Friday, July 5, 2024

Listen to Richard Stallman on YouTube

Listen to Richard Stallman on YouTube

Having Listen to Richard Stallman on YouTube, I have erased Ubuntu vestige in my NUC and installed the fourth copy of Debian Gnome.

By the way, except for testing I rarely use Ununtu.

Do not try Calamara but go to the old Graphic Installer of Debian. Calamara is Debian independent installer.

Debian minimum requirement are;

1GB of RAM.

6GB of hard disk

Root permission to Install (on the hard disk).

Use Gparted to partition the disk.

/boot of 725 MB

/root of 13GB

/home of 4GB

2 swap partitions are already, there.

no var

LibreOffice is already there.

I added (all these are not available for Ubuntu in SNAP packages). 

That is the very reason for erasing Ubuntu.

1. AbiWord

2. Stacer

3. Ranger

4. Notepadqq

5. Red Note Book 

6. Gparted

7. Gnome Pie

8. Software, Already there

9. Synaptic Package Manager, already there

10. VLC

11. GIMP

12. Bleachbit

13. KDE Spectacle

14. Kdenlive

I have 0.5GB left in the root file (warning has already come) and 3.5GG left in my home folder.

That is it.

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