya and stay until.water subsides.
Unlike nowadays, rains were heavy.

No problem if I come by train.
The train track is at a higher level.

This went on until grand Mahaveli Project was completed and the Maskelliya damn came into existence.

Only when there is spill over from Maskelliya Dam we tend to have minor floods in Peradeniya.
The Rugger Grounds at Peradeniya goes under water (not cricket ground, hockey ground and track and field, they a higher level). No more  rugger played now, mainly due to clashes of students of the two rival schools.
There is a stream that flows by the side of these grounds and I used to stroll through this pristine stream looking for Giant Danios.

Rugger ground is the wettest and the muddiest.

My research work lead me to reading large books on geography.

My particular interest was the stretch of road that leads from Peradeniya to Panidemiya. It goes under water ever so often, even with minor rains. 

There is a little stream that comes under Kandy Colombo road and then flows to Mahaveli River by the side of the Railway Bridge in Peradeniya. 

On the other side of the river is the Peradeniya University. I used walk (short cut) to the University on the rotten iron plates on one side of the bridge. 
I stopped this habit when I detected that big iron planks were missing and nobody bothered to repair them. 
Big risk of falling to the river if I missed one of my steps. 

I can remember I was made to run over these plates by the seniors as a part of the ragging. I did a sprint and the senior guys took at least 20 minutes to cross it. 

I realized these guys were not my heros.

One of the saner senior guys said are you mad to run like this. That was the end of the ragging. 

Coming back again to floods, one of the books said that the next flood beats the one before by a big margin. 

It only happens once only in 100 years.

Now going by 1954 it is 70 years now and current rain in Ceylon epitomizes the said geographical fact.
What I want to highlight is the mapping of the flood planes.
After every major flood it should be mapped to define the extent of the FLOOD PLANE and its devastation.
No construction should be allowed and should be designated as reserved area and for natural habitat.
People who built quarters within the Flood Plane should be persecuted and should not be paid any compilations at all, for their residences. These are done under the pretext of tourist attraction. I say tourist should not be allowed to access the protected areas.
MCC program of the World Bank and I.M. F.  have mapped these areas with callous disregard to Environmental Impact.

The bottom line is to protect the flood planes without any destructive so called development.
Our ancestors had harnessed over 100 rivers, without destroying the environment and we should make it a point to respect them protect our country from mal-designed foreign investment.

Mahaveli River Map
It is known for its scarcity of proper mapping.
Original Mahaveli River starts from Badulla and drain to the Trincomalay plane.
The original water content is not sufficient for agriculture.
It was supplemented by Kotmalay Oya and Pundalu Oya.
I traced them from the Ceylon Surveyors Map and documented in my book.
Unfortunately, except where its basin is exploited for commercial activities it not properly mapped for details. This is what I have found.
  • Nanu Oya.
  • Puna Oya.
  • Pundalu Oya.
  • Kotmale Oya.
  • Hatton Oya.
  • Atabage Oya.
  • Nilamba Oya.
  • Nanu Oya (Peradeniya)

Friday, November 29, 2024

Double Whammy for NPP before the Budget

It is unfortunate for the JVP/NPP start UPS.

Double Crisis.

Falling from frying pan to the fire.

One is unpredictable, "Weather Gods".

The other the predictable "Food Crisis". 

The prices of food would hit the ceiling.

Yes, when crisis hits it comes in multiples.

On top of the Financial Crisis, in matter of 10 days, the Paddy Fields have become Muddy Fields. 

Floods will have devastating effect on our economy.

1. Paddy Fields sawn already, got washed away in matter of hours.

2. Seed Paddy is in short supply.

3. No Buffer Stocks

4. Short supply of Fertilizers for rice (liquid, solid and minerals).

5. It is the Maha Season or the Heavy Season where Buffer Stocks are replenished.

6. Dry season is on the horizon and the stock may diminish further.

7. We might have to use Rapid Cultivars and 3 Paddy seasons instead of the usual two seasons to make up for the losses.

a) We might have to get Japanese Help.

They are the experts on Paddy Cultivation and they have a vast variety of seeds.

b) In addition, we have to go for stunt variety of coconuts with high yields. 

Malaysia would not help us.

We have to invest on Coconut Research.

c) True for Rubber Research,too. 

d) I do not know what is the impact of rain on Tea Industry.

e) Our cinnamon, cardamon and coves won't make up for the loses. 

I won't talk about saffron.

I am not a guy who can talk about agriculture.

Mosquito Menace is my field.

Instead, I would spend my time on mosquitoes.

I have a big Text Book on mosquitoes and for some unknown reason, I have put that topic on the back burner for a very long time.

To begin with our toilets / cesspits are the breeding grounds for all types of mosquitoes. 
Remedy is to keep the commode closed after use and zeal the outlet pipe with a tight rubber band wrapped around to prevent the mosquitoes escapong from the cesspit.

My usual remedy was to breed Guppy Fish in my cement fish tanks and release them periodically, to the small streams and water puddles. 

Guppy fish can survive on adverse circumstances but detergents (poison the gills) used in our washing machines kill them all, in one go.

We spend lot of time on Dengue mosquitoes but there are many other types of mosquitoes in Ceylon. 

I have lost the count and there are so many varieties already breeding.

It used to be the malaria that devastated the dry zone. 

We have manged to eliminate malaria mosquitoes but India (imported malaria) again, may introduce malaria.

Malaria mosquitoes (Anopheles) do not breed above 2500 miles.

Japanese B Encephalitis is dangerous and our pigs are the reservoir.

By the way, the big type of mosquitoes do not carry disease but do cut down on other types of smaller mosquitoes, by eating up their larvae.

There are Culex and Aedis mosquitoes that carry seasonal diseases.

The breading times of larvae are generally speaking of 10 to 14 days.

In the mid 1960 we had a very simple method to overcome this problem.

It is not DDT or Malathion.

The big rains help to wash away the larvae but during the dry season stagnant puddles of water in the dry zone become the synonym of the drought.

The mosquitoes start breeding again on these puddles.

One way to counteract this menace is to open the flood gates (10 to 14 days depending on the types of mosquitoes prevalent in the area) of the rivers.

This flushes out the larvae on the flood planes.

Every 10 to 14 days was our strategy.

This worked very well in mid 1960s.

However, the big mosquitoes which feeds on animals and cattle (not dogs) are a good safeguard to eliminate Culex fatigans and Aedis albopictus larvae.

Without my big book on mosquitoes, I cannot memorize their names.

I left the book in Ceylon.

It is out of print for over  40 years.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

General Outline of Medicine and M.B.B.S Doctors

General Outline of Medicine and M.B.B.S Doctors

With in six months of registration as a medical graduate, I became aware of my simple predicament.

I had the premonition and was convinced that in medicine, I could get 90% to 95% Right, after a full postmortem examination.

That was my reason for taking up Pathology.

Our late Professor of Pathology was a gentleman with a forensic mind. 

He loved reading detective novels and he was the first one to hit the new film that came to our Kandy town.
He had a heart ailment and he sits in the ODC, never in Balcony. 
I also hit the film on the first day and even though I preferred the ODC, I had to be satisfied with the second class seat. 

Every Friday we had a grand Postmortem Conference and every Thursday I had to go to Kandy Hospital and collect some cases.
He takes the kidney, heart and the lung.
I was left with the filthy gut which I had to clean to examine the stomach and duodenum for peptic ulcers and iluem for typhoid ulcers and the large bowel for amoebic ulcers. 

Infectious Hepatitis was rampant, then and I had to deal with the infected liver. 

He was interested in cirrhosis and he told me he had never seen an amoebic liver abscess in a cirrhotic liver and if I find one that has to be reported in Ceylon Medical Journal. 
We never found such an association.

Little by little, he began to trust me and one day he called me to his room, which was not normal. 

I thought, I had missed something.

He had a big laugh and said there is a good film coming and do not miss it.

No wonder he had noted me in the Film Hall. From that day onward until his death we had a very healthy relationship.

Now the crunch point.

When I was tabulating the postmortem data, he casually told me.
30% is Genetic, 30% is environmental and 40% is Totally Unknown.

Do not bother about the 40% he said and gave me a copy of American Pathology Journal siting the above data, over 30 year period.

That put me off completely.

Also told me never miss reading this journal. 
For our bad luck then Sirimavo regime banned all medical journals.
I had to subscribe for Medical Journals on my own. 

Of course, in later years, I subscribed for Linux Journal until I retired.

With that background let me dish out our M.B.B.S.

1. Teaching was hopeless.

2. Examinations were too many.

3. I tendered my resignation to my supervisor within a month
I told her I am going home and looking for a better job.
I gave my reasons and they persuaded me to carry on.

4. My father told me I could never become a doctor when I was studying for A Level.

I proved him wrong.

5. Medical Library was poorly stocked.
I donated lot of books as a graduate.

6. I ultimately did my entire postgraduate study in Ceylon well past 50.

My bone of contention was foreign postgraduate studies do not contribute to our (Ceylonese) well being.

7.  My thesis proved beyond doubt 28%, 32% and 40% ratios as stated above.

8. Any doctor who pretends that he knows everything is a Bogus Guy.

9. Good doctor always helps his fellows and we make decisions on collective basis.

10. We never tell the patients everything that they need to know. 
We dish out the minimum.
Full disclosure destroys our profession.

11. I do not do any consultation for the past 20 years but continue to teach and educate.

This blog site is an indirect medium of education.

I have some valuable instructions here including Meditation.

It is FREE and no charges.

That is the very reason I dish out this piece well past 70.

Of course, I write books on many topics, including aliens.

12. I never treat my Family Members.
It is a cardinal rule. 
Never dispense advice over the phone to one I have not seen with own eyes.

Now, I have become a freelance guy by default.

Why in Politics those who Lie are invariably successful?

I presumed that, long time ago, I posted a piece here, stating that those who Lie Habitually are politically very successful.
I surveyed my site but could not locate that piece or a similar piece.
I think, when I deleted all the politically sensitive pieces about 5 years ago, I have deleted that piece.

I think it is worthwhile revisiting that issue, not due to any particular reason.

By the way, this blog site's main objective is to promote Linux and make 10% of computer (PC) users use Linux by 2025.

It is currently hovering at 5%.

Coming to lies and politicians;
1. Subtle lie is the main political currency.

2. It is global in nature but in Ceylon, it is preveland from the time of SWRD (1956).

It started with changing the official language with in 24 hours.

3. Then we had the Sirima Sastri Pact.

3. Followed by the Dharamista Samajaya and a postal stamp to validate it.

4. Then, we had Ata Uta (eight types of grains) every day of the year.

5. Last successful lie was true racial integration under Chandrika from North to South to Center

6. The true racial integration lead to prolonged war with both sides registering undisclosed number of casualties.

7. Then we had the almost full recovery of the ecomy through taking loans to counter earlier loans.

8. Last is Total and Global recovery within a short period of time.

Political party who are good at lying invariably come to power.
Since NPP/JVP came to power with absolute majority, I believe that they were very successful in their global lies.

In other words, their lies surpasses all the 7 categories of lies mentioned above.

Im my opinion there is no room left in Apaya or Hell for these guys. 

They would probably have a get together in Hell after their demise.
That is for a "Global Lie Conference".

Naming the lies are OK but naming those politicians who successfully lie is inappropriate.
I hope NPP/JVP would be successful in this global strategy.
Problem is that the citizen's have to wait for nearly 4 years (one year before the next election) to realize that the above statements are Eternal Truths and not a Grand Lie.

Only The Corrupt Stay in Politics
I was following the American election with one thing in mind.
Will the Americans (both Democrats and Republicans) change from War Mongering to Peaceful Global Existence?

War is in American blood, the simple answer to the question raised is BIG NO.
I come from a country where we fought internecine war brought on by India for 35 odd years and I hate War.
The end result is our coffers are empty and we are no better than a sub-Saharan country, while the war mongers pilfered everything out of this country.
I think the Corona Virus pandemic was something welcome (low death rate) and ordinary citizens started coming to senses and coming back to basic human values without discrimination.
From nowhere America brought a War on Ukraine using a puppet actor
In our country minority raised against the majority but in Ukraine majority raised against the minority Russians.
That did not leave any room for Russia to sit and wait.
This War was started by America in 2014 with EU abetting.

Over 50% of the arms delivered to Ukraine is going elsewhere including to African subcontinent.
That is the American Design since Senate cannot approve them without oversight.
There is bipartisan support to pour in more and more weapons to Ukraine. 

Original idea was regime change in Russia.

For their part Russians did not meddle in US politics.

They knew whichever party comes to power Russo-Phobia will continue. 
On the contrary Russia is self sufficient in Oil, Gas, Food and Vodka whereas West is reeling with Economic Crisis.
Come Winter 2024 Germany, Italy and France are in dire straights.
UK is no different and seems to be the worst affected.
Coming back to today's topic:
Only The Corrupt Stay in Politics
I have to refine this statement bit further by saying that the corrupt take up politics and stay in politic for ever.

This is totally against the management policy, I used to a talk lot  about, many moons ago, "The Total Quality Management" training to which on a latter day was added the term "Equal Opportunity".

It looks like Quality does not apply to politicians of all colours and shades.

The basic ingredient is corruption.

I used to apply this only to developing countries and it looks like, the West is catching up fast, especially the Americans.
Just look at the amount of money the Democratic Governors added to the mid term elections (bills).

They are never accounted for  and they come as donations and are free from TAXES.

It is staggering high and they are openly boasting about it.
Whereas, the election officials who work over 8 hours are not paid enough to meet their family needs.
Of course, they cannot take trade union action to represent their needs.
Just giving a few old computers, poorly networked is not going to help. 

Actually the computers are a hindrance.
The American system is bizarre.
It takes weeks for the final result to come out.
They have no appetite for simplifying the process.
I will highlight only a few.
It takes days and weeks to count the ballot.
That leaves ground for malpractices.

If this method is applied in Ceylon we will have twice the number of registered ballot papers counted in a given polling station.

We know how to engineer elections.
We had a President who changed ballot boxes that come from the North of the country and exchanged for new and original ballot boxes (with marked ballot parers) in Air (I mean in helicopters and his security guys saying "Yes Sir" ).

In another event,
My father in law who passed away  3 months before the election came back from heaven and voted for a female president (on her second coming).

My father in law who was a teacher in Comparative Religion was so devoted to his duty he even voted as an absentee voter.
I was privy to this incident and verified this incident and made a formal complaint Nothing happened.
In my case I did not register for 20 years so nobody could steal my vote and I worked hard to get the National Identity Card as a prerequisite for getting the ballot paper to vote.
By the way, a current MP in parliament and his wife have multiple ID cards.

There are currently about 20 MPs who are ineligible to become a MP due to dual citizenship are enjoying the parliamentary privileges.

I call them political prostitutes.
The parliamentary secretary who is a Public Servant never checks or verify these facts, even though he is assigned for these jobs.
Then there is a Guy who is a total alcoholic and scrounger in parliament. 

For over 30 years he is a list MP.
He has the gift of the gab only when he has three times the legal level of alcohol in his blood.
He replenishes, it from the parliament bar.

His salary is not enough to pay the alcohol bill and other members pour him enough to get his tongue twisted to the need of the one who pours (other members) the drink (who is unable to speak for self).

With my management skills I can detect all the loopholes in a System of Voting whether paper based or digital.
It is common sense but I won't volunteer the US Government to detect any system faults.

I am totally against the vote in absentia (absentee ballot) for very good reasons unless he or she is working in essential services (really speaking this is also not necessary- one can give half a day break on full pay) on the day of the election.
Equally the elections should be done on day light hours of a non-working (either Sunday or Saturday) day.
The bottom line is that the process should be simple to administer and it is visible to the voter at the time of the voting. 

In Ceylon we have done all that is required to get the system in order.

Can you guess the final outcome?

The voter interest dropped to 60% from 80%.
We love corruption and the moment it is eliminated people lose interest in voting.
Our current president lost his seat in the last popular election.
He has (list MP by default) devised an ingenious (legally dubious) method to manipulate his entry into the parliament and catapult into becoming the President in 10 days.
I do not know what a crime I have done in my previous life to call him our president?

My resolution never to be born again in Ceylon.

The Americans have a lot to learn from our system, I beg them to make it MORE corrupt, so that only the corrupt ascends in power, like in Ceylon.

In that scenario, Democrats are the most corrupt on this planet.
That is why they have sent an investigative team to Ukraine, to do weapon inspection.
What a bright idea after 9 months of shoddy deals and pilfering? 

Ukraine is second only to America in corrupt arms deals.
America always comes on top or first in corruption.
60% arms are sold in the black market and the Ukrainians want more and more arms and the war to go on for ever.

Americans love war and no diplomacy is needed.
In America Diplomacy is Dead Meat and they want live ammunition to hunt each other, preferably in global scale.
But Putin does not believe in live rounds, his general believes in "to rain in" rockets, some experimental in design for better one to come in a later time, on the course of events, in the history of this globe.

LIE Detection Tape or PACHA Tape

This is a million dollar investment plan.

While I was doing a chapter on "Lies and Alcohol" and how an  alcoholic confabulator creates, an instantaneous lie for the next draft of tot.

The idea of lie detector came first.

It is to insert a "Lie Detection Tape on Our Politicians, starting with Wira Wansa.

Now we are manufacturing Face Masks for the entire globe, only a little modification to the manufacturing technique can achieve my goal, for two reasons.

It needs to be mandated how long one can wear a mask.

In my belief   it should be only 20 minutes.

The second is how to dispose it without causing environmental pollution.

My design of the Lie Detection has a color code inserted to the Face Mask..

White illuminance for truth.

Red for a While Lie.

Green for neutral conversation.

It should be located around the mouth and within seconds of a lie, it should dissolve into the mouth with a bitter taste.

One need not cut the tip of the tongue to get Kasthuri (Universal Medicine) out of an offending guy or girl.

This should not be allowed domestically, since the institution called marriage will not last.

In any case one need not wear a mask at home.

The first million doses or million batch should be given to Anthony Fausi for his consumption.

He is a Lie Factory and he has to finish the lot in one day for the million lies he uttered for China to go  scot free on Coronavirus origin.

One can modify this and copyright is left free.

If we use this technique in the next general election and the same old guys get elected we can say this country has only liars and we only love lies like a confabulating alcoholic.

By the way all our politicians are alcoholics and lying is their professional trade mark.

We need not have television to propagate propaganda of lies.


Origin of Lies

I did a little research recently to see at what stage when children start to lie. With my experience of children under 12 who were at one stage or another sick, I never felt children (unlike adults) lie either with symptoms or complaints, especially when they are in hospital.

For that matter the best history of appendicitis was obtained from a child under five, who happened to be one of my professors youngest child.

It was a textbook history.

As a medical student I made my diagnosis without a hitch.

He said, the pain was there and it is here now, pointing to the left iliac fossa. I gently kept my hand over the iliac fossa and looked at his face to see his reaction which was one of fear. I did not probe anymore but called the senior guy on call. Next thing that happened was I was given the task of explaining to him the evolving scenario.

I decided not to lie but to explain in simple English the next stage of the hospital stay.

I explained my own terms that we need to take a little finger (appendage) like thing inside his tummy out without any further do and he will be out of hospital soon. We would like to do that in his sleep and he would not feel any pain or discomfort.

Then, when he wakes up, his tummy would be little sore with a big plaster over a little cut where he had pain before.

Without much a do we took him to the operating theater and all went well in a matter of hours.

Mixing words with no meaning is probably the beginning of Grand Old Lies and it is Grand Old Party Symbol of Ceylon.

Sometimes, it is the grand old grandfather who confabulates even without a bit of spirits to elevate his moody moods of old age. With senile dementia catching up with age there is no return to reality of young age. He has already forgotten childcare and his childhood memories.

My maternal grandpa was a real gent but my paternal grandpa was a different kettle of fish who was indifferent and messed up with his life and health in general. He had frequent hospital admissions. I had to go and see him in hospital ever so often.

The fairy tales (with tails tagged) often of religious verbosity from Church, Temple, Kovil and Mosque that insinuate the young minds are an extension of the Lies and Life in particular.

Then we have the teachers, lawyers and politicians adding their bit to the global trading of lies. 

Every Tom and Dick take their appropriate place in our history.

Sometimes, the history itself is a grand old lie concocted long after the demise of the Kings and the Queens.

Sometimes, it is the religion, sometimes it is the race and sometimes it is the about the Kings and Queens.

The young kid begins to realize it is the way of life of adults and why not I emulate the basic traits.

At least till the age of 3 years, children do not have the traits of lies mapped in their brains or in their genes.

It is the very environment with the mother and the father adding their little tales like you came out from the belly button that initiate the grand old lies.

I often begin to think, even inside the uterus, the foetus hears a good dose of lies and he or she is not immune to, in his or her fluid environment that transmit sounds and ultrasounds very well.

The adults who invent and invest on lies and soon he or she begins to realize that to get a good school and then later to become a politician the concepts of lies is the fundamental prerequisite.

From home to preschool to national school lies get bigger and bigger and better and better and the entire country is ridden with lies.

The story that a kid was lost in a balloon illustrates the fact that, given the opportunity the kids do not lie. 

The little kid spilled the beans when he said, “We did it for a show”.

At the beginning it was for publicity but later the very survival of the story was at jeopardy.

With the election campaign in hot pursuit we must train the next generation of kids to lie and not get caught like the kid in America. 

We must send our kids to America to make Americans learn the tricks of the trade.

Lie Detection

If you live in a country where everybody lies, it is very easy to get sucked up by the smaller lies.

Our media and daily papers are very good at it.

They call it editing.

The editors of our local papers lie for their investors and for political convenience.

They best way to avoid lies is not to listen to daily media news or daily news papers.

I have been doing that for few years to gather my childhood sanity back into my life and home.

The first day of my working life was a big lie.

It was a police officer who lied to me.

His consorts were public health inspector, the village headman, school teacher, coroner and a few others.

All of them were involved in the killing of the local thug except perhaps the coroner.

I later added a few magistrates, into this list.

It was my postmortem labourer who guided me.

He said all of them are liars and not to trust them.

From that day I coined a phrase, “that everything in my working life is a lie until proven otherwise”.

One has to be paranoid about it.

Our lawyers are trained to lie from birth.

That is why they take up that profession.

I will finish with a true story.

To keep you excited, I will not tell you why this guy lied.

I had a brief practice in Kandy.

One day a guy came  the local residency.

I was new to this locality then and I did not know anybody except the pharmacist.

I visited a few pharmacies and tendered my signature and telephone number for verification (standard practice abroad).

This guy wanted whole body X-rays.

I declined and ordered only a chest X-ray and asked him to come back with films.

He did the next day and it was OK and I told him if you need more X-rays for the money tendered, I could order an I.V.P and that will clear any kidney problems.

Idea was to put him off with needles and because of his insistence ordered an abdominal X-rays and a nasty purgative to go with it.

From the first day, I had figured out this guy was an impostor of some sort.

Few days later he came back with the abdominal X-rays but it was of very poor quality with lot of gas shadows and he had not taken the purgative as proscribed.

It confirmed my suspicion.

Then he laid out the biggest lie of his time to me stating they went to Ratnapura and the vehicle crashed. between Kegalle and Ruwanwella.

I asked him the exact location of the crash and put him under duress and he could not.

I had worked in Ratnapura and Kegalle and I knew every possible accident prone location but his location was not verifiable.

I declined telling him a liar but asked my wife about the family and she told me not to trust them.

His father was a bogus M.E.P. candidate in my current locality.

I refused anymore full body X-rays and a week later, I got a call from Australia purported to be his relative and an engineer.

I point blank told him that he was a liar and cannot be an engineer in Australia.

Australians, particularly engineers, except perhaps (recent) cricketers are not liars, I told him.

Later, I figured out their plan was to get Visa under political victimization (they did not want to use JVP label but MEP was an easy victim).

That brings me to politics and our politicians are the best liars in the world.

Wait till the next Presidential election more lies will be laid down (RIP) and the biggest liar will win.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Distortion of Birth Story of Buddha

Distortion of Birth Story of Buddha

I am not a Buddhist academician but my basic knowledge permits me to voice this opinion, for record.

Buddha would not be born in a small country like Ceylon

If Ceylon was a big land mass as is stated in Dravidian Lemuria, this status would have changed, a lot but that is indeed a prehistoric story which may be millions of years old or at least 20,000 years, old.

Buddha was born little over 2600 years ago, long after the historical land mass change. 

He was supposed to have made three Foot Prints.

One in India, most likely in Lumbini or in Nepal.

One in Ceylon, Samnela or Adam's Peak.

One in Medina of Middle East.


This is stated in the "Gatha" my mother used to recite.


"Yannam padaya Nadiya Puline Che Theire (? Magada)

Yan Sathcha Buddha Girike Sumana Che Lagge (Ceylon)

Yannattha Yonaka Pure (Medina) Munisocha Padan

Than (Three) Pada Lannchana Mahan Sirasa Namami"

These guys and girls who have never read or studied Ceylon history, including the Guy who is posted by the Catholic Church as the Kaleniye Chanachara (Mostly Gnana Vicara.

 He recites in Sinhala) are a disgrace to colossal Pali Texts.

Please study Pali Texts before posting on the Web for advertisement for certain individuals.

This is pertinent, since the current President said in his first speech to the parliament (This is doctored and erased by AI technology used by the Media) Anagamika Rajjayak (means religion-less state).

In fact, in their policy statement to entice Tamils, they used this terminology, well before the election. 

This piece in not written for descent but as a recording for future reference, which would outlast my life by may more years.

Are you willing or unwilling partners in Conspiracy?

Thursday, September 22, 2016
Are you willing or unwilling partners in Conspiracy?

I think we all are due to many reasons.

My book on “Conspiracies in Religion, Politics and Science” was written with that in mind.

When I write a book, I prefer the digital version (it saves trees) since it is going to outlast my life.

This book was an exception, I deliberately avoided the digital version.
I want it to be somewhere (unlike my other books) in a library, school or "parts of it reproduced", even on newsstand or pass the book from hand to hand.
I have only scratched the surface
Idea is for it to used to base more elaborate studies.
If not the rot we had been in will continue for another century.
Initial idea was to expose the medical profession and how drug companies conspire to hoodwink initially doctors and later through doctors the worldwide masses.
Late Professor Senaka Bibile’s death was the beginning.

Upali Wijewardane’s death may be another (I am not sure), the chocolate industry.

For the  40 years we have not produced any outstanding personalities in this country.


There is illegal organ transplantation (I have not discussed this in my book) and illegal drug trafficking are the issues I have deliberately ignored in this book.

Those are two areas nobody will venture into write a book.

But when I realized that conspiracy is universal, even in rocket science (in science, religion and politics) and in human genes, I feel my effort was worthwhile.

That was not the original intention.
I want the malpractices in medical field exposed.
I can now say “we are not alone" (medical guys), the phrase that is used to indicate the existence of alien life.
The next question that comes to my mind, are the aliens conspire or the aliens learned it from us, especially USA.

Reverse Engineering of Alien Artifacts

Reverse Engineering of Alien Artifacts

This piece is critical analytical and Down to Earth, as it were. 

This is actually the reiteration of my beliefs as a raw Medical Student, 50 years ago. 

Then, I had only 20 questions in my mind, of course after retirement it expanded  to about 40.

We are one gravity, 3 dimensional vertical beings not adopted to living in space.

Our brain's C.S.F system would hold us upside down for a few moments and long stay upside down makes us disorientated and our decision making capability declines.

We cannot tolerate Himalayas and not even deep sea diving on our own planet.

On top of that, we have to sleep 8 hours a day and we need at least 3 people to man a spaceship on a long tour. 

That adds to the mass of the rocket and we did not have rockets to thrust three of them to moon in 1960s.

The most we can tolerate is 100 miles above the earth atmosphere, and that is also, for about one hour. 

Elon Musk be cognizant of these biological facts!

Philip J Corso did not expand on the Van Allen Belt and radiation sickness but he said radiation was used to sterilize consumable food.

My other contribution is we have only 50 cell cycles, from fertilization until we die and that score is rigid and final. 

We can shorten it but never prolong it.

I do not proscribe to the view that aliens created us.

The aliens have to work from worm to fruit fly to gorilla, long time before coming to homo-sapiens.

We have 2500 core proteins that extend from Caenorhabditis elegans, the elegant worm to fruit fly to the Gorilla and to us. 

There is is 95% to 98% homogenesity and that is where this homohenesity gives credence to the slow but systematic evolution of mankind.

Gorilla has 48 chromosomes and we humans have 46.

The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans is a small, relatively simple, and precisely structured organism. The anatomy of its development has been described in extraordinary detail, and one can map out the exact lineage of every cell in the body

Humans have 46 chromosomes, whereas chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan have 48. This major karyotypic difference was probably caused by the fusion of two ancestral chromosomes to form human chromosome 2 and subsequent inactivation of one of the two original centromeres.

The real crunch point of the matter is our astronauts live up to the age of 80s without radiation sickness.

There is no place in American democracy to guys like Bert Sibert who said something happened on our way to the moon. 

I am glad I was not born in America or Canada where fake news rule.

I think Russian knew Americans were bluffing but the American for their own sake projected it on Russian failures. 

Of course, Russians were mindful that the biggest threat to them come from America. 

So they perfected supersonic missiles long before Americans and they are using them curently in Ukraine.

Spaceships and anti-gravity lifts do not fall into my radar.

Robert Bigelow, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp are in the loop.

Arthur (Art) William Bell, the founder and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program, Coast to Coast was the one who brought them to air or radio from a far away place, as far as from Philippines.

David Grusch, the C.I.A guy does not fall into them but Ross Coulthard, the journalist has a place.

This is based on General Philip J Corso's revelations but I have my own insinuations.

American Scientists are shy to say that the inappropriately rapid advances made in science are due to reverse engineering of retrieved crashed alien crafts.
It is mysterious how they crashed, if alien technology was superior.
1. Number one for me is Genetic Engineering as a medical man.
2. The crafts were operated by EBENs or biological entities and not real beings like humans.
3. They were AI beings with artificial brains and could be spared if they were to be captured by humans.
That sounds reasonable.
4. Transistors were very big when we crafted them but alien transistors were thin and microscopic..
5. Their integrated circuits were microscopic and now, we are beginning to make small circuits of 7 to 9 nanometers thick.
6. Fiber-optics
7. Night Vision Goggles
8. Laser technology 
9. Imaging devices
10. Anti-gravity we are still struggling.
11. Single atom molecular fabrication 
12. Metals in the range of 115.
13. May be our cellphone is the real modification of the AI gadget they carried to communicate with the mother planet.
14. Micro silicone technology.
15. Artificial Intelligence.
I hate AI but the Whisper AI is pretty good.
I asked for 50 or more Linux utilities and I got them without referring to Wikipedia. 
But there were duplicate entries.
16. The Language of Communication or information transfer.
17. Teleporting
18. Telepathy
19. Mind Control
20. Cloning of beings, injured spontaneously.
21. Regeneration of crafts damaged by human scaler technology.

22. There are reports to the effect on Mir capsule. The astronauts had bone marrow depression, wasting or muscle weakness and bone dissolution.

23. It is postulated that the upper chamber of the alien craft is protected from Radiation by the property of the metal used. 
Even EBENs can be effected by radiation.

How are we going to protect our astronauts on a mission to Mars?

The Uncertainty Principle rules the world and MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction is a Reality.

We are Level Zero Civilization and before we reach Level One we are going to decimate ourselves with American help.

Zelensky is only a proxy.

This is posted before NATO meeting and UK elections.

The list can go on!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Chinaman, My New Book

Chinaman, My New Book

I do not run short of ideas to write.

The latest is the Chinaman in cricketing parlance, the left arm unorthodox spin.

But this piece is not about cricket but about China and Chinese.

My relationship with Chines is ambivalent.

Ever since Ma Ra regime brought down Chines prostitutes to Ceylon (I was not the spoke person for Ceylonese prostitutes), there was love an hate relationship with China and its people.

Aggravated by Chinese invasion of Tibet.

Mao Zedong systematically destroyed all Buddhist monasteries in China on the pretext of destroying Opium Trade which was started by the British.

To begin with I do not like the Harmony OS and Harmony Chip that originate from China.

Chinese can never master Linux

Their language is pictorial not based on English alphabet and cannot the decipher Linux Base.

The book on Linux Fundamentals is on editing stage and it is an academic exercise.

I would protect Linux ideas in this book.

All the Linux hearsay ideas which cannot be included in this book would be included in the book named Chinaman. 

If at all, Chinese will destroy the Code Base of Linux.

Cyber security from Chinese influence is paramount for Linus Torvalds.

That is my heightened grouse. 

Then there are Chinese massage parlors.


Chinese Medicine




Belt and Road

Chinese Fried Rice

Food Addictives 

No Chinese food in our kitchen 

The bottom line is I have almost become vegetarian now. Ceylon Tea, Jaffna Walpanam (bananas) and Curd (I have got used to a type of Chinese Yoghet Drink) are my vegetarian base.

Despise all Chinese food with Ajinamoto.

We suffered from Chines restaurant syndrome in UK. We coined this syndrome in England in early 1980s. 

We used to get a irritating headache after Emglish  Beer and Chinese food.

Of course, Italy winning world cup in 1982, I became addicted to Pizza, Ravioli, Patsa and all types of Italian food.

Olive Oil was the latest addition to the meal.

Olive oil is supposed to be good for one's heart.

I never had headaches with Pilsner, Lion Larger, Three Coins and other beers in Ceylon.

By the way, I was a Gin and Tonic guy with snooker and billiards as side dishes.

No alcohol after retirement except occasionally on a birthday party.  

It stared with stopping smoking in 1979 after landing on the plane to England. 

I forget even the names of cigarettes, of yesteryear.

Bristol ? 2 or 3 ? Aces (card tricks) Indian ??? Simla.


Best Beers of Ceylon

9 – Lion Strong Beer. 8.8%. A yellow, strong pilsner-like brew. Not my favourite, but drinkable.

8 – Baron’s Strong Brew. 8.8%. Grainy and malty, a bit rough. Now brewed in Singapore.

7 – Carlsberg Special Brew. 8.8%. Pretty much the same as Lion Strong Beer taste-wise.

6 – Grand Blonde. 8.8%. Clear gold beer, with alcohol burn but a bit smoother than some.

5 – Three Coins Lager. 4.8%. ‘The ‘all malt beer.’

4 – Bison XXXTRA Strong. 8.0% (Now brewed at 8.8%). Cool name, somewhat sweet.

3 – Lion Lager. 4.8%. Smooth, clean, a bit of hop bite.

2 – 3C Irish Dark. 7.5%. Amber, malty, heady beer. Sadly this Three Coins is not currently brewed.

1 – Lion Stout (Sinha Stout) 8.8%. Always great.

The beer world in Ceylon has changed a bit since my visit. 

That Bison beer that used to be ‘only’ 8.0% is no surprise, surprise, 8.8%! 

My beloved Three Coins beers are also now mostly retired or not currently being brewed by the new company that owns them.



Gompertz Function and Curve

Gompertz Function and Curve
It is fitting to finish my blog function as a Gompertz curve.

My blog function started slowly, then had an exponential growth and tailed off.

The war in Ukraine and my antagonism to American Proxy War made me to come out of hibernation and bring out the Dhamma Principle of Uncertainty of life in the battle field.

American propaganda is now in decline with impending colossal loss to the Democratic Party.

This episode did not follow the Gompertz function.

There is no mathematical equation for catastrophe

The Gompertz function was domain of actuaries who were interested in risk of death.

Currently it is manifested in stock market and its eventual fall.

It has three variables a, b and c.
These variables follow calculus model.

But the curve is in two axis of x and y and is very simply informative.

I hated calculus since my interest was physics with motion and constants without a real time dimension and even exploding into 4th and 5th dimensions.

I also hate statistical bell shape curve model which cannot be expressed in Gompertz's terms. 
On surface, the outliers and the middle portion shows similar behaviour but the gradients of outliers are unnatural and acute or sharp.

Insurance companies fear death that means payment and loss of capital.

Their obsession is the risk of death.

The lower the risk of death and higher the number of young people included in the protocol better their profits.

They calculate the risk for each age group and determine the premium that has to be paid.

The large pension schemes also use the Gompetz Function for its investment plans.

This is where I have my reservation for private pension schemes.

The Gomperz curve has a universal claim away from its original death and actuaries.

Tumour growth, cell culture growth and bacterial growth follow Gompertz function but they have more variables than the 3 in the said curve.

That is why I love it.

Abortion Rate in Ceylon

This function can be used to derive the real growth, putative growth and what is reported by the Health Ministry (reported to WHO) of the Abortion Rate in Ceylon.

I am going to propose a lucrative proposal to our Health Minister (better known as a thug) a money making industry in Ceylon.

In some states of America abortion is prohibited by law. 
In this proposal American supposed to be illegally pregnant women should be allowed free Visa to visit Ceylon on holiday.

By the way, abortion is illegal in Ceylon and nobody had been persecuted for this offense for over 70 years.

The doctors and guys and girls  involved in this industry have ways and means to bypass the law.

Thankfully, in my discipline I have not seen a single case except still births. 
However, forensic guys see more of the bizarre cases like the putative father a Catholic or Buddhist priest and unnatural death.

For the equation the variables are;

1. Naturally occurring abortions. 
Factor a.

2. Illegal abortions by non professional guys and girls. 
Factor b.

3. Legal abortions performed in the public sector and private sector institutions. Factor c.

Abortion is a lucrative industry in Ceylon.

My observation is that the average age of first pregnancy is 28 in Ceylon which is 12 years above western estimates.

Are you going to say our girls are poor virgins till 28?

Even in prison women become pregnant in Ceylon.
There is current MP who went to prison making an underage girl pregnant
There is another popular singer who went to prison raping an underage girl.

This is probably common among this industry here and abroad.

Infertility is very high in Ceylon and that is related to poor post abortion care and Fallopian tube infections.

We cannot apply this to moral or Buddhist background. 
What I know is Buddhist monks have made young women pregnant and they are the first category to promote this industry.

If we apply the available data in Ceylon we are unlikely to see the Gompartz behaviour.

So my premise is by using this curve we can show how far away the putative number deviates from the real biological trend.

It is difficult but a worthwhile candidate for a PhD thesis.

The real problem is women keep numb about (more secretive than virginity) abortions and under report episodes.

Prerequisite for the study is to evaluate the less than desirable openness in reporting (rather lack of reporting incidents)

The number of Tele Drama episodes over the past 70 years is an indirect indication of the prevalence of legal and illegal abortions in Ceylon.

This is not about Truth Factor but about Validity of  Data Collection in planing for this industry.

Currently it is ad hoc.

ChatGPT an AI instrument are valid tools for deriving the trend so that proper pre-event education of the vulnerable souls.

This is my last piece and I hope the reader use discretion and empathy on this issue and evade religious and cultural stigma which is a significant  barrier to objective analysis.

That is why I suggest one should do a PhD on Sociological Grounds, like the study of suicide in Ceylon.

Suicide is linked to this issue.

I will not discuss this matter in future even if a guy or girl who wants advice before diving deep.

Absolutely no comments here on this site.

Now what is the difference from accounting?

Accountants are interested in taxes and capital gains and how to evade payment to government coffers.

Gompertz function is not attractive to them.

Tax rates are arbitrary in Ceylon.