Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tested Three Linux Distributions MXLinux, Suse and Fedora

All three are liberal with their FREE iso images but MX-Linux/KDE tops the list.

Fedora is based with Gnome and it has reasonable number of applications on first install.

I did not install them but tested on Box Utility.

Suse Leap is not Live but install only.

What is good about Box Utility is one can run it several times and lean the techniques each distribution uses when installing a distribution.

Going head on installing a completely new distribution unless it is on a spare or external drive is not the correct way about. I have done it thousands of times and I have made mistakes especially like a distribution that comes from China like DeepIn that destroyed my only pare external Disk drive.

I remember those things and events for life and I will never use DeeIn. 

Besides, there are lot of good Linux distributions out there and time tested. 

I have finished my book Linux fundamentals but editing and typing mistakes are taking a long time and a toll. 

But I carry on regardless.

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