Sunday, August 11, 2024

Kwin and KDE

I have decided to revisit KDE experience from Gnome setting and say only Good things about KDE.

I know it is slow to respond (from my NUC) from Gnome base but I think I am missing a lot of Utilities from Rhythm Box to K3B to Gemini suite.

My advice for a guy or girl who comes from Windows background is to go for Kwin Window Manager and KDE Desktop. 

If YOU are in Gnome Go to Synaptic Package Manager and select Kwin and KDE utilities and select the application you need after completion of KDE install.

Everyhing is configured for you and one need not bother or fiddle with configuration files.

IF you need lot of rendering, Tiling and Stacking, one has to go for a good Graphic Card, not necessarily of the new generation.

I did not like Kile.

Dolphin is pretty Good.

Discover is pretty good.

What about Kdenlive.

What about Spectacle.

Super Tux and Tux Racer.

One could install Gnome utilities too like, Brasero , SMP Player, Celluloid, MPV, Clapper and many more.

It has a graphic installer from which one can pick and choose additional applications and uninstall that are duplicates (having the same function).

The application is Discover and there is no Krun.

Dolphin file manager is pretty good.

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